
Chapter 28: No man is offended by another man's admiration.

“So, they just give you unimpeded access to the radio?”

Edmund is currently stowed away in the rather cramped storage cupboard of his old surgery, the radio his ‘Hauptabschnittsleiter’ uses to communicate with him currently taking up quite a bit of shelf space.

“‘Give’ is a strong word…” Edmund muses. “Technically, I’ve temporarily relocated it for unofficial use—”

“You call me from the midst of a Nazi takeover to take the piss?” Aidan cuts him off, amused. “Though, what do I expect from the man who consistently harassed my sisters for a week straight to get to me.”

“Persistence is key,” Edmund smiles. “Besides, it beats discussing the elephant in the room.”

They both fall silent at this, each figuring how best to approach the utter vastness of their feelings for the other.