

Romansa Anak Muda
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  • 9 章
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What is FRENIA

WebNovel で公開されている、golden_sunrise01 の作者が書いた FRENIA の小説を読んでください。Frenia Ayu Lestari kerap dipanggil Nia oleh orang-orang. Nia sosok remaja yang pendiam,tertutup jika bukan orang yang memang dipercaya. Walapun seorang yang pendiam Nia memiliki suara yang bagus, jago...


Frenia Ayu Lestari kerap dipanggil Nia oleh orang-orang. Nia sosok remaja yang pendiam,tertutup jika bukan orang yang memang dipercaya. Walapun seorang yang pendiam Nia memiliki suara yang bagus, jago gitar, bisa dance, nulis juga tapi sayang nia sedari sekolah dasar selalu jadi korban perundungan sampai tidak punya teman sama sekali. Ada sih teman tapi ya hanya sekedar teman, bukan dekat juga tidak bertahan lama setelah itu menjauh dari sosok Nia entah apa alasanya tidak mau lagi berteman dengannya. Bahkan sampai saat ini pun masih menjadi korban perundangan di sekolah. Ia punya teman dekat setelah memasuki sma namun beda kelas yang bernama Indira Prameswari dipanggil indi atau dira orangnya berbeda jauh dari nia, indi orangnya begitu aktif dalam berbagai organisasi sekolah. Akibat dari perundungan yang selalu nia terima begitu depresi hingga menyakiti dirinya sendiri, seperti menyayat kulitnya, nonton film yang berbau psikopat itu semua nia lakukan untuk melampiaskan diri. "aku capek.... Dengan ini semua, indi maafkan aku jangan benci padaku selamat tinggal indi"ucapnya


Is the Strongest Man in the World really that strong ?

[Authors Note: Thank you readers for spending your precious time to read this Novel. Your support is greatly appreciated. It is important to note that The Story takes a slow burn process as it slowly sets up the world and characters. Showing their pain and joy through words. The Story approaches the Protogonist Journey from birth, leading upto the current events that Plague his Life. And was designed to make the later parts of the Story more believable as readers can know how much Akamu struggled to reach that point. Thank you] The Midas of Records The Strongest of the Strongest The Everest of Strength These are a few names that Grace the Walls and Billboards everywhere. But there's only one thing that runs in the Mind of our Protogonist when he sees all these What does it mean to be strong ? Lifting More Weights ? Lifting up a broken human's spirits ? How is Strength even measured ? These are the questions that continue to haunt AKAMU a.k.a Strongman Midas, the Protagonist of the Story. Set in the Backdrop of Strongman Competitions, the story begins in the Village of Andisols. Home to the Keahi Volcano that erupted a few years ago. Akamu, a lifelong Anime and Manga Fan, especially influenced by Dragon Balls series. Called the Son of Keahi Volcano, he shares a Mysterious connection with it since his Birth. Follow along this wonderful and humorous Journey as he searches for his Vegeta and ChiChi in his quest to become The Strongest man who ever lived. But not everything is as Lighthearted as it seems, as Life soon shows its ugly side as he begins knowing what Burdens that comes with his dreams Will he be able to carry them all, or collapse under the Pressure. Is the Strongest Man Alive really that strong ?

Sathoshi_Hachiman · 現実
27 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



General Audiencesmature rating