

In a dark night a man was walking on certain street. Did he accomplished something or he was trying to!? what awaits to his story? Let us find together.It's a world where possibility are endless.

Lacchi · ファンタジー
24 Chs


A man with a French mustache was standing with his "military sky blue frock coat" and a French military hat on top of his head. He was holding a "Classic wooden walking stick with a gold-plated artistic figure on it," carrying a red leather saddlebag. He was gently enjoying his figurado cigar, taking in the view of snowy mountains from a distant place. He stood at the top edge of a certain cliff with high fences, allowing people to enjoy the vast snowy mountains and forest ahead.

The man was about in his retirement age, with wrinkles on his face. While enjoying his cigar with a little dissatisfaction, he heard, "You are here, and I have been searching all over the place."

A man who looked like he was in his 30s, with perfect height and weight and black hair, wore a light bluish suit with matching pants. His shoes were black, and he was accompanied by a young French lady with curly red hair and a perfect curved body. They both headed toward the old man.

"Oh, Marcellus, how long has it been? Five years or six?"

"Long enough to make that little boy, Daniel, become Sir Daniel Lucien. Ha!" Marcellus said with a gentle face.

Both laughed and hugged each other. "Let me introduce you. This is the most famous detective, Marcellus Klebert."

"Oh! The famous detective who solved the Saint Jean case!" the lady expressed her excitement.

"I can't believe I am able to meet you, sir. I am Casandra, Noel Casandra." Marcellus kissed Noel's hand, and she extended her handkerchief for his signature. Marcellus signed it.

"Come on, you are ignoring me. I am still present here, you know."

"Yes, yes, we get it. Now you are in charge of The Grand Lotus. You have been the main attention of everybody. But don't babble that in front of me. You brat! I have known you since you didn't even have your teeth. You know that."

"Yes, I know, but I am not babbling. You know how difficult it is to maintain the Royal Lotus. It is the first ever of its kind. Only a few higher-ups have been able to travel through it, you know. Besides, one of the founder's disciples proposed and supervised this project."

"Oh! The founder's disciple, huh!"

"Then I must be very lucky, then."

"Of course, Marcellus."

"And what happened about the cabin that I asked, Daniel?"

"Well, it was difficult to arrange a cabin in a short amount of time. It's not like it was full or something, but only selected persons can travel, you know. But it's ready. Still, I can't believe you were able to manage a cabin for you. How did you do that, Marcellus?" he expressed his curiosity.

"Yes, well, you know, I have been called by the captain of the Royal Knights at Santarum City. Looks like something happened there. The captain also sent tickets for this Lotus."

"Oh, that's why! I get it. Don't worry. We will be going to another corner of the world. But rest assured, you will reach your destination in four days. Here, you will be enjoying the most finest services, a journey throughout mountains, oceans, across different lands."

"Shall we?"

"Oh, sure."

"Captain! Captain!" a man with the uniform of the Lotus on his suit came toward them.

"Yes, what is it?" Daniel said.

"Well, sir, the thing is..."

He whispered something in Daniel's ear.

"Is there something the matter?" Marcellus asked to understand the situation. But Daniel said, "No, it's nothing. Some technical problem. You head toward Lotus. I will catch up with you later. I gotta fix this."

"Okay, fine then."

Daniel went along with Lady Noel. Marcellus fixed his posture, picked up his bag, and moved toward Lotus.

As he approached Lotus, he was amazed. It looked like a big classic train with massive doors and windows made of glass. A classic melody flowed all over the train. It was painted reddish as pure blood.

"Marvellous!" Marcellus expressed his thoughts.

"My, what a piece of art it is," he said while playing with his mustache.

"Well said, Mr...," a man in his 50s, wearing classic round glasses, holding a classic small handbag on his left hand, with curly short hair and a little bit of blondness, light yellowish coat pants with a red tie and black shoes, bowed his shoulders a little with a pale body and slim figure. He was trying to reach his right hand for a handshake with amazed eyes.

Marcellus was surprised for a moment, but he didn't ask much. Curiousness on his face was quite clear. He also moved his hand toward that man. He said, "Klebert, Marcellus Klebert."

"And I am Professor Arnould, Del Arnould," he said while shaking hands.

"You are right; it's quite a miracle that they were able to make this. Just being able to look at this up close is a fortune." Arnould phrased his emotions into words.

"Yes, yes, a miracle, right? I still can't believe that I am able to travel through this miracle," Marcellus said to echo Arnould's words.

"Isn't it," Arnould said.

An announcement echoed around that place. A lady with a sweet voice announced, "All passengers, please head to your designated cabin. The Lotus is about to move on its course. May your journey be safe and enjoyable."

"Oh, looks like we are about to leave."

"Let's go, then," Marcellus said to Arnould.

"Yes, yes."

They headed toward their cabin while searching for their room number.

"It looks like my room number is 16," Arnould said.

"Well, isn't it? We are together for the whole journey," Marcellus said while showing his ticket room number.

"Then this journey will be quite interesting. Isn't it?"

While they were both heading towards their cabin, a man with a Lotus uniform asked, "Sir, can you show us your tickets, please?"

They both gave their tickets to the man in uniform. He scanned their tickets through some device about the size of a palm. When the scan was complete, the door opened automatically. A ladder made of a bluish light came down. They stepped on it, and it moved upward, finally allowing them to get inside.

At the same time, Sophia with her men arrived at St. "Thetford Royal Academy." As the name suggested, it was royal, like some kind of castle.

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