

In a dark night a man was walking on certain street. Did he accomplished something or he was trying to!? what awaits too his story? Let us find together.It's a world where possibility are endless.

Lacchi · ファンタジー
23 Chs


         Elaboration on the kingdom condition were continued through captain and Russell conversation.

     "......," Russell expressed to say something but he didn't.

   For a moment the silence remained among themselves on the matter they had been discussing. Both Sara and Brock were looking towards each other face's with the incompletion of the words and questionable marginal, that What exactly does prince trying to indicate?

       Russell moved bit around with thought on his mind.

   " Sighs, As I was saying. The current situation of the kingdom. Which is almost clear as crystal water. That, the nobles and their alliances doesn't seems to collaborating with higher-ups. Beside I can't believe it. I have been only out for three years and all this happened."

   Another sighs face worn on him.

  " I hate to admit it, but The current Royal Family lack to sufficient the need of Jubelian kingdom. To be called out as the rulers."

        Grim, cold, withers words and expression with calmed yet, frightening eyes with shining eyebrows woven fall upon the souls around. Including captain. If it Russell weren't been Prince, That words would certainly considered as traitor and might been his last too. On the other hand without the completion of his word's, his head was chopped off and was supposedly to be lying on the ground with scattered blood around, filled and drenching on captain and others boots.

    Slight variables on their expression arouse, not questionable words removed from their mouth. They continued on listening Russell.

    "The major contributions can be sided because of The fall of Carcesius kingdom. As the new alliance were uphold by my grandparents and their supporters. They weren't only dealing with Rusting power among them. Because longer they hold vacant on throne, the higher the chances of another war. Cause of such diminishing part on control over kingdom. Most of the decision were quicker on their part and hadn't been properly discussed and advised. Because they had more than to deal rather improvement on proper plan and execution, most of them probably had slotted out for future.

    Rather, when there was a war, As Jubelian alliances and Carcesius kingdom. It's not more a surprised that came out. Not only did they have to bear the consequences but also fallen kingdom along with drenched people on the war. Whom daily life had been robbed. Fascinating dim colossal wave of despair roused among all those, who were at war and whom not?

    Because nothing in world can supposedly make the war, A easy bet. " Because peace isn't something, that can be achieved from war. Rather the victory on battle claiming as peace is just an another interval, before a new war."

  The uneasiness that was supposedly Summoned on Brock and Sara was acceptable but the uneasiness on Russell also been felt throughout his conversation.

  " The destruction of the war that craved the among the people heart to fear. Destruction weren't even comprehendible to imagine. Thousands of soldiers blood suffered through the war, Their families suffered, but not Question rouse upon because They whom were only seems for their act as noble cause, social interest, as every body on the society more or less have to contribute, even it means giving theirs lives.

    They were used just as cannon fodder.

      While those one power can act as benefactor of those , whom families where shattered at war, refilling their tormented heart and place with pile of lies and money, to fill for the time being. Which indirect let them viewed as those " who helped the suffered" but for what cost? What was the soldiers duty? Was is to suffer, when a sword of lusted, Pierce on him, crushing the iron plate on his chest? Desperately , he may have push his sword on that enemy whose blade was deepening with time, but hitting his lips with tighten teeth's, he would've rushed upon enemy head for last push, and would have succeed on his attempt.

    When he watched again on that hell around so called battlefield, occurring with countless of pushes and encounter liked him, with unbearable noises. He would have tried to reach out his thoughts to his home.

   Where everyone would've been seemingly desired their eyes upon return of their beloved husband, the yet to be recognizable to surrounding only heard from his mother mouth, about his "heroic father" gone on battle for their sake. Thinking about the warm night's on his little, but humble house on winter night. spending each portion of their time on the little but happy life, with laugh and the warmness which had been belittling throughout those shivered, night.

    Those were the thoughts, he had occurred on his mind, while another spear pushed through his body from the rider of spears-man. Quite a surprised his surroundings began to null, those annoying, rustle sound of the battle around slowly faded with the time, when his body fell on the dusty ground, which soon loosen because his scattered blood lowers the dust ground while filling on his face and hair. Only regret he felt could've been seen on his, drenched eyes.

      At the surface, the Jubelian alliance actions seemingly light a new hope of flame against the Carcesius kings torture, The end of evil, similar as    " The legendary legendary king Arthur Adalbert." Time when, he- who came as new hope at that time to free people from their miserable lives and help "Nwoliyen continent to unified." Because before ' The legendary king all the land on Nwoliyen continent were ruled by different factions, majorly only a limited piece of land also have been reformed themselves as kingdom. Resulted on continuous attack from bandits and territorial war, near their neighbouring countries. Leading every day on misery, with fall and rise of the smaller territory.

         But, after unification lead by " The  legendary king Arthur Adalbert. " All those smaller territories were conquered by him along with his supportive to the point until, he have conquered the whole continent. Naming The whole continent as "Nwoliyen continent." Then For the being of time no opposition were formed and dared till the end of his regime. Because as everyone feared and respect the power of " The   legendary king Arthur Adalbert."  He had mastered every- Type of martial arts, The weaponry, combat and "SY" energy with multiple of elements on control."

