
Chapter 2

In an instant and a blink of an eye, the surroundings shifted into darkness and bizarrely transformed into a different place. 

Gaussian swiftly rose to his feet and looked around. He was then astonished to find himself in a somewhat familiar place.

"I recognize this place!"

The same vast plain land, the full moon casting its radiant glow over the area, and the eerie sensation of tranquility and emptiness.

"If I am not wrong, this place was the same place in my unsettling nightmare from earlier!"

 "B-But how can this be?"

His eyes then squinted, intrigued by the disappearance of the unknown individual. He found himself filled with curiosity.

"Add to it. Where was he?"

Not long after, a snapping sound suddenly reverberated from his rear, prompting him to swiftly turn around. 

As he fully turned, he saw a tealight candle flickering. 

The next moment, on the other side of the tealight candle, approximately three feet apart from each other, another tealight candle ignited.


Following through, on both sides of the tealight candle, sputtered a steady line of tealight candles, stretching up to a maximum distance of twenty feet. Then, at the end of the tealight candles, the Jinn was displayed fiercely struggling to break free from the corroded chains.

Subsequently, a loud voice echoed in every direction: "The Jinn shall remain contained..."

Obviously, that voice belonged to the unknown individual, who then continued, "But I can only assure you of that if you agree upon my request..."

"A request?" Gaussian confusedly inquired.

"You see that dagger underneath you?"

Gaussian look underneath and immediately saw the dagger to which the unknown individual was referring.

It seemed to be made from a sharpened obsidian rock. Add to that, the dagger isn't a normal one as it is coated with crimson flames.

"Pick it up," the unknown individual commanded.

Upon observing the dagger closely, Gaussian displayed a cautious attitude towards it.

"How can I pick this up? It is coated with fire."

"Just pick it up." The unknown individual commanded.

Gaussian with no other choice, gradually pick the dagger up. To his amusement, his hands didn't burn as of what he had feared. He couldn't feel pain, and not even a single scratch charred his hands.

'My hands! It didn't burn! ' 

Following that, he turned his head upward and raised the dagger and inquired to the unknown individual, "I have picked it up. What should I do next?"

". . ."

". . ."

"What should I do next?"


Several minutes had elapsed, and Gaussian had not received any response. He perceived a sense of disquieting stillness in the air, which produced an eerie atmosphere.

He felt a sense of unease due to the unusual silence, almost as if he could sense an impending storm following a period of calm weather.

"I do not like this kind of feeling..." he quietly muttered to himself. 

Gathering his breath, he yelled, "Excuse me, what should I do next?"

"Even if this is a nightmare. I just have to tell you that I am not afraid of any demons!... But may I know what your intentions are?"

". . ."

But then again, he received no response.

'Is he snobbing me on purpose, or what? '


That same moment, the Jinn suddenly exhibited and increased aggression. After a few seconds, the tightly bound chains restraining the Jinn suddenly broke apart—


—allowing it to break free from being restraint. 

Upon liberating itself, the Jinn released a resounding scream, leaving Gaussian completely flabbergasted.

Gaussian is in complete terror.

Gaussian gathered a deep breath and gently shut his eyes, endeavoring to pacify his thoughts, fixating on a singular idea encapsulated within his mind.

'A bad dream! Right! Don't fear this sh*t! This is just a bad dream! This is not true at all! This is just an illusion!'

'God is just testing me!'

However, upon opening his eyes, he unexpectedly found himself startled, as the Jinn was already standing directly before him.



Later on, in a matter of seconds, a rushing blow from the Jinn's fists, composed of dark clouds, quickly swirled right through his body.



The force of the blow sent him through the air, causing him to rebound off a distance of no more than ten feet before plunging into the solid surface with a sickening crash.


Gaussian was lying on the ground in a prone position, with heavy bruises on his face. He was visibly struggling to rise to his feet and regain his composure.

"Huff - Huff!"

"Ghkk! T-that is so strong, as if my body got pounded by a hundred-pound metal pipe."

The impact of Jinn's attack inflicted a stinging sensation, penetrating deeply into his circulatory system. He felt an intense pain throughout his body, most notably concentrated on his right side, which he was holding tightly. 

After a few moments, he vomits blood, indicating the severity of the ceature's attack.



Then his breathing intensified, causing discomfort in his chest and heavy fatigue. However, despite the discomfort and fatigue he felt, he chose to overcome them. He bit his lower lip, trying to keep his senses sharp and prevent unconsciousness. 

He gathered every ounce of his strength and forced himself to stand, trembling. Yet, as he fully rose to his feet, his vision abruptly became blurry. His eyes were half-closed and ready to fall into slumber. He could also feel numbness in his feet, which caused him to lose balance and start to fall once more. 

Yet, even though his body felt like it was losing the battle, his unyielding spirit emerged to fight and triumph.

