

In a dark night a man was walking on certain street. Did he accomplished something or he was trying to!? what awaits too his story? Let us find together.It's a world where possibility are endless.

Lacchi · ファンタジー
23 Chs


         ".. Realm of Shadows!!" Hesitated Sara sung her words along vivid concern.

     "Yep, vice-captain!! Realm of shadows. At first, I wasn't sure of there action acquisition on publically advertising of their victims. But when we discuss about— the situation from the past. History, how this kingdom was acquired and—The distribution of the kingdom wasn't pleased by every body."


  Pressured on the very existence of their foundation of the kingdom acknowledgement throughout today words from the Prince Russell have pinching their hearts slowly but harshly. The maximum input of those were tarnish mainly to the Sara.. Expect her captain were more calmed and Brock.... Wasn't sure. But the only matter making captain mind to bounce aside is the prince motive on here. Very little to be aware of his cleverness to premises.

    Deepen breath from Sara was hushing around with tranquil of noise be- fitting. Simultaneously other were placed their weight on the sofa for more relaxed version on the matter to be profound. While Russell expressions were sharp and according to it's behaviour only a slight exception. To minimize his pressured head to cease in dark. The sipping on tea wasn't supposed to end near future.

     Heavily inhaled breath from the Russell around and continue his words. While other bodies were summarizing his words with dubious eye. And some were can't digested his words. At some point they did feel that the every effort. They make on the matters paid nothing off to them. The vitality of the Monotonous Continuity represent it's season with each and ectopic new mask around. Rumpling their actions and life to miserable. But, the only motivation that had kept them to move forward was the existence experience, exposure of the we- believe situation. That someday their efforts will pay off, someday others shouldn't have to suffers as they did, .. Someday the...

    The familiar similarities of their thinking were flourishing on their hearts but—They proper revelation of the very closer but harsh truth. Which up until now. They were avoiding with the wall of their bare – footed words and hope that someday...Risking their existed ideal and on.

      Coded scenario went all over again, but this time Russell wasn't the point of centre. Their own thoughts, merit, and conclusions on circumstances was the key for such a Unsuitable atmosphere to occurred around.

  " . .... Hmm?!"

    Russell showed some signs for a vaporised behaviour to thrive once again this time. But snitch his actions.

         Scratching their bleeding wounds from his words, Weren't near to its end. From the looks of it—His motivation doesn't seems to flaxseed on their wound— Rather making them to realize something. Because even if he was younger then any member on that room. He had sawn worsen that any single body that is presented their. Because maturity doesn't come from age—The realization of the harsh world and the responsibility that he had bear on his shoulder to fulfil does.

But, after realizing his utter word's weren't in right position. Halted his words to presence them to time for revelation on the matters. He said-

   " The existing power was just for the time being. Existed because of the supporters by the remainder of the great war. Or else without them—I can't imagine the situation. The very last person who had been alive up until now is 'Serizawa yukia. ' But the upcoming generation don't seems to have loyalty. Maximum were craving their eyes for the end of Sir 'Serizawa yukia.' And if that's were to happen there will be great rebellion against kingdom. I'm sure of it!! And the main reason for these shadow to lure around and publicity of their actions. Especially to the legendary heroic king statue. Shows, the incapability to handle by the kingdom. And if doesn't settled quickly, then."

  With slipper cold along slower blizzard voice. "This will be the end of your effort. Huffm, sniffed bit with chuckle...."And that!! I can't let that happen. You know!?"

  Suddenly changing his way of speech from cold to the tremble threatening words crumble captain remains sturdier state. When suddenly out of nowhere he emerged near captain face close with hideous expression.

  " Eh!?.. ."scared captain along with others realizes the movement of the Russell after some time later. His movement were faster than his escorts who have recently tried to attack Brock. But, that time Brock could have suspected or weren't effected. But this time even the pressure wasn't on his side. He was little frighten Including captain too.


  " I don't think. They don't have any other motive but.!"

  ". . . But!!?"

  " Their actions are organized. Someone from the behind of the curtain, pulling the strings. Meaning somebody from the royalties or from royals palace is betraying our trust. We have to find this "rat" or "mole" quietly. Hmfff..!

     There actions weren't vial for the time being. Because if the matters that going on. It's not like, they didn't have any grasp on the situation up until now. They were just trying to complete the hole in the barely stable wall of their last hope. Up- until now. That was also acknowledge by the Russell. So, that's why!? He was pinching on their dead nerve for even a single moment. But most of the dozed character in the scenario seems to be Sara.

  Including captain there. Words were ceased for the time being. But for how long?


    " Other than Silhouette, We have no detail on them, now do we!?" Russell thought. "How should I deduce it.!?"


    He was still near Captain face with wry and sly smile. But with the end of their last silence, He moved again near window. While vanishing In front of their sight from mist and suddenly appeared near the window.


