

Ayra turned around to stare at the green eyed guy dressed cooly and her mouth opened open in anguish. " Wha- what is Jiminy doing here "? She muttered in disbelief.

" I should be asking you that question maybe you invited him just like you invited your damn friends without informing me " Alice ( in ayra's body) wishpered furiously.

" I wasn't the one that invited him Alice!!! And my friends are the most loveliest people I know unfortunately I can't the same for yours " Ayra replied heatedly hating the fact that she gets the blame for everything that goes wrong .

Alice was about to resort but Jiminy advanced towards them smiling sheephisly

" What are you doing here? " Alice ( in ayra's body) asked squarely folding her hands across her arms.

" Wait you guys ain't happy to see me? " He questioned with a hurt expression, it would have been normal hearing the question from Alice, being rude was second nature to her but ayra?? Maybe he shouldn't have accepted the invitation from nana he thought warily.

" Don't mind me we are happy to see you, just surprised that's all " Alice ( in ayra's body) added hastily realizing her mistake.

" Oh hey Alice I got this for you " He said stretching out his hands to offer a cutely wrapped box, Alice's hands itched to accept the gift but she had to stare painstakingly as ayra collected it in her place and smirked just as she would have.

" I wasn't expecting this but thanks, I have to go change into my second outfit now byeee " She chorused hoping she sounded like Alice and matched determindly to her room not Alice's room but her own room!!!.

" You look stunning ayra where is your boyfriend Jack? "

" Oh thank you" She blushed scarlet red and reminded herself he complimenyted ayra not her " jack is somewhere in the crowd " .

" Nice party your sister have here, she always pulls the crowd " He commented standing stiffly with his hands in his pockets.

" Yeah that's Alice for you " She replied dryly observing him " You're not the party type Jiminy so what are you really doing here " She questioned softly.

Jiminy shrugged his shoulders " I don't know tsk I know it might seem weird but I wanted to surprise your damn sister " He growled with a low a tone.

" Why Jiminy, I thought you didn't like her "? She muttered knowing she was wrong by asking him these questions in the body of ayra but she couldn't bring her self to stop. She desperately wanted to figure out what he was thinking, he was one guy that had intrigued her so much but she couldn't read him easily.

He inhaled deeply " Your sister is - I don't know the perfect word to qualify her but she always seem so perfectly in control of her emotions, I wanted to catch her unawares at least for today " .

Alice held her breath as he sought for words to describe her and somehow she was relieved when he couldn't find the right word it was better than him saying he dispised her or something. " You were successful Jiminy, she was astonished on seeing you " .

" How do you know? She seemed pretty normal " .

" She's my sister I know her better than most " She replied with a smile. " What did you get her as a gift? "

" Tsk nothing big I figure a lot of people would give her expensive gifts so I wanted to get her something no one else will. I got her a box of kit Kats chocolates, she said something about it being her favourite and a note to write down thoughts she doesn't want anyone to know " He said combing his hair with his fingers.

" Omg you remembered I - she said that a long time ago " She cried.

" Gosh I remember every damn words she had said, don't tell her but from the first moment I saw her she has been running through my mind it's annoying " .

Alice stooped short with tears glistening her eyes wondering where he had been all her life and she had been stuck with a jerk of a boyfriend.

" Jezze why are you crying ayra? Alice would literally behead me if she thinks I made you cry " He said worriedly.

" I'm not crying something entered my eyes " She sniffed.

" Tsk I know she has a boyfriend and all so I'm not gonna do anything , she probably even hates me " He continued melancholy having someone to over pour his feelings to felt so nice, Christ knew he was sick of pretending to hate Alice.

" Oh no she doesn't hate you at all, you get on her skin sometimes but it's not hate at all" She reassured.

He glanced at her weirdly " How do you know that ayra? " .

" She's my sister Jiminy I know her quite well " .

" Alright if you say so please don't let her know of this conversation, I will go get myself a drink I don't want jack to think I'm monopolizing you " He teased.

" Of course Jiminy " Alice didn't want him to leave at all in fact she wanted to watch him talk all day but it wasn't possible. She smiled as she watched the crowd swallow him up exhaling a breath, her eyes zeroed into Troy's eyes who had been staring at her.

" Why the heck was he staring? " She wondered staring back at him defiantly till he glanced away " Jerk "!!! She muttered beneath her breath.


" Alice what are you doing in ayra's room? " Catherine spat out closing the doors behind her.

Ayra( in Alice's body) cursed in her head loudly " Uhm I forgot my favorite rings on her desk and came to retrieve it back " .

" Oh okay it's almost time for you to cut your gigantic cake and make a speech, are you ready honey? " .

Ayra giggled lightly to cover her nervousness " I was born ready mom " .

" Tsk I knew you would say that but you have to do something first before going out there" She stated.

Ayra stared back at her blankly " What do I have to do mom? "

" Don't look at me like that you know what I'm talking about " Catherine said dragging her into Alice room " .

Christ what was her mom talking about ?Alice didn't tell her anything concerning this. Ayra thought in her head. " Mom I'm sincerely lost " .

" You want me to spell it out alright Alice, you have to take your medication for your sickness like you always do everyday and don't forget we have to check you in the hospital after this party. You can't keep postponing it anymore I fear its getting worse " .

Ayra felt her spirit leave her body and her knees go weak " What was her mom talking about? Wait Alice her beautiful sister was sick and - and she knew nothing about it? " How long has she been sick and from what? " She screamed in her head feeling her skin crawl thinking of all the mean words she had used on Alice .

Hope you guys are still enjoying the novel? tell me what you think in the comments section and how would you feel if you found out your sister or a relative was sick and they kept you in the dark? .

simply_mackycreators' thoughts