     As of now, the territorial battle still occurred on each empire but before that's most of the time the city Lord have to submit a " territorial war" Letter to the central government on their kingdom they reside. And that goes same for the kingdom. Only the other imperial wars do not follow these rules. This supposedly diminish the outrageous conflict among Each other. At first after submitting The " Territorial war" letters. A official inspection were pulled upon on the assumption offered to the kingdom. Then a official meeting were held to Peacefully resolving the quarrel Between two parties. And if that also didn't let way, then the war among City or territorial lord were restricted to minimum of casualties and mainly Exceptional their own land out of these as much as possible. And same rules applies to the kingdom also where their matter handle by the empire. And again all these doesn't applied to any other empires.

   " Those never ending was surely, supposed to bring "peace" Even for the time being but things weren't went along."

     As similarly after "Thousand years later" It was about to happen again, The history was about to repeat it-self again. As They, The people of Carcesius kingdom and Jubelian alliances thought, because the descendants of "The   legendary king's Arthur Adalbert is Edward' The former king of Jubelian kingdom. But the difference is that the opponent is also " The same descendants of The legendary king" The Carcesius king.

         After the end of fearsome enemy of all nation around, The Carcesius king defeat from his own sons hands. Lead Enormous excitement and relief on one part. But the price was unimaginable to compare. The losses on both side were equal and all. But the power raved from Carcesius king and the Jubelian alliances. who had waged war in the name on of Justice and clenching of the evil, Left nothing but despair.

     Although, The major actions reasoning can be hinted as For the noble cause. But Few did have their hidden agenda. As it said " Only at the time of war, money and trade" The two different nations come together. So, it was unimaginable even to think about, The people of different reasonable factions joint around for similar goals, Leading their time, funding on such longest war second only after "The legendary unification".

          [ You may thinks, why would their exist a reason cause for noble act? why would their exist reason for helping someone in need? Is it unimaginable that someone will not offer their hands to the dog. who was pitifully left behind in groups of haw. No- That's not the outrageous but not yet, a realistic. You may think, you would just push a hand for help without any merit. The people who act generous and kind only as for fame of oneself. Would you try risk your life if a burglar tried to rob ones after seemingly left you for unknown cause. Leading your life to be resulted to in sates of dilemma, But tried to rob a seemingly wealthy personnel. But in a distance where you have been some issue with that personnel or your day have went bad because of them. Will you tried to help him? In the name of Nobel cause, inflicted because f your morals? ]

  [ There might've a confusion, Even though Carcesius king was descendants of 'The legendary king' his surname doesn't followed on his descendants. That's because after he had took control over the continent, His Successor were took over the continent. Forming the other empire. As such one of them is The Carcesius kingdom, reasons were not historical accurate to this point about, why the Successor of 'The legendary king' Disbanded as Carcesius kingdom, but that doesn't supposedly mean they are any way down to the empire.]

   The dire situation was supposedly meant for one help for each other, but still there are people who hunker down for proper utilization of such opportunities.

     Specifically doesn't indicate to pointed personal, Church faction were one of them, up until now, their religious beliefs were seemingly pressure to seize by the Carcesius kingdom. Their religious act were suppressed, to the point that, if anyone supposedly caught following any rituals of Church faction, they were sentenced to the death including his whole family. Rules were also supposed to applied on Their church, and related personnel, but all and all it didn't. Because they keep their presence by keeping the inner support to the noble and all. But for how long? The turning point for the Church faction lit by the Carcesius king illegitimate child rebellion. Their sole purpose for support on those uproar is to overthrowing Carcesius kingdom. Simultaneously to expand their religions believe to the Carcesius kingdom and survival of their own.

        The military faction utter for the martial law. [ Martial law Martial law is the replacement of civilian government by military rule and the suspension of civilian legal processes for military powers.]

      Military faction deemed for long term of martial law implementation.

        Various group among the people have for their own agenda. Most of them trying to make a name in this ravaging war for themselves. Some in the name of revenge. Some for their actual right. Some only for the pleasure of mortal body. The mesmerizing flown of blood from the scratched blade on ones body. The smoothness cut off of the head in distance shot."

   "Massacre purge upon Carcesius along Jubelian alliance. Soothing sound resulted to the end of Era. From cold War to actual war it took ' Three years' course of time. Countless strategies, conflict, underhand- work, performed before the End of such a war. Nothing less, was supposed to be called sin. Every means, Every way was used, Every act, Every sin was resumed, deemed to be caught, in a act of violation of morals were front on their eyes, but action didn't seems supposedly diminish even after that."

  Yet, another sigh shift from Russell on his way of history lesson to the personal around.

" when the war was finally came to it's end. The dusk of Evil Kingdom and heroic tales of my grandfather 'ballads' throughout the land.

