
The (Broken) Piece of the Puzzle


"I know...but he really seemed like he wanted to help and-" Entity said, being interrupted.

"HELP?! WE NEED TO HELP OURSELVES. NOT THOSE PATHETIC LOW-LIVES!" Lilith continued to scream at Entity.

"But-" Entity said.

Lilith slaps the ever-living hell out of Entity.

"Don't ever back talk me again. Next time, you'll be dead." Lilith said.

Entity rubs his face where she slapped him.

"Yeah, don't disrespect Lilith." Gavin said.

"I didn't know dark witches were more evil than demons themselves." Entity stated with tears running down his face.

"Uhg, you dream demons are so useless. The moment someone wants to help you, you immediately go to their side." Lilith said with a scoff.

"That's because we want to be helped!" Entity yelled.

Entity collapses onto both his knees.

"We just want to be helped by someone who cares about us..." Entity said, crying.

"Entity. I-..." Lilith stopped.

"I'm sorry..." Lilith said holding out her hand to him.

Entity jolts back against the wall, trying to defend himself from the incoming slap.

Lilith sighs as she realizes just how much she abused Entity.

Lilith helps Entity up and hugs him.

"You're my best friend. I would hate to lose you at a time like this." Lilith said.

"F-friend?" Entity said with a stutter.

"Yeah...friend...hell, I'll even make your strange crush a reality. I just need to find out where he is." Lilith said, laughing a bit.

"You would do that for me...?" Entity asked.

"Only for you. You better not tell anyone about this." Lilith said, laughing slightly.

"You're a good person Lilith. Thank you." Entity said.

A few hours pass and Lilith pinpoints his location. Entity is in the other room.

"Oh, Entity!" Lilith yelled from the other room.

"Yeah?" Entity responded as he's walking into the room in which Lilith is in.

"I found someone I think you'll like to meet." Lilith said as she brings a mysterious "stranger" into the room. Entity happily gasps.

"Every single time the story transitions to us, London and Galaxy are fighting." Darla said.



Everyone was confused.

"I only know one ballerina and she is dangerous." Goldie said, laughing.

London starts spinning like crazy pretending to b a ballerina.

"Do you want a tutu with that?" Galaxy asked, looking at London.

London is giving her the "Excuse ME" face.

"You guys are so wierd." Scarlett said scoffing.

"You're one to talk." Everyone else said at the same time.

"Heh. I know." Scarlett said, laughing.

"Alright, you guys. Head off to bed. It's 11 o'clock." Darla said, sounding like a mother again.

"Fine." Everyone but Scarlett said.

Darla turns to Scarlett.

"That means you too." Darla said.

Scarlett scoffs.

"You ain't my mom. I go to bed whenever I please." Scarlett said sarcastically.

"Mk, well have fun down here by yourself then." Darla said, walking upstairs.

"Uhg, fine. I'm going to bed. Not because you told me to though." Scarlett said.

Everyone is fast asleep. London wakes up in the same void in his dream the other night.

"Whe- wait...Entity?" London asked into the void.

Entity phases in from the darkness.

"Wow, you look happier!" London happily said.

"Yeah, but let's not worry about that now." Entity said.

"So, why are you here?" London asked cautiously.

Entity walks up to London and hugs him whilst bursting into tears.

"I can't thank you enough for wanting to help me..." Entity said, crying.

London hugs back.

"I'm here to help. I don't care if you're good or bad." London said.

Entity sniffles and lets go of London.

"You're the only one out of your group of friends I don't completely hate." Entity said, laughing a little bit.

"I am still curious...which character do you like...?" London asked.

"You'll see in the morning." Entity said, fading into the darkness.

The next morning. London couldn't stop looking out the window or anywhere being outside.

"What's gotten you so worked up?" Galaxy said, looking at London's restlessness.

"Oh, just something." London said pacing around the room.

"That's helpful." Goldie said sarcastically.

"Shut your bear face up." Galaxy said annoyed.

Goldie glares at Galaxy and she mockingly glares back.

"What? Gonna do something about it?" Galaxy said, posting up to Goldie.

Goldie just sits on the couch and sighs.

"That's right." Galaxy said.

"You know for a 15-year-old, you sure do get your periods earlier than most." Goldie said.

Galaxy glares at him.

"I'm not on my period, you idiot." Galaxy said, rolling her eyes.

"Guys! Entity, Lilith, Gavin and some bear thing is walking on the sidewalk!" Scarlett said, looking out of the giant window in London's room.

Everyone rushes into London's room.

"No way!" Goldie shouts at full volume.

Galaxy's eyes widen and her jaw drops.

London is making some weird fangirl noises.

Scarlett is just laughing at everyone's faces

"Uhg...Freddy." Darla said, rolling her eyes.

Goldie rushes out of the room.


Goldie slings the door open and runs outside.

"Freddy?!" Goldie yelled.

Freddy looks over at him and a surprising look hits him.

"Goldie?! Where have you been?!" Freddy asked.

"I got trapped in a plushie by that frickin' man who came into the pizzeria last." Goldie said.

Entity is just confused about what the heck is happening.

Lilith's eyes widen then she starts getting angry.

"Personal space much, you ugly yellow freak?" Lilith said loudly.

"Freddy, what are you doing with him?" Goldie asked.

"Well, these are my friends!" Freddy happily said.

London rushes outside. Entity looks at London and smiles.

"So now you know." Entity said, looking at London.

"I'll come visit later if you want." Freddy suggested.

"Sounds good." Goldie said happily.

London's jaw drops as they walk away.

"What's up with you?" Goldie asked

"Entity likes F-freddy..." London said as he points to them walking away.

Goldie looks at him with wide eyes.

"How can you be sure?" Goldie said.

"He told me in a dream that he played FNAF and he liked one character's presence in particular more than the others..." London said, shocked.

"Wow, I had no idea...does Freddy like him back?" Goldie asked London.

"I don't think any feelings have developed yet...not from what I could see at least." London said.

"Interesting..." Goldie said thinking.

"So what does this mean for us?" London said, looking up at Goldie.

"We wait and see." Goldie said.