

In a dark night a man was walking on certain street. Did he accomplished something or he was trying to!? what awaits too his story? Let us find together.It's a world where possibility are endless.

Lacchi · ファンタジー
23 Chs


When they came out of that dungeon, it was already midnight. No one was present at that moment there, but at a far distance, someone is prying his eyes on the mysterious lady and her follower.

The mysterious lady suddenly vanished from that spot and appeared behind that man who was casually sitting on the branch of a tall tree. She opened her fangs and moved toward that man's neck, but the man disappeared. The mysterious lady was unable to figure out where he had gone. When she stretched her senses all over the place in that certain area, she found that the man was in the air watching her with a gentle smile on his face.

She opened her mouth and stretched her tongue toward the man. Her tongue was sharp, V-shaped, seeming like her hitting tongue was like a snake's tongue filled with extremely dangerous venom.

But— the man deflected her attack with his few fingernails. The recoil of that attack threw her down, her body dragging backward. Then she leaned downward with her both hands down.

Her tongue was still in the air, swinging up and down like some ribbon show. Even though she was trying to reduce the recoil, it was still a waste of her effort. She continuously moved backward, hitting a large boulder, which made a crack on that boulder.

She was feeling a little bit unconscious because of how quickly things were going. Then the man suddenly came in front of her and said, "You have grown quite a bit, Sophia."

She was feeling uneasy after the battle, but after hearing those familiar words, she was frustrated but didn't show much on her face. She remained silent. The man bent his body downward and smiled gently. The follower of Sophia didn't realize what had happened at that time?

Because they were so fast that all the rumbling had been done in a microsecond of time. So, they were confused at first, but a short moment later, they came in the presence of Sophia. They were disturbed by the situation but were unable to implement any action.

Because of the presence of that man, their bodies were falling apart. They were barely managing to stand in front of him.

"Oh!! Looks like your followers are trying their best to stand in front of me. Well, then I won't take much of your time."

"I want to talk a lot to you, but you are not even replying to my questions. It really broke my heart, you know!? My little disciple. Maybe I should punish you for your behavior?"

He expressed it in a creepy way. Sophia was frightened by his words. After hearing those words, she is barely maintaining her composure. She was still lying down, suffering from the pain of the earlier fight.

The man was slim, wearing a neat suit, a hat, and eyes covered by classic glasses. From the appearance, it looked like he was a neat freak. At the same time, well-mannered with an obsession with old classic clothes and items. His left hand was engaged with a classic round, golden pocket watch with a golden chain. Along on the other hand, a classic sword stick befitting his high appearance. But the peculiar part is that even on the suit, he had worn a long, loosened-sleeved with a heavily appearing white cloak. On that shorten string near the edges of the cloak, the ending tip was covered in reddish horizontal lines taking a minimum of the end. And the center was unfolded, causing the inner worn suit to display.

"You know I have a lot to talk about, but for now, I will leave it. We have more important things to talk about, isn't it?"

Sophia looked toward that man in fear and grudge and said, "Yes, Rafael, sir."

"My, don't make such a face. Smile in a creepy way."

And a second later, he changed his manner while fixing his hands on his tie. He asked by making his head tilt toward Sophia, making his eyes sharper and voice deeper.

Did you get what they were trying to accomplish from Nexus?

"Yes, sir. Even though we broke their will and bone, their trust and relations, we can't get more from them because some of them can't handle and end up losing their lives. But we still managed to grasp some idea."

"Oh! What was that, then?"

"Sir, you probably know this, but do you remember the news that made the whole world rumble, about the title 'INVENTATA LA MACCHINA CHE FOOTGARAFA IL PASSATO'?"

After hearing those words, Rafael was surprised and said, "Oh! Yeah, that. So what are you trying to say? The thing that happened a few hundred years ago is related?"

"Yes, sir. The news that claimed that the Passayol Church of Lumiyon City discovered 'The way to watch the past.'"

Rafael was silent, listening to Sophia's words. But when she says those last words, his eyes became bigger, and tension lines can be seen on his face. But he didn't interrupt. Sophia continued.

"The man who seems to be responsible was Father Cassian Russfal. He claimed that he had seen the Crucifixion of the famous God Aequitas. At that time, nobody believed in that statement. People said it was a strategy to attract more followers toward the church."

"Then again, sixteen years later, Luminyon City declared that 'He who is working on a device related to any kind of watching past or future should stop their work, or else they will be boycotted from society.'"

Reports also suggested that many big minds of that time were also involved in that project Nexus. Rafael took a deep breath, calming his mind. Thought something in a distant manner.

He walked toward Sophia, from his left inner suit pocket he takes out a sheet of paper. The paper looked like high quality, inbuilt with some sort of code. Sophia looked at it.

"These letters should easily allow you into the grounds of St. Thetford Royal Academy."

Sophia seemed shocked but didn't raise her question.

Rafael noticed her confused face. So, he told them that it's a prestigious academy where all sorts of information regarding history should be available. If I had time, I will personally visit there. But I have to report this to higher-ups.

"Higher up, you mean 'The 12 Founders.'"

A moment of silence occurred. Rafael froze in his place for a moment.

He looked toward Sophia in a horrible way that the calm, sly face from a moment ago had worn out. He was frightened by that word.

He crouched down close his distance toward Sophia, whispered "Don't casually use that name again" in her ear. His voice, which was filled with confidence a moment ago, vanished into thin air. Even Rafael's voice was unable to come out of his mouth.

He stood up quickly, maintaining his composure. These trivial matters should not be disturbed by them. I will inform this to the Captain. If he thinks it's a matter of concern, then we will try to present this matter to them.

Until then, investigate this matter properly. Spread your men, and look for clues in the Academy. If you require any assistance, present that to a certain person. Her name is..." After saying that name, he vanished from that place. Sophia stood up, looked toward the beautiful moon. For a moment, all her injuries were healed up in an instant. She took a deep breath From that windy night. Turn around with her men. And vanished in that dark forest.