
Fragment: Bullet in the Heart

“If you keep being like that, no one will love you, Kath.” It was her past boyfriend’s words to Kathrina before he left her for good. He was cheating on her, but she got the blame for everything just because she could not give him the thing he yearned for the most. Yeah, right, sex. Kathrina Reed had not been able to let someone touch her most private part of herself. She was terrified that someone had tried it. It brought terror into her body and forced her to freeze like a survival instinct. With her failed past relationship, Kathrina stopped dreaming of falling in love. She was tired of getting disappointed with her partner and herself, and she was tired of visiting a psychiatrist’s office just to get better. It was better to be alone. Fewer expectations result in less hurt. Kathrina was fine being alone for a long time until she met Arthur Ford. The man set her heart and body ablaze. Then before she knew it, she started thinking about him, longed for him, and fell too deep into him. - Synopsis change, but no change made in the story.

Moonamore · 都市
69 Chs


Kathrina's brain systems felt like they were being attacked by bugs, rendering her unable to function normally. She dropped her jaw while her eyes blinked numerous times in a minute. She could not digest Arthur's last words. It only circled in her head like a butterfly effect in an animation show when the character was dizzy.

She lowered her head, attempting to think clearly. She was convinced that something was wrong with her ear. Given that they were practically strangers, it was nearly impossible for him to say something like that to her, not to add that she was injured.

"What are you waiting for? Take off your jacket, Kathrina."

Before, she might have heard him wrong, but not anymore. The man said that without any change in his expression as if he were asking her about the weather.

"Are you insane?" Her voice was so high that it took Arthur by surprise.

With one hand on his waist, Arthur kneaded his forehead, feeling a bit frustrated with Kathrina. She was not wrong, and he knew that, but he could not help feeling frustrated. The problem lies in his choice of words which were inappropriate.

"What you are thinking is wrong. It was not my intention."

"And what is it that I am thinking?" She challenged. With how she behaved, Kathrina was sure now that someone else's soul was taking over her body.

"Don't." He warned her for the second time tonight. "I was trying to help you."

Kathrina did not try again after seeing the sign of anger on his orbs. In the end, she obeyed him again. She took her black leather jacket and put it beside her.

She noticed him nod his head in approval. Then he looked at her again, more carefully this time, as if he didn't want to miss any wounds on her body. She simply let him be. After all, from tomorrow onwards, he won't be able to see her again.

"Which part do you feel hurt? Let me check it."

"All over my body." She answered carelessly, unaware of the gravity of her words

Arthur crouched in front of her again and said, "Then let me see."

"No need, just give me an ice pack." She answered so fast that it brought a smile to Arthur's mouth.


Kathrina watched as Arthur walked away from her. While waiting, she touched her stomach to check the severity of Alex's punch. Fortunately, she managed to dodge several attacks from Alex, so now the effects were not as harmful as she thought.


Arthur came back to the living room in less than a minute. After that, he handed her the ice pack.

Arthur took advantage of the opportunity to sit beside Kathrina while she was distracted by the ice pack. He then touched her shoulder to turn her around and placed her legs on his thighs. He then put a pillow behind her back to ensure she was comfortable with their position.

"Look at me," he said as he cupped her chin to make her look at him. For a split second, Arthur saw the surprise in her eyes, but it vanished in the blink of an eye.

Kathrina found their current situation too intimate, but she was tired of fighting him. She noticed he took a new cotton swab from the first aid kit and coated it with alcohol. She knew Arthur was going to clean the wound on her lips when he leaned in closer. So she closed her eyes and braced herself for the pain that was about to strike.

The second the cotton swab touched the corner of her lips, Kathrina hissed in pain and closed her eyes even tighter. Then, as if sensing her anguish, Arthur's movement halted.

"Hold me?" His words were meant to be a statement, but they came out as a question. He extended his hand for Kathrina to hold.

Kathrina did not think twice before she acted. She grabbed his hand without hesitation. At least someone else could feel her pain. It was a childish move, she knew, but it was not wrong to act like a kid sometimes.