'F*cking! , No! Don't sleep on this bad dream!'

With a strong will to live, he managed to hold himself up on his feet, although, in return, he felt an intense muscle spasm stinging in his calf.


"F*ck it!"


Enduring muscle spasm in his calf, he displayed visible signs of discomfort as veins protruded from his forehead.

However, he pushed himself to his limits, took deep breaths, and forced himself to move forward. As he moved, his body swayed from side to side, and with each step he took, his head became heavier and heavier.

Fatigue once again tugged at his eyelids, a relentless force pulling him toward the comforting embrace of slumber. It was accompanied by a numbing and intense pain coursing through his head.

'Am I gonna die?'

However, as he was about to fall into unconsciousness, A resounding and commanding voice reverberated through the air—

"Don't faint"

—abruptly interrupting his thoughts and causing a partial reawakening of his consciousness.

He immediately halted all motion and fixed his gaze straight ahead. To his astonishment, standing before him once again was the formidable Jinn, its fist swirling with menacing intensity, poised to deliver yet another forceful blow. 

This time, however, it was aimed directly at his face. 

'No, sh*t! This time, I'd be seriously dead if I got hit by its strike.'

However, a bewildering turn of events unfolded. The Jinn, as if subjected to an invisible force, abruptly ceased its attack, its fists mere inches away from his face. 

Only then did Gaussian take notice that a chain was shackling both of the creature's arms, rendering them completely incapacitated and unable to pursue its assault any further. 

The Jinn was then forcibly pulled away from him, and his gaze followed the direction in which it was being drawn. 

There, within the depths of the dark shadows, emanated a collosal luminescent eye. And beneath the colossal eye, a tall figure materialized, abruptly addressing him with a profound question: "You're alive?"

"Wow, you didn't die. Impressive for a mortal with a little soul of energy in him."

It was the unknown individual's voice who applauded Gaussian upon withstanding the Jinns attack. He then revealed himself alongside an immense companion. 

Gaussian then was struck with profound awe upon seeing the massive, monstrous companion of the unknown individual. 

"I-Is that the?..."

As much as he could recall, it was the same massive monster from his nightmares, the same loathsome being made from the woven patchwork of large stones.

"Ahh, right, you've already seen this buddy of mine from earlier," the unknown individual said as he strode towards Gaussian, meandering past the immobilized Jinn. 

Coming to an abrupt halt at a particular spot, he stooped down and picked up the dagger that Gaussian had dropped after receiving the Jinn's attack.

After picking up the dagger, he moved to the immobilized Jinn. Shortly, he raised the obsidian dagger, and without warning, he abruptly impaled it directly into the head of the Jinn.


In that moment, as the dagger pierced the head of the Jinn, its piercing scream reverberated like shattering glass throughout the surroundings.


The scream was so loud that it created a shock wave, causing Gaussian to collapse while desperately shielding his ears. 

'Ahhh! How loud can this creature scream?'

Later on, the unknown individual twisted the obsidian dagger. And as the dagger twisted, a spark emitted, and a vivid, intense crimson flame erupted from its blade, swiftly engulfing the Jinn's body, made of somber clouds, ablaze in crimson flame. 



This overwhelmed the Jinn, provoking an unequivocal response: an even more ear-piercing shriek echoed across the desolate surroundings. 

The scream of the Jinn was not just a simple scream but a manifestation of intense anguish and distress, resonating with bone-chilling intensity. 



Despite his best efforts to cover his ears, Gaussian found the piercing scream of the Jinn reverberating through his senses. 

"AHHHHH! F*ck, make it stop!!"


However, the unknown individual even more applied pressure to the dagger, pressing it deeply against the head of the Jinn, causing the blazing crimson flame to intensify. 



The creature's suffering increased with the intensification of the crimson flames, producing an unsettling pulsing sound that permeated the air, growing in volume with every passing second.

After a few moments...


The Jinn exploded in a fiery, blazing crimson flame, like a supernova explosion, sending a blast wave and a bright, blinding light into the area, partially blinding Gaussian.

It didn't take long for everything to return to normal. 

As Gaussian slowly regains his vision, his eyes flutter open, and he is surprised to find himself face-to-face with the unknown individual giving him a jerky smile while saying,  "So, how does it feel to be taken down with just one strike by a hollow creature, young man?" 

"You know. I know you can't defeat that Jinn. You are weak in your current state. Your soul energy is kind of limited."

Stepping backward, he then unveils a somber, solidified rock firmly held within his hand. This unusual stone emanates subtle tendrils of vapor and is shrouded by a vortex of obscure clouds.

"This is the covenants heart, a gift from the Sol itself that is bounded to you by fate" he said.

Suddenly, he takes a deep breath and leaves a thin line of silence in his surroundings for a few seconds. 