     Recrimination solely landed upon Carcesius kingdom. My grandfather made a promise to the people around that theirs actions had lead such a devastating war next to The ' Thousand year' war.

  " Knowing and unknowingly, our actions shook all over the Carcesius kingdom, but I 'Edward fanz ark-van Carcesius- no Edward fanz ark-van Jubelian' Swore upon In the name of my great ancestors ' The legendary king' That such a act will never occur again In my presence."

     His words Pierce on Every personal present on that day In the old capital city 'Grand Execution Hall' of Carcesius. Thousands of people, who act solely or indirectly assisted on War, after know as "Age of winter" Where is announcement be-lifted tormented hearts.

    But soon, my grandfather realised that, his hands weren't cleaned and his actions weren't noble he assumed. Rather, The irony hit upon Houston, That he had more Blood on his hands compared his own father Carcesius king. Again, That was too late. The mist of realization hit hard on his ideal. The sorrow, the pain. The voices of the dead and mourn. Whether they were foe or friend. He was Irresistible to bear that all those promises. "All those efforts for nothing, Huh! His claims faded on his own mind."

   "This sure was a irony!" Commented on his own words with sarcastic way by the Russell. The tongue of sorted sky be- filled in sadness again on the persons around.

    " After the, surge of Powerlessness follow upon him. They had to results procure destruction land to maintenance.

    The defeated or captured body along the remaining, surrendered faces were also beheaded with their whole family along.

    Publicly so, that none dare to appose. The solider were only following the rules but not my grandfather nor the alliance of the Jubelian heard anything to those. Who had no interference, where also hanged with brutal way along with children and adult. where their eyes were gouged out and where compulsory need to be watched. That hideous scenery without discriminating the age."

       " Talk about justice! Ha- ha!" Laugh split from Russell mouth.

" Do you remember Captain!! The cause of "Ezreoun" Extinction and why people actually despise them? And I'm not talking about those who followed the Hershey!"

      In a strange sly smile Russell asked his another absurd question resulting every- soul on that room to Loose their temper, specifically Sara.

      After longing farther it could, Captain couldn't dare to ignore questioned by the Third prince. And went to be clear Russell argument.

    " I believe, this wasn't supposed to be even a matter to be discussed by us, but – How should I put this?" His fallen words were dried on his mouth.


     Nothing were to be known, Nor Russell question resolved, nor The answers summarize in any way. Unable to resist and Sara might fall upon this conversation, hit captain thought harder. And resulted to be procure this conversation by himself.

  " Captain!! is something the matter, there?!" Russell words disturb or might to be said woken captain form his long minded pool of thought with rigid shock, and with 'Uhh!!?' He replied–" No your highness nothing, but the matter! You've been talking about.... Shouldn't allowed to be spoken, so freely? If you might've known, though!!"

   Literal pleased words were humming around. By the looks of it his determination to loosen this tensed situation was clear as crystal water. On the other hands Brock was notably glancing towards furious Sara. For some reason, which was arguably didn't seems to be released soon, nor until captain won't answer That question?

    " That means you do know? Don't you? I mean who doesn't? even though, these tales highly prior to these day's. Even though it may have some truth on it. but considering Hundred years ago occurred incident. It's not a surprised that might've been Exaggerated. Now, isn't it?" Another sly smiled waver around but this time Sara cut off his words with vigilant piercing voice.

   " That's not the truth!! Those—Those 'monsters' are worse.. " Vividly realization hit upon Sara, whom she was talking to but didn't left until she finished her words, Her angered showed upon her face can be considered as killing someone ASAP if presented.

   But she forcibly let her angered and stance to down on that sofa.

       Russell to be surprised was another point, but as usual, He was quick on, maintaining his expression.


    Words weren't found for a while. And captain along with Brock were concerned Sara's attitude against Russell. But Russell didn't pay much of interest even though his words were cut off, Purposely was that? Or not? Who might even Guess? But another smile, He question Sara with statement of his own.

   " Monsters you say? Miss vice captain!! That's, I think over-selling your point, don't you think? I mean, I have not saw, what you did? But aren't those 'Ezreoun' are like wizards and magician. I mean they can also utilize multiple "SY" energy like magician do. Think about it, without those pointed 'Red vertical one- horn' on their forehead, we might not even tell the difference?"

  " No!! Your highness, Their is no way in the hell? Those all are similar, I will never failed to distinguish between them, you know why? Because those are monsters. They cannot be sane for longer time, and always listed with blood on their hands." Another absurdly promoted accusing fell from Sara mouth with furious she was? There was no denial, some grudge she hold?

     But She wasn't the only one apparently. Because The " Ezreoun" multiple "SY" energy users were forbidden in Jubelian kingdom. And such a state that, It considered Punishable to even talk about them. The reason behind, simply pointed to the War " Age of winter" occurred Hundred years ago.

     " Ah! Uh!!" Another dot fullness look towards Sara.