  The silence where Russell was quickening his thoughts alongside where the other were holding the right ground. Were intruded by somebody's presence.

    That being had intrigued a suspicious way. Without knocking to the door. He flanked inside in a haste. Annoyed atmosphere shrunken his haste but without caring a thing. He directly moved near the silenced captain.

   While saluting captain In hurry.

   " Sir, a Royal letter from the Dom kingdom had just arrived." In a loud noise with in comparison of his body. A young man. Who will be nineteen this year. Golden blonde thin hair, clean face. Suited in light armoured attire. Covered from cloak of brown heavy leather near shoulder. He had twin crossed dagger placed back of his waist. Whom tip was upwards beneath his uniform. Concerned on his eyes. Perform in haste on that matter, while drafting the order of sense of that room toward himself.


Aha! I see, my vile doubt paid off, huh! Russell muttered in silence at the edge.

     (( Up until now, everyone is speaking and international language knows as Barcelion. Barcelion is an international language. The whole Nwoliyen continent including 'Rasmon empire' along with Jubelian and other kingdoms also used these way of speaking for proper connectivity around the continent. Barcelion language was formally developed way back in the past. As the real evidence doesn't present till now, From where the source language Emerged. But, mostly importantly because it was helping in both economical and Other various merits. All most every kingdom made compulsory for the people to have idea about Barcelion language.

     And with the time. The language became most used kingdom official language. Eradicating the barriers of language among people. One of them is Jubelian kingdom and Rasmon empire. It's not like they don't have other languages but massive usage of the Barcelion cause their official language to accorded in second on their own language. This was happened after the overthrown power of Carcesius kingdom.  Russell grandfather Edward ark-van Jubelian didn't approved this because he was well known of the consequences. But after he left. The Russell father king, made it official after looking the merit of it. Which cause the native tribal for an inappropriate look towards the Jubelian kingdom.

     As the matter. Every higher official position must speak on Barcelion language. And Because of that different people have various accent to the language and can be very differed of one to be known.

   One of them is that Young man who was reporting to the captain. His accent was very different from what they are speaking. His accent was hard plausible words with creaking hard voice. Even though his age doesn't seems fully mature or and aged person. You could even say a "Russian accent" as the way he talks.

      But, The accent on Barcelion language doesn't effect on the same kingdom or empire. Most likely other differ in separate kingdom or empire.

  Which piqued the interest? Does That young man doesn't belong from Jubelian kingdom?

  As the thought also went around Russell minds.))

     Sealing failed Expression from his eye's. Captain referred his hands toward the documents on his hands and with the assistant of that young man. Captain caught in a easier manner.

     A brief quick short, gazes revolved around the document a can be confirmed by his looks that, it is as exactly what Russell said. Captain grunt voice and Shanking eyes slightly visit his men around. While others remains as it is.

    " Grunts", Voice formed by captain chosen to expression in a loud sense. Letting Not only to attract Brock attention also The quiet shafted Russell. Who has been blocking his Presence from the corner.

" you said Dom kingdom!?, Tell me what is that? And your name too? "Slightly silenced the room. While breaking his appearance toward that young man.


    Flatten voice from the man presented near the edge of his vision. Harden to form a image only from the voice. Makes that young man to shifted towards the voice. But when he realised. Repulsive his manner and accordance.


      Vacillated young man said-" Eh! Y-your Highness. I am known as Savant armadas. Soldier of the "on ground fleet of Research sector" "OFFs" Sub- division of the West Royal knights. T-The thing regarding Dom kingdom is that." Stealing his gaze from the Russell, That man looked quickly toward the captain for Approval of his words. And felt relaxed when, the captain shook his eyes on conformation to be delivered.

        In a sense of relief, he looked quickly toward the Russell for his in accordance to not realized earlier and also took precious time. And spooked his body down on his knee. With great respect and state for forgiveness for his imprudent act earlier.

    " .. Please, forgive me, your Highness for not Realizing your presence earlier."

          " The answer!!" Dark voice fleet toward the Savant from Russell.

Tremendous pressure couldn't break Savant posture even a bit. Which was quite shocked for the Russell but also reading the environment Savant Relieved Russell with the answer he'd been trying to leaping. The descriptions of the overall word's were similar as captain read. But for full prefrontal confirmation he was also supplied by the document. Which was holding by the captain on his hands.

  "Hmm--!!" Called face were often dissolve when the Russell was about to focus on the things. Regardless what that is?


     After a pernicious gaze, Russell shifted his word to lighten and annexed his felt.

    " Hmm, Nothing that can be verified my doubts, the person who wrote this quiet keen on matter. Most note worthy Things is that the respected form of this letters.

    Another matter That what I was discussing here is same nothing more up, nothing more down. That means they don't want to disclose everything regarding the matter, or ... They want a conformation. 