A moment later, he added, "By the power and grace of the Sol... this will be your heart from now on."


Once he said that, Gaussian suddenly felt a tight grip in his chest, finding himself gasping deeply for air.


'What is this? f-feels like... AGHKK! "

An exorcism circle unexpectedly radiates underneath him, accompanied by chains that abruptly bind both of his arms. As he raises his head, he perceives the unknown individual approaching him. 

"Young man..." he gently uttered while offering the somber, solidified rock from his hands. Then, a grin formed on his face when he reached Gaussian. He then added, "You are blessed."

After he said those words, the exorcism circle underneath Gaussian suddenly flashed a brilliant white light.


Gaussian was momentarily blinded, and there was nothing he could see. Soon after, a tickling noise echoes in his ears, along with an androgynous voice calling out his name.

"Gaus! Gaussian? Hey? Are you alright?"

Hearing the voice, Gaussian suddenly felt his head being vacuumed, pulling him into a new environment.

Soon after, he had his eyes broadening finding himself staring at an empty, white ceiling, feeling his body resting upon a plush of mattres, which provided him with a cocoon of comfort and tranquility. 

However, out of the blue, an abrupt transient vision struck—appearing in his mind: a fast-paced series of the previous events and scenarios that had happened before him. 

Then, there was a pause in such memories, rendering the entire scenario into stasis. 

As the seconds ticked by, his eyes suddenly fell upon a dark figure slowly emerging from the depths of darkness.

Its menacing purple eyes gaze-locked with Gaussian while emitting a haunting, deep, and raspy voice that echoed in every direction: 'They shall fear me!'

The resonating, haunting voice sent shivers down Gaussian's spine, causing his eyes to bulge in sheer astonishment. Yet, what struck him the most was when this dark figure's shroudy countenance suddenly glitched, transforming into his own face and sneering malevolently. 

It shook his soul.

But soon after, his uncanny other self's face, fractures, resembling a shattered gem, snaking and bifurcating in a disorganized pattern.


It reverberates, producing a burst and fragments that seem to mimic the discordant symphony of crystalline shards plummeting to the floor, joining a cacophony of fractured glass. 

The cracking and shattering noises intensify with every second, causing ear-splitting discomfort in his ears. At the same time, he could also hear a clear and masculine voice calling out to him, imbued with concern and urgency. 

"Gaus? Hey! Are you alright?"

It snapped him out of his sense, wrenching his thoughts back to his present reality.

To his right, stood an attractive man with a messy bun hairstyle. The man was wearing a dark polo shirt, blue jeans, and high-top khaki boots. He stood at a height of approximately five feet and six inches. 

Gaussian promptly shifted his attention to this man, his face scrunching with confusion. "K-Klayd?"

Then he quickly rose from the bed, scrutinizing his surroundings. He was confusingly boggled by the view. From the look of the place, the smell, and the atmosphere, he already knew where he was.

"What is this place? Is this a hospital room? Why am I here?"

He looked at Klayd with a serious face, asking him in a serious manner, "Have you seen a person wearing a white faceless mask?"

Klayd was confused by his inquiry. "Huh? A what? A person wearing a white faceless mask?" 

Klayd then tries to think of who Gaussian was referring to. After a few seconds, an idea pops into his mind. "A Jabbawockeez? Are you looking for the Jabbawockeez?" 

Gaussian quickly and firmly replied, somewhat desperate for an answer. "No! It was something... something else. It's like an evil being!"

Klayd's brows furrowed even more deeply in confusion. He shrugged his shoulders and then leaned closer to Gaussian. "Gaus! I've known you for years, and I've never seen you like this. Are you sure you're okay? Maybe you had a bad nightmare, man."

"No, Klayd," Gaussian insisted, his voice wavering slightly. 

Then he continued, elucidating, "I know what I saw. I also thought that was just a dream in the first place. But it wasn't just a dream or a figment of my imagination. 

I remember being in a different place, where this dark creature almost killed me. Then, this individual donned a white faceless mask appeared, and eventually... It killed that creature. 

For some unknown reason, I suddenly felt choked! ... and all I could hear was him saying something unclear. And then... Everything went flashy white!"

Klayd stared at Gaussian blankly. "O—kay?" 

Subsequently, he sighed softly, clearly trying to wrap his head around the situation. He knew Gaussian well enough to understand that he wouldn't make something like this up.

"Look, Gaus," Klayd began earnestly, placing a comforting hand on Gaussian's shoulder. 

"I believe you, even if I don't..."

"But yesterday, do you remember? You were drunk!—I mean, we were drunk!—have you forgotten that you consumed nearly fifteen bottles of beer and got into a fight in the club?"

Then, he gave a warm, friendly smile to Gaussian and continued his words, "Maybe you should know first what happened to you last night before we delve into these 'dark creatures' or whatever you see in your bad dreams—right?"