    " You were trying to referred. About what happened in the " Age of winter" I guess. But hear me out. I know ' Ezreoun' were our foe because they were the one. Who had supported Carcesius kingdom and all. And their actions towards war prisoners were cruel" stopped in hitch and said- I tried to put a vulgar word for their actions but I think that would be too much. Besides their actions were none solely 'humane' like extortion people mind, Beheading in strangest manners they could. And—what – they did to the women? I barely could put in word. And god- knows what other hideous actions? But doesn't mean that they weren't judged after the Fall of Carcesius kingdom, They were hunted to the point where there numbers diminish in a such state that only handful of them quoted to be alive."

   " I mean why didn't Magician tower offered some of them their hands, considering The rarity of Magician in Each kingdom." Or did they ? Who knows they barely offered themselves to shown to the world by the way!" Those magician tower people.

   " Your highness" Captain barricaded Russell continues thought on these matter, which was quite of habit of His!

And replied –" Oh! Did I again went alone with the flow? Oh Man!! I should fix these quickly." In a childish manners. Again these shown his strange personality as people say's Genius are half- screwed after all.

    " ahum" light cough from Russell to closer all attention. The attention did occurred but not as Russell wanted. The furious Sara did lose some of her interest on his Words now, and Russell felt awkwardly, curious to be known the reason behind. But felt now isn't the right time for it. Slightly tilted his head from left silently seated Brock, nothing of much can be said from his obvious silence. And then there were captain, He was continuously trying to be control the situation around.

    But their behaviour was also off, to began with. Which was quite reasonable because The prince himself was discussing about something but the point was clear. Started as himself begin Prince nor more or less objections did face by Russell to frankly distributing the Official Meeting of Royal Guard on the matter on hand. But then again, that was absurd. Why would a prince would likely have to words with Royal Guard at this hour. But whatever the cause was it wasn't a perfect sure for them. They cannot make of sense, only trying to listen to Russell words for figuring something out of his words. But his personality and way of making words were near impossible to make sense.

      With a moment of silence and bit of awkwardness among them. Russell Again started his words as usual.

    " Agrh!! Dam this headache." It seems he wasn't quite feeling well. From the beginning he was seemingly pushing his hands toward his head for some reason now that reason profusely exposed.

     " ......"

     " When my father was about 15 months old. Both my grandparents left the kingdom without any traces. Must be they couldn't handle their own failure." Sniffed Russell.

   " The only excuse why the throne wasn't, thrown out again. Because of the Commander of the whole Jubelian army and close friend of my grandfather 'sir Serizawa yukia.' Had supported my father and helped to kept his throne until he became adult. Because of Power, unimaginable strength and his achievement In the war " Age of winters." None dare to oppose him. Some also suggest that if it weren't for the help of 'Sir Serizawa yukia' My grandfather couldn't able to win that war against Carcesius kingdom. At least people hearsay, Nor do I quite fully believe it."

   The last quotes line of Russell seems to triggered little to the Brock. But as usual Russell only hinted and didn't inquiry any further. Which shows in his every action. But if this conversation was supposedly of any other matter from Russell interest. He would have but now it only seems like he was checking in all their actions but had greater plans for them.

         "But for the governance of the kingdom were kindly handled by my grandfather younger sister. Whom is double the digit on her age compare to my father at that time. You are probably knows her as the first queen of Jubelian kingdom ' Maria ark-van Jubelian."

    " Because of having Royal blood. She was permitted to rule the throne, but to do that, Faction demanded they still needed presence of pure Royal blood. Which was my father of course.

       Because of that she had to be throne while taking my father on her lap. But those didn't affected on her administrative side. She wasn't like other rules. Moreover one can even says she was the most suitable. Her begin Royal and only relatives wasn't the only factor lead her to be handled the throne. Because of her all achievements on the " Age of winters" we're also the reasons. Most of the supply of resources, the meeting between other factions and other backhanded actions we're handle by her. Even her magician skill is set to on next level. One could say.

      she had handle most of the politics on her own. Including she was also great in close- combat. As someone who had personally trained by my grandfather. Many had feared from her deadly nature on the Battlefield. Her age didn't seemly Had matter. Because even though she was on her teen. As one time she had torn apart enemy commander head from his body in one blow. Was that because of war or..?

       After the great rebellion war the nation was not yet overcome from its devastation. She had done every thing. She could have. And when my father took throne her influence diminish quickly. And you can see... ! The situation."

  " ... Phw. . . ..!!"

"Argh!!.. Long waited list of time later he said- But For some reason my father married to the sister of my grandfather."

       Russell continued on the matter of the problem longing from history with their bizarre occurrences.

    "...., what exactly are to trying to say? Your highness! by telling us about this." Dubious eye's flutter along word from captain. As begin captain for all these years mist of Russell quotes weren't unheard of him.

    " why you said?! Well, let me......!"

Slowly closed his distance towards captain. "Well, you see we should have to grab the situation from the start. Isn't it?"

