
Chapter 4

"The car would be ready to pick you up in five minutes Christina" She gave me a small nod before taking her leave. The woman deserved a medal for her hard work, she'd been on her feet for hours now. Kaitlyn, who I didn't know was present till earlier that evening, was someone hired by my parents for occasions like this. I'd seen her a few times earlier in my life, she always came around to help my parents, mostly my mom, when she needed to be somewhere. From all I knew, she was the sweetest person on the planet.

All this years I used to see my mom do stuff like this, I never knew this is actually all she went through. There were a lot of processes that led to this. I got a lot of options for the dress but settled for anything they picked out for me. Honestly, I really didn't mind what kind it turned out to be. When I saw it later, it wasn't as good as I expected it to be but they went though a lot to find that one so I couldn't just tell them to pick another. I also had to pick out the type of shoes I wanted and just like before, I didn't want to go through the stress of picking it so I left them handle it.

The nail artist then arrived about an hour or two before I left. At first, I paid attention to the things she said and I really was getting along well till it got to a point where I no longer understood a thing. She was more than happy to help me pick the design I wanted but actually, I didn't want more than a layer of clear gloss. I completely zoned out and when she brought me back to reality, I replied with a single 'yes'

You shouldn't agree to things you have no idea about cause minutes after, I didn't like what I ended up with. I did like the fact it was short, like I said, but it had these designs and colors that were a little too bright for my liking. Jewels were attached and I had keep my hands steady so they didn't end up falling off.

The stylist arrived and this woman went straight to work. No greetings, there wasn't a single 'hi' I heard from her. She just placed a book on my thighs and told me to pick whichever one I wanted. I went through it and saw the length of my hair wasn't enough to do most of them and I didn't want any type of extensions so I just told her to do whatever was okay for my type of hair. She then said something in French in didn't understand and I just nodded in response.

This time, someone did a really good job. It wasn't a long process, probably thirty minutes but at the end, j had beautiful curls that didn't exceed my shoulders. The hair had this shine to it and the spilt ends I used to struggle with was gone. She might've been a lot stricter than the others but she sure deserved a thumbs up. I appreciated it and gave her the best compliments my mind could muster and finally, she smiled for the the first time. I guess Kaitlyn also heard it and maybe she got a raise, I don't know, but I was glad I could make her day.

My make up was done as well and was just as good as the hair. I explained to him I didn't want something too much and definitely didn't want the eyeshadow to be just as green as the dress. He didn't do too much but he covered the acne and some of the little blemishes I had on my skin. He did take a lot of time but it was worth it.

After everything, I was a different person sitting in front of the mirror and that was the first time I saw how much I looked like my mother. she had longer hair, of course, and she wasn't as small as I was but the similarity was there and just as evident.

It was then I felt my phone vibrate and saw i had a video can from mom. This is going to be very very long."Hey mom"

"Sweetie, you look so beautiful. Well, not as beautiful as I am but still good."

"I'm prettier than both of you combined" I heard Aunt Kayla's voice as she pushed her head through the other's arm "Wow, you look just like your mom"

"No, she doesn't."

"Thanks aunt Kayla"

"You know" Mom started "William Aubert is going to be there and his son will definitely accompany him. It's his grand opening after all"


"You might want to be friends with him" The other added "I heard he's the perfect gentleman and he's nineteen too so you'll both get along well"

"Twenty" Mom corrected "He's twenty"

"No, he's nineteen"









"That's enough!" I cut them off "I don't care if he's nineteen or twenty, it's none of my business"

"I looked it up online last night, he's nineteen"

"I also looked it up and he's twenty"

"Maybe your website is wrong"

"Maybe yours is wrong"

"Once again" I said "I don't care if he's nineteen or twenty"

"Well, you have to care cause I'm very sure he's going to be friends with you and who knows? Maybe_"

"Maybe we don't even meet each other and even if we do, maybe we just say hi and leave. Like it happens normally"

"Oh, and I forgot to add yesterday. Do not eat everything you see. There might be drinks that contain a lot more alcohol than you think"

"Whatever, I'm just going to spend an hour there and leave"

"No, you won't" Mom replied "You're going to spend two hours minimum. They're going to think you're proud if you do that"

"Yeah" Aunt Kayla added "They're might be a lot of people wanting to talk to you"


"Cause you're new to this type of world and young too if I might add. They'll try to find one thing to make you feel inferior"

"Also" Mom continued "You might find a guy even better than William's son so it isn't very necessary to spend your time with him"

"Yeah, Tyler would be there. He's just as young, I'm guessing eighteen"

"Henry is twenty one, some girls find him him sweet but he was more than proud when I first met him"

"Well" Aunt Kayla said "He's pretty kind and probably won't break your heart"

"He cheated on Melissa five years ago" Mom said "But he's better than most of them"

"Five years ago, he would've changed by now, you know?"

"Whatever person you choose, we're fine with it but I'll p_"

"That's enough boy talk for a year" Dad snatched the phone from their hands. He didn't like conversations like that cause he always said I was too young to even have up to three friends that aren't girls.

"There might be a lot of paparazzi on the way but William's parties are usually secret. It might be different cause it's a grand opening but whatever it turns out to be, do you know how to deal with a lot of people?"

"I did a debate once in elementary school"

"Those were young people, I mean older and probably not your type kind of people. I have people that don't like me there so they probably wouldn't like you too. Try your best to see through their smile, you'll know if they're just trying to get information from you"


"They'll probably be more around you and you might have someone in front of you that moment another leaves but don't be scared, they won't get anything if you don't talk"


"Once you get in, they're going to be a lot of older people that would want to talk to you or ask you questions you wouldn't have a reply to. Mostly about business and some related to me. Always give a proper reply and please do not talk about food"

"I won't dad"

"Try your best to maintain a normal conversation with a girl so you wouldn't have to leave her for someone you wouldn't be comfortable with. Just talk about sleepovers and feminine stuff"

"Okay dad"

"Do not spend your time with William's son. He messes around with girls and so does every other guy there. They'll break your heart, sunshine, stay away from them"

"Yes dad"

"I must not see anything wrong about you on the headlines tomorrow else I'll take the first flight to France and drop the thunder on you"

"You've been watching a lot of The Thundermans, haven't you?"

"Not the point. Just do whatever I say and stay away from old people. They can be very manipulative, okay?"

"Yes dad"

"If you find anything uncomfortable, leave the party immediately" He said "Oh and for the record, I'm prettier than all three of you combined"

"Bye dad!"