
Chapter II

2 days had passed already.

Rayne standing in front of a mirror,staring at his own reflection. His tried to stay calm but the uneasy feeling won't go away. He once again fixed his brand new uniform.

He tried to fixed his black hair so that it won't be too much of a mess,but seems like it didn't work out well. His hair keep messing up everything he move his head around and it gets him frustrated.

He sigh. He decide to gave up on his hair and just let it be. He stared at his reflection once more,his eyes is black,but there's some little shade of light that almost nonvisible unless you see it up close.

'This is a mess...' he thought.

But his thought was interrupted when there's a knock on the door. The door remain close but he could tell who it was.

"Rayne! You're done? You don't want to be late on your first day right?" Say the person from the other side of the door.

And Rayne is right,it is indeed his father. He decide to take one last look towards his reflection in the mirror before turning away and start to walk towards the door.

"I'm done! Just gave me a minute!" He replied as he walk towards his bed and grab his backpack that lay on top of the bed.

He rushed to the living room,and had a quick breakfast. Just as he about to leave along with his father. He notice that his younger brother looks bothered.

"Hey,what's with the long face?" Rayne asked as both him and his brother get into the car.

His brother didn't answer,he just hugged his backpack and look away. But the expression on the younger's face clearly said that he's not ok.

"Come on Cale what's wrong?" He tried to put a hand on the younger's shoulder but the younger push his hand away.

"Nothing" Cale mumbled and buried his face into his backpack.


"Is it about the letter?" It was just a guess. But seems like his guess was right.

"I don't want to talk about it" Cale replied,there's a clear sign of annoyance in his voice but Rayne just gonna ignore it and keep on asking.

"Oh come on,you know you could trust me." Rayne claimed,he keep trying to pursued his younger brother. And fortunately it worked.

"There's another note in the letter that I just found"

"And it says something about some kind of code or something like that." Cale continued as he open his backpack and grab the letter.

"Eh? You bring it with you?" Rayne asked but his voice is not loud enough for Cale to heard.

"I should've know about it. But if not,that means that I'm not the person they mention in the letter" Cale pointed towards the letter where there's some kind of code that couldn't be read.

"Then why is it send to me? I thought I was the 'Mortegon'" Cale whined.

Rayne observed the letter. The letter looks kinda fancy and give off old vibes at the same time. The writing is kinda hard to understand. He could only make out some of the word.

"Morte.. what? What's that?" Rayne asked as he still look throught the letter.

"Here,see?" Where Cale pointed had it written 'Mortegon'.

"Mortegon? Is it a name of a place? If so,never heard of it." Rayne sigh,he cannot deny it. He actually starts to get curious.

'If this is really a prank his friends made... why is it so... how should I put it? Real? No that's not the right word' Rayne thought he keep on reading throught the letter and tried his best to understand the words.

"Mortegon... it's like some kind of strong or powerfull being? Or maybe a title for someone?" Rayne wondered,Cale is leaning on Rayne as he also re-read the note.

"Well,seems like it's a title for someone that super strong" Cale spoke out,they both read the letter together. And the more Rayne read it the more curious he get.

"Hey,I was wondering. Where did you even get this letter? Who send it?" Rayne asked curiously. Cale seems to be thinking. It took awhile until Cale finally said something.

"I dunno? I found it under my desk at school. I asked the others about it but they don't know anything about it. So I thought it was for me" Cale answer,Rayne just stare at his younger brother,unsure on how he should react.

"The others make fun of me thought. They said that I got a love letter or something. Eew" Cale said annoyed,he huffed as he crossed his arms.

'Even I myself have never receive a love letter' Rayne rolled his eyes,then he goes back to the letter.

He keep staring at this one specific symbol. This letter looks like it come out straight from some fantasy movie or something. These symbols and the words is just too much to take it.

"Is there nothing more about the let-" before Rayne could finished his question. The car stopped and their father turn to them.

"Alright here we are. Try to have fun on your first day alright?" His father told as he fixed Rayne's slightly messy hair.

"I'll try." Rayne sigh.

He returned the letter to his younger brother then he open the car's door and step outside. He stood still for awhile. Looking up at his soon to be highschool. The moment he step his foot inside,he'll officially become a highschool student.

"Alright,well be off now. Don't forget to call when school is over Alright?" His father reminded,and Rayne nodded at him.

'It's the first day. Usually the first day is to get to know the school better and such.' He thought as he watched both his father and younger brother drive away.

The place si crowded. There's many freshmen like him. And there's also those who wear the school uniform but also wear some kind of matching jacket,they're probably the senior.

One of the seniors who's talking to their friends notice Rayne and called him over.

"Oh,hey! You're one of the new kid!" Called the senior. Rayne freeze in place,he look around wondering whether or not the senior is talking to him.

"Go ahead inside. You'll meet the others there" the senior told as they pointed towards the entrance.

Rayne don't know how to answer. So he just nodded then rushed passed the seniors. He arrive inside the school and saw many other freshmen looking as nervous as he is.

'Calm yourself... everything is going to be alright' he told himself as he sat down on one of the empty seats.


After awhile,the place is crowded and two of the seniors step into the stage. Everyone fell silent as their attention turn to the two seniors.

One is a girl,she had a long ginger hair tied into a ponytail and brown eyes. She wear navy blue jacket with the student council symbol on it. She had a bright smile on her face and look really exited.

The other senior is a boy,he had short black hair and black eyes. He also wear the same jacket as the girl,his expression is casual. Not too exited and not too bored either.

"Hello everyone! How's it going? Today is your first day,and we gonna use the next two days to introduce the school to you all!" The seniors greet with much excitement.

"For today. We only gonna introduce ourself and for you guys to get to know each other." The other senior add.

"So,my name is Miranda Jasseclyn,just call me Mira. And this is Jess Mccarry" one of the senior introduce.



Chapter II. To Be Continued....