    " Situation?!!"

  " About what's going on around. And what will be going to happen?"

   Sly, smothered smile with fanged eyes whisper in the captain ear. Making the surrounding to chill with fear.


   " But still!" sneering a bit high then usual.

         " I can't believe it why did they have to Marry? Not like a care because I'm the son of the second queen anyway?"

Russell thought about with slit disprovable of the situation.   Elaboration on the kingdom condition were continued through captain and Russell conversation.

     "......," Russell expressed to say something but he didn't.

   For a moment the silence remained among themselves on the matter they had been discussing.   Both Sara and Brock were looking towards each other face's with the incompletion of the words and questionable  marginal, that What exactly does  prince trying to indicate?


       Russell moved bit around with thought on his mind.

   " Sighs, As I was saying. The current situation of the kingdom. Which is almost clear as crystal water. That, the nobles and their alliances doesn't seems to collaborating with higher-ups.  Beside I can't believe it. I have been only out for three years and all this happened."

   Another sighs face worn on him.

  "  I hate to admit it, but The current Royal Family  lack to sufficient the need of Jubelian kingdom. To be called out as the rulers."

        Grim, cold, withers words and expression with calmed yet, frightening eyes with shining eyebrows woven fall upon the souls around. Including captain. If it Russell weren't  been Prince, That words would certainly considered as traitor and might been his last too. On the other hand without the completion of his word's, his head was chopped off and was supposedly to be lying on the ground with scattered blood around, filled and drenching on captain and others boots.

    Slight variables on their expression arouse, not questionable words removed from their mouth. They continued on listening Russell.

    "The major contributions can be sided because of The fall of Carcesius kingdom. As the new alliance were  uphold by my grandparents and their supporters. They weren't only dealing with Rusting power among them. Because  longer they hold vacant on throne, the higher the chances of another war. Cause of such diminishing part on control over kingdom. Most of the decision were quicker on their part and hadn't been properly discussed and advised.  Because they had more than to deal rather improvement on proper plan and execution, most of them probably had slotted out for future.

    Rather, when there was a war, As Jubelian alliances and  Carcesius kingdom. It's not more a surprised that came out. Not only did they  have to bear the consequences but also fallen kingdom along with drenched  people  on the war. Whom  daily life had been robbed. Fascinating dim colossal wave of despair roused among all those, who were at war and whom not?

    Because nothing in world can supposedly make the war, A easy bet. " Because peace isn't something, that can be achieved from war. Rather the victory on battle claiming as peace is just an another interval, before a new war."

  The uneasiness that was supposedly Summoned on Brock and Sara was acceptable but the uneasiness on Russell also been felt throughout his conversation.

  " The destruction of the war that craved the among the people heart to fear. Destruction weren't even comprehendible  to imagine. Thousands of soldiers blood suffered through the war, Their families suffered, but not Question rouse upon because They whom were only seems for their act as noble cause,  social interest, as every body on the society more or less have  to contribute, even it means giving theirs lives.

    They were used just as cannon fodder.

      While those one power can act as benefactor of those , whom families where shattered at war, refilling their tormented heart and place with pile of lies and money, to fill for the time being. Which indirect let them viewed as those " who helped the suffered" but for what cost? What was the soldiers duty? Was is to suffer, when a sword of lusted, Pierce on him, crushing the iron plate on his chest?  Desperately , he may have push his sword on that enemy whose blade was deepening with time, but hitting his lips with tighten teeth's, he would've  rushed upon enemy head for last push, and would have succeed on his attempt.

    When he watched again on that hell around so called battlefield, occurring with countless of pushes and encounter liked him, with unbearable noises. He would have tried to reach out his thoughts to his home.

   Where everyone would've been seemingly desired their eyes upon return of their beloved husband, the  yet to be recognizable to surrounding only heard from his mother mouth, about his "heroic father" gone on battle for their sake. Thinking about the warm night's on his little, but humble house on winter night.   spending each portion of their time on the little but happy life, with laugh and the warmness which had been belittling throughout those shivered, night.

    Those were the thoughts, he had occurred on his mind, while another spear pushed through his body from the rider of spears-man. Quite a surprised his surroundings began to null, those annoying, rustle sound of the battle around slowly faded with the time, when his body fell on the dusty ground, which soon loosen because his scattered blood lowers the dust  ground while filling on his face and hair. Only regret he felt could've been seen on his, drenched eyes. 

      At the surface, the Jubelian alliance  actions seemingly light a new hope of flame against the Carcesius kings torture, The end of evil, similar as " The legendary king Arthur Adalbert. "  Time when, he- who came as new hope at that time to free people from their miserable lives and help  "Nowliyen continent to unified." Because before ' The legendary king all the land on Nwoliyen continent were ruled by different factions, majorly only a limited piece of land also have been reformed themselves as kingdom. Resulted on continuous attack from bandits and territorial war, near their neighbouring countries. Leading every day on misery, with fall and rise of the smaller territory.