     Hmm? Nevertheless. It quiet amusing for them to interact this quickly. What is the rush? Maybe... No, that can't be.!! I shall have to connected more dots in here. This realm of shadow, the anomalous of the murder near when the time is unflinching."

    A small gaze toward the person around. While reading that Documents continued to his thought's by Russell.

   " well, I can't say that, there isn't any uproar. Constantly throughout—when my Grandparents left. The kingdom had many inner matter to settle, some where recognized but" Again – with a glance of cold eye's toward the members presented in that room, while taking sip of tea and reading the document. "Some uproar where... Dealt in a dark nights without any traces. Leaving nothing but, despair and a revenge among people. Letting that to form a hatred towards the current king. And no how my father is pushing his few strings of life high. His actions weren't even taken seriously by the time. While – a lot manner though!!"

  "Hah, Sighs!!" Russell.

  "That subsequently led for another reason not to believe in The Royals, to the point that I can't even imagined. Only thing which is keeping the uproar to thrown out this hellish kingdom is the military power of our kingdom.

      But, for how long I presume? The only Royalty that have more support from few generations of people, The noble, and few from the alliance of the kingdom like church is giving him a way more that... Sigh! My brother the second prince. It will only be a matter of time before he will also get the throne. And when that happens? Then I know what is going to happened to me? Sigh!!

    Up until, now through my military Carrier point. I had valued but, I don't think my brother that, cunning bastard will let me live, I will only be a hard stone on his way. And that cautious bastard will try to pluck every thorn from his way no matter the means he will use.    

      And this letter will be a crucial things that will play huge role for succession his way towards throne. And I know that he won't gonna let this chance slip away."


  "If I don't want my head to be cut off, Or again send to another suicide mission like My time on empire. I have to Do something, quick. For that I need support.

Because of the years of roaming around the different part of the empire. My reach had gone up to the outer part. But, not here. People won't see me more than a battle warhead. Or a flesh of meat to dealt the battle.

The inner kingdom problem is also a matters for the noble. To connect their lineage and reach for the upper heights. And because I been roaming around excluding some other are like my personal enemy. I ain't the one to cuddle for safer mask. Means the nobility and the alliance of the four power of our kingdom should also help to choose the next king. And if there supporting party were to be next king then they will also become hefty to gain power. Mainly the four alliance.

    "Grunts" Russell a series of thought attended other from that grunts. And he looked toward them. With and other thought He thought-

    " Does my brother be the one for those Realm of shadows, ahh! That can't be or it is. Ahh!! Maybe I'm thinking a lot on this. And this headache. Ahh!!"

    Leaving that absurd assumptions he jumped on another thought while continuing on his tea and that documents.

  " For that, the best course of action will be, to maximize the utilization of the left betided or we can say the left behind." Thought while looking towards the captain and his men And continued his thought with sly smile. " For the matter on hands even though our kingdom main asset is military but, they aren't the one of em!! Even having the title of Royal knights. They aren't the real one. The real ones are the Easter Royal knights.

     Even for them the power that holds are exponentially huge. Mostly of the business are dealt from them. Like they are also investor on the kingdom more than 20%of the merchant. Not only that they also hold 15% of production, sales, named social reforms sector like education, health, with some portion on the research of the new magical equipment's etc. And some portion on international trade too. Which cut the power of the king in a whole area. Who could believe that the military are performing not only their specified task but also involved in business. Hah,

    That's why among the four alliance they hold bit of high Power then other. Which was again the opposite of what the alliance of the Jubelian kingdom's was made for. What an irony isn't it? And can also effect on many sectors at once."

   "And regarding of the — captain's western Royal knights. Hmm– well they don't even have a thing. They are the only representative. A useless branch. Mainly formed for the suppression of Allegation that the military is holding way much power. For that reason they told that they had divided into four parts. The West, East, North and South Royal knights. And all will have power for some extent. But that wasn't total true. But– regarding the power western Royal Knights luck was rotten. Regardless being the beginning members of the distributed power. They were quickly surpassed by the north and south Royal knights. Cause, inner conflict among them and if we believe to the some source or rumours one did say betray them.

    Letting the current conditions of the Western Royal knights.( A slight gaze directed aside from the documents towards, silent Brock, tense yet, confused Sara, lifeless captain and last gaze walked to that young man Savant. Who was particularly doing nothing.) But they are capable personnel, that's for sure! Because I've known them for years. From the beginning, the problem wasn't questioned about their capabilities, rather their personality, reputation and last but most important 'representation' towards public.

   If I were to have make them to gain higher position, then it won't hurt me. Rather it will... Help me." Scary smile was in Russell face. " They are also be frustrated by the humiliation. From other Royal knights. And aren't able to apply their ideals too. And for that this Dom kingdom will be a essential key. Every player will try to maximize the utilization."