The corner of Arthur's mouth rose to form his best smile. Who would have thought tending someone's wound would bring happiness? He continued to clean her wounds, and as the room was filled with her voice, Arthur could also feel the grip on his hand getting stronger.

"I noticed you have a gun." He said in the hope of distracting her from the pain.


"So, are you a cop?" he asked as he carefully applied the ointment to her lips using his index finger.

"No, I'm bringing it with me to shoot you." She answered while gritting her teeth. She had no idea what was taking him so long to complete everything.

"Oh…." He purposefully hung his sentence in the middle. "I'm flattered."

"You know a gunshot wound can kill you, right?"

"I don't mind. You are free to shoot me."

Arthur's reply made Kathrina open her eyes. She was struck by how close their faces were; they almost shared the same oxygen, or maybe, carbon dioxide. Kathrina tilted her head back to widen their gap. Fortunately, Arthur was already done, so he did not come near her again.

"You sound crazy," she said, yawning. She had been fighting the drowsiness for a while and believed she would enter the dreamland in no time.

"I'm crazy, Kathrina," Arthur remarked as he packed the first aid kit.

"And you are proud of it?" Kathrina allowed her head to fall back to the pillow behind her.

Leaning closer to her, he said, "Of course. Now let me look at your neck."

When Arthur's fingers caressed Kathrina's neck, she flinched. Her half-closed eyes attempted to focus on his figure but failed to do so. Then, finally, she heard him say something. However, it sounded so far away that she only managed to catch a word, 'sleep,' and she lost all of her consciousness after that.

"Sleep well."

Arthur adjusted Kathrina's sleeping position to reduce the chance of her waking up feeling sore. If he had to be honest, he wanted to bring her to his bedroom. However, he feared she would wake up if he made such a big movement.

He went to his bedroom to get her a blanket, after which he draped it over her body. Then, Arthur sat not far away from her, watching as her chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm.

Arthur knew that this obedient side of her would be gone when she woke up tomorrow. He believed tonight was just one of her weakest moments, so she let him witness it, and he was sure that she would try to distance herself, so he wouldn't be able to get close to her.

Arthur grinned; Kathrina did not know him. She was unaware that she had made it to his goal list, and nothing could stop him from realizing his goal. He wanted her, and he would make sure she also felt it.

Arthur leaned his body on the couch, looking at the white ceiling for a long time. His gaze then shifted to the sleeping woman. He was deeply concerned that his revenge plan would jeopardize his chance with her.

Kathrina was an unexpected element in his perfect plan. She wasn't supposed to catch his attention, but she did, and it would change how he executed everything. His enemies were influential people. Like how he could hurt them, they could also do that to him. Initially, the ones he should protect were only his mother and his sister, but now he should protect her as well.

'Look at you, acting as if she were your girlfriend.'

Arthur mocked himself. He could not help but wonder how the hell he should win Kathrina's affection when she didn't appear to be the type to open her heart to just anyone. Even if he tried, he believed it would take a long time.

"Don't call me Princess," Kathrina mumbled in her sleep.

Arthur stepped closer to her. He noticed a deep frown on her forehead as if she was angry. Following his instinct, Arthur stroked her brow softly to ease the frown.


Kathrina screamed and used her left hand to stop him. However, her hand dropped after successfully removing the source of her discomfort.

Arthur was too stunned to speak and eventually collapsed to the floor. His expression turned complicated when he noticed a straight scar and tattoo on her wrist.

Arthur observed the scar carefully. Then, as he realized the significance of the scar, Arthur's heartbeat hammered against his chest so loudly that he could hear it himself.

His gaze lingered on her wrist for a long time, then he stood up and marched to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He rubbed his face with his palm before placing both hands on the dining table. His head became dizzy as the image of Kathrina attempting suicide entered his mind.

"Fuck," he cursed.

Arthur then realized that he was in big trouble because the thought of a world without her made him sick.

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