         But, after unification lead by " The legendary king Arthur Adalbert. " All those smaller territories were conquered by him along with his supportive to the point until, he have conquered the whole continent. Naming The whole continent as "Nowliyen continent."  Then For the being of time no opposition were formed and dared  till the end of his regime.  Because as everyone feared and respect the power of " The legendary king" He had mastered every- Type of martial arts, The weaponry, combat and "SY" energy with multiple of elements on control."

     As of now, the territorial battle still occurred on each empire but before that's most of the time  the city Lord have to submit  a " territorial war" Letter to the central government on their kingdom they reside. And that goes same for the kingdom. Only the other imperial wars do not follow these rules. This supposedly diminish the outrageous conflict among Each other.  At first after submitting The " Territorial war" letters. A official inspection were pulled upon on the assumption  offered to the kingdom. Then a official meeting were held to Peacefully resolving the quarrel Between two parties. And if that also didn't let way, then the war among City or territorial lord were restricted to minimum of casualties and mainly Exceptional their own land out of these as much as possible. And same rules applies to the kingdom also where their matter handle by the empire. And again all these doesn't applied to any other empires.

   " Those never ending was surely, supposed to bring "peace" Even for the time being but things weren't went along."

     As similarly after "Thousand years later" It was about to happen again, The history was about to repeat it-self again. As They,  The people of  Carcesius kingdom and Jubelian alliances thought, because the descendants of " The legendary king Arthur.  Edward The former king of Jubelian kingdom might have higher chance But the difference is that the opponent is also " The same descendants of The legendary king" The Carcesius king.

         After the end of fearsome enemy of all nation  around, The Carcesius king defeat from his own sons hands.   Lead Enormous excitement and relief on one part. But the price was unimaginable to compare. The losses on both side were equal and all. But the power raved from Carcesius king and the Jubelian alliances. who had waged war in the name on of Justice and clenching of the evil, Left nothing but despair.

     Although, The major actions reasoning can be  hinted as For the noble cause. But Few did have their hidden agenda. As it said " Only at the time of war, money and trade" The two different nations come together. So, it was unimaginable even to think about, The people of different reasonable factions joint around for similar goals, Leading their time, funding on such longest war second only after "The legendary unification".

          [ You may thinks, why would their exist a reason cause for noble act? why would their exist reason for helping someone in need?  Is it unimaginable that someone will not offer their hands to the dog. who was pitifully left behind in groups of haw. No- That's not the outrageous but not yet, a realistic. You may think, you would just push a hand for help without any merit. The people who act generous and kind only as for fame of oneself. Would you try risk your life if a burglar tried to rob ones after seemingly left you for unknown cause. Leading your life to be resulted to in sates of dilemma, But tried to rob a seemingly wealthy personnel. But in a distance where you have been some issue with that personnel or your day have went bad because of them. Will you tried to help him? In the name of Nobel  cause, inflicted because f your morals? ]

  [ There might've a confusion, Even though Carcesius king was descendants of 'The legendary king' his surname  doesn't followed on his descendants. That's because after he had took control over the continent,  His Successor were took over the continent. Forming the other empire. As such one of them is The Carcesius kingdom, reasons were not historical accurate to this point about, why the Successor of 'The legendary king' Disbanded as Carcesius kingdom, but that doesn't supposedly mean they are any way down to the empire.]

   The dire situation was supposedly meant for one help for each other, but still there are people who hunker down for proper utilization of such opportunities.

     Specifically doesn't indicate to  pointed personal,  Church faction were one of them, up until now, their religious beliefs were seemingly pressure to seize by the Carcesius kingdom. Their religious act were suppressed, to the point that, if anyone supposedly caught following any rituals of Church faction, they were sentenced to the death including his whole family. Rules were also supposed to applied on Their church, and related personnel, but all and all it didn't. Because they keep their presence by keeping the inner support to the noble and all. But for how long? The turning point for the Church faction lit by the Carcesius king illegitimate child rebellion. Their sole purpose for support on those uproar is to overthrowing  Carcesius kingdom. Simultaneously to expand  their religions believe to the Carcesius kingdom and survival of their own.

        The military faction utter for the martial law.             [ Martial law Martial law is the replacement of civilian government by military rule and the suspension of civilian legal processes for military powers.]

      Military faction deemed for long term of martial law implementation.

        Various group  among the people have for their own agenda. Most of them trying to make a name in this ravaging  war for themselves. Some in the name of revenge. Some for their actual right. Some only for the pleasure of mortal body.  The mesmerizing flown of blood from the scratched blade on ones body. The smoothness cut off of the head in distance shot."


   "Massacre purge upon Carcesius along Jubelian alliance. Soothing sound resulted to the end of Era. From cold War to actual war it took ' Three years' course of time. Countless strategies, conflict, underhand- work, performed before the End of such a war. Nothing less, was supposed to be called sin. Every means, Every way was used, Every act, Every sin was resumed, deemed to be caught, in a act of violation of morals were front on their eyes, but action didn't seems supposedly diminish even after that."