    Excluding some of most used tactics I've know. Even if there were to be changes in their plays or unknown player. I will dealt with them. But, for that the matter. The kingdom of 'Dom' and Realm of shadows. I have to act quick yet silent to reduce for any unwanted problems. And I have a strange strong senses that this aren't the only problem. There will be more problem and players for the throne and who knows for what matters? Sigh!!"

      Those all thought were arguing on himself on his thoughts. Rubbing the edge of tea cup through his forefinger. He chuckled while replacing his seat to the nearby abandoned armchair.

    He was forcibly throwing himself in different aspect of the seat and thoughts.

While other have their on until Russell ended his tea and documents simultaneously.

  Today's night was way darker than it supposed to. The moonlight was supposedly hidden behind the hazy cloud. Even in the full moon. It didn't seems like today is the day. Where The moonlight can expressed. However The dark hasn't that kind of weakness today.

       " Anyways, What did you say your name again!?"—Savant tried to filled his question in pace but halted by the self-esteem restraining himself. Because Russell deliverable announce to his words. As if those way, he want to shredded and subdued the populace. —— "Yah, Savant. What a Grant name You've got! I might wonder does that name also represent your personality. Hmmm!?"

(( Savant : A person who has an exceptional aptitude in one particular field. But that's doesn't seem with him now. Does that name literally doesn't mean any significant or does it....))


    Tensile the vilest of the presence around that room. Russell was performing every act. Which could lead them to be. They weren't much annoyed but that. Why was that? Maybe because he is nobody. But his words were hampered highly to the Savant. Who was Quietly kneel down. His words were wearing of out from his mind.

      Realizing Savant armadas place. Russell smirk in pace. And humbled his sympathy on the phonetic Savant.

   " Hmm, No words? Sighs! No wonder. Why the situation merged in like this?! Tch! "

     " ... Tell me, do you have any words to speak on this matter Savant?" Tarnishing his priced name. Russell emerging himself to amused on their situation. Including captain and his companion. None sided to the poor Savant. But to back up his name savant said–


     " If you want me to express my vision on that matter. Regarded the meaning and the capability that I even hold for this names. It- I may not be the any near to the people presented here. But this name is special to me. Because someone important have given to this name to me and I cherish it. And the point if I am not even entrust the names. Well- only the time can be proven.

         In both ways of defencing his name and answering Russell question without any disrespect. He stretch his words as much as he could elaborate.

    " Fufu-Haha. You aren't good with the words. Do you?" Surprising, after such answer. Russell muffled the situation.

    Not able to settle his dilemma to buried his thoughts. He said–

     "... As you said, your Highness. I hadn't been taught to submerge to other accordance." In a self – proclaimed to him off the lashes on his chest. He said.

    " Hm- humm! Then, what did they taught you?"

    "To marked the enemies with your life, and do not question to your orders. Even if doesn't hulped down to your mouth." In a strange slivered voice. With some curved line on his fore head.

" And do you follow All of them with sincerely?" Peculiar eyes asked from the Russell to conform his resolve.

    "....That's!" Savant's words weren't leading up to their ends. Only some disqualified express felt to his side.

   Russell quickly grasp the situation. Or maybe he already figured out his resolve formerly when he entered to that room. And Said–

    " fufu, You know what? How people talk big about ideals but when the time comes. They abandoned their resolve. For availability of their souls"

       Russell was trying to complete his words. But interrupted by the Savant words. And surprised Russell.

   " Not, all the people Abandoned their ideals." Loud noise crumbs in that room. But when Savant realizes his mistake. He lowered his voice and said. " some keep their resolve until... "

   " until, their death right." Russell shifted his head very close to the Savant face. Repeating same unbelievable action that he performed against Captain. And suddenly appears down near where the savant face to interrupt his word's and answer his resolve. He had shifted his head in a vertical way with pernicious eyes. And his mist's surrounded Savant all around. Surprised scares savant to close to death.

     This time savant was only surprised to death but if those Russell escorts were presented in that room. The same that occurred with Brock or worse could have emerged in that room.


    This not only lead Russell, to slide but also other souls too. Sara was bit annoyed toward Savant for being disrespectful against Royal, Captain as usual silence and Brock- This time other than Sara he was bit concerned about savant.


" You could be right about those people. But what does that cost them. Their life, hufm."

    " .... "

  The silence related while the anamorphic stress felling gulp down by Savant.

   Both their conversation were Silently oversees by the captain. As if captain was watching the two opposite while quite similar piece of a coin. As experienced his eyes were nothing scape's from him even in a situation as today, he was.


            Savant armadas was a idealistic followers, but that had cost him much. As he speak of. While on the other hand Russell had accomplished no matter the way. Leaving the norm and value aside.

         [ so, what exactly Captain meant in here? ]

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Lacchicreators' thoughts