  Yet, another sigh shift from Russell on his way of history lesson to the personal around.

" when the war was finally came to it's end.  The dusk of Evil Kingdom and heroic tales of my grandfather 'ballads' throughout  the land.

     Recrimination solely landed upon Carcesius kingdom.  My grandfather made a promise to the people around that theirs actions had lead such a devastating war  next to The ' Thousand year' war.

  " Knowing and unknowingly, our actions shook all over the Carcesius kingdom, but I 'Edward fanz ark-van  Carcesius- no Edward fanz ark-van Jubelian' Swore upon In the name of my great ancestors ' The legendary king' That such a act will never  occur again In my presence." 

     His words Pierce on Every personal present on that day In the old capital city  'Grand Execution Hall' of Carcesius. Thousands of people, who act solely or indirectly assisted on War, after know as "Age of winter" Where is announcement be-lifted tormented hearts.

    But soon, my grandfather realised that, his hands weren't  cleaned and his actions weren't noble he assumed. Rather,  The irony hit upon Houston, That he had more Blood on his hands compared  his own father Carcesius king. Again, That was too late. The mist of realization hit hard on his ideal. The sorrow, the pain. The voices of the dead and mourn.  Whether they were foe or friend. He was Irresistible to bear that all those promises.  "All those efforts for nothing, Huh!  His claims faded on his own mind."

   "This sure was a irony!"  Commented on his own words with sarcastic way by the Russell. The tongue of sorted sky be- filled in sadness again on the persons  around.

    " After the, surge of Powerlessness follow upon him. They had to results procure  destruction land to maintenance.

    The defeated or captured body along the remaining,    surrendered faces were also beheaded with their whole family along.

    Publicly so, that none dare to appose. The solider were only following the rules but not my grandfather nor the alliance of the Jubelian heard anything to those.  Who had no interference, where also hanged with brutal way along with children and adult. where their eyes were gouged out and where compulsory need to be watched. That hideous scenery without discriminating the age."


       "  Talk about justice! Ha- ha!" Laugh split from Russell mouth.

" Do you remember Captain!! The cause of "Ezreoun" Extinction and why people actually despise them? And I'm not talking about those who followed the Hershey!"

      In a strange sly smile Russell asked his another absurd question resulting every- soul on that room to Loose their temper, specifically Sara.

      After longing farther it could, Captain couldn't dare to ignore questioned by the Third prince. And went to be clear Russell argument.

    "  I believe, this wasn't supposed to be even a matter  to be discussed by us, but – How should I put this?" His fallen words were dried on his mouth.


     Nothing were to be known, Nor Russell question resolved, nor The answers summarize in any way. Unable to resist and Sara might fall upon this conversation, hit captain thought harder. And resulted to be procure this conversation by himself.

  " Captain!! is something the matter, there?!"  Russell words disturb or might to be said woken captain form his long minded pool of thought with rigid shock, and with 'Uhh!!?' He replied–" No your highness nothing, but the matter! You've been talking about.... Shouldn't allowed to be spoken, so freely? If you might've known, though!!"

   Literal pleased words were humming around. By the looks of it his determination to loosen this tensed situation was clear as crystal water. On the other hands  Brock was notably glancing towards furious Sara. For some reason, which was arguably didn't seems to be released soon, nor until captain won't answer That question?

    " That means you do know? Don't you? I mean who doesn't? even though, these tales highly prior to these day's. Even though it may have some truth on it. but considering Hundred years ago occurred  incident. It's not a surprised that might've  been Exaggerated. Now, isn't it?" Another sly smiled waver around but this time Sara cut off his words with vigilant piercing voice.

   "  That's not the truth!! Those—Those  'monsters' are worse.. " Vividly realization hit upon Sara, whom she was talking to but didn't left until she finished her words,  Her angered showed upon her face can be considered as killing someone ASAP if presented.

   But she forcibly let her angered and stance to down on that sofa.

       Russell to be surprised was another point, but as usual, He was quick on,  maintaining his expression.


    Words weren't found for a while. And captain along with Brock were concerned Sara's  attitude against Russell. But Russell didn't pay much of interest even though his words were cut off, Purposely was that? Or not? Who might even Guess? But another smile, He question Sara with statement of his own.

   " Monsters you say? Miss vice captain!! That's, I think over-selling your point, don't you think? I mean, I have not saw, what you did? But aren't those 'Ezreoun' are like wizards and magician. I mean they can also utilize multiple "SY" energy like magician do. Think about it, without those pointed 'Red vertical one- horn' on their forehead, we might not even tell the difference?"

  " No!! Your highness, Their is no way in the hell? Those all are similar, I will never failed to distinguish between them, you know why? Because those are monsters. They cannot be sane for longer time, and always listed with blood on their hands." Another absurdly promoted accusing fell from Sara mouth with furious she was? There was no denial, some grudge she hold?

     But She wasn't the only one apparently. Because  The " Ezreoun" multiple "SY" energy users were forbidden in Jubelian kingdom. And such a state that, It considered Punishable to even talk about them. The reason behind, simply pointed to the War " Age of winter" occurred Hundred years ago.


     " Ah! Uh!!" Another  dot fullness look towards Sara.

    " You were trying to referred. About what happened in the " Age of winter"  I guess. But hear me out. I know ' Ezreoun' were our foe because they were the one. Who had supported Carcesius kingdom and all. And their actions towards war prisoners were cruel"   stopped in hitch and said- I tried to put a vulgar word for their actions but I think that would be too much. Besides their actions were none solely 'humane' like extortion people mind, Beheading in strangest manners they could. And—what – they did to the women? I barely could put in word. And god- knows what other hideous actions?   But  doesn't mean that they weren't judged after the Fall of  Carcesius kingdom, They were hunted to the point where there numbers diminish in a such state that only handful of them quoted to be alive."

   " I mean why didn't Magician tower offered some of them their hands, considering The rarity of Magician in Each kingdom." Or did they ? Who knows they barely offered themselves to shown to the world by the way!"  Those magician tower people.

   " Your highness" Captain barricaded Russell continues thought on these matter, which was quite of habit of His!

And replied –" Oh!  Did I again went alone with the flow? Oh Man!! I should fix these quickly." In a childish manners.  Again these shown his strange personality as people say's  Genius are half- screwed after all.



    " ahum" light cough from Russell to closer all attention. The attention did occurred but not as Russell wanted. The furious Sara did lose some of her interest on his Words now, and  Russell felt awkwardly, curious to be known the reason behind. But felt now isn't the right time for it. Slightly tilted his head from left silently seated  Brock, nothing of much can be said from his obvious silence. And then there were captain, He was continuously trying to be control the situation around.

    But their behaviour was also off, to began with.  Which was quite reasonable because The prince himself was discussing about something but the point was clear.  Started as himself begin Prince nor more or less objections did face by Russell to frankly distributing the Official Meeting of Royal Guard on the matter on hand. But then again, that was absurd. Why would a prince would likely have to words with Royal Guard at this hour. But whatever the cause was it wasn't a perfect sure for them. They cannot make of sense, only trying to listen to Russell words for figuring something out of his words. But his personality and way of making words were near impossible to make sense.


      With a moment of silence and bit of awkwardness among them. Russell Again started his words as usual.

    " Agrh!! Dam this headache."  It seems he wasn't quite feeling well.  From the beginning he was seemingly pushing his hands toward his head for some reason now that reason profusely exposed.

     " ......"

     " When my father was about 15 months old. Both my grandparents left the kingdom without any traces. Must be they couldn't handle their own failure." Sniffed  Russell.

   " The only excuse why the throne wasn't, thrown out again. Because of the Commander of the whole Jubelian army and close friend of my grandfather 'sir Serizawa yukia.' Had supported my father and helped to kept his throne until he became adult. Because of  Power, unimaginable strength  and his  achievement In the war " Age of winters." None dare to oppose him. Some also suggest that if it weren't for the help of 'Sir Serizawa yukia' My grandfather couldn't able to win that  war against Carcesius kingdom. At least people hearsay, Nor do I quite fully believe it."

   The last quotes line of Russell seems to triggered little to the Brock. But as usual Russell only hinted and didn't inquiry any further. Which shows in his every action. But if this conversation was supposedly of any other matter from Russell interest. He would have but now it only seems like he was checking in all their actions but had greater plans for them.

         "But for the governance of the kingdom were kindly handled by my grandfather younger sister. Whom is double the digit on her age compare to my father at that time. You are probably knows her as the first queen of Jubelian kingdom ' Maria ark-van  Jubelian."

    " Because of having Royal blood. She was permitted to rule the throne, but to do that, Faction demanded they still needed  presence of pure Royal blood. Which was my father of course.

       Because of that she had to be throne while taking my father on her lap. But those didn't affected on her administrative side. She wasn't like other rules. Moreover one can even says she was the most suitable. Her begin Royal and only relatives wasn't the only factor lead her to be handled the throne. Because of her all achievements on the " Age of winters" we're also the reasons. Most of the supply of resources, the meeting between other factions and other backhanded actions we're handle by her. Even her magician skill is set to on next level. One could say.

      she had handle most of the politics on her own. Including she was also great in close- combat. As someone who had personally trained by my grandfather.   Many had feared from her deadly  nature on the Battlefield. Her age didn't seemly Had matter. Because even though she was on her teen. As one time she had torn apart enemy commander head from his body in one blow. Was that because of war or..?

       After the great rebellion war the nation was not yet overcome from its devastation. She had done every thing. She could have. And when my father took throne        her influence diminish quickly. And you can see... ! The situation."

  " ... Phw. . . ..!!"

"Argh!!..   Long waited list of time later he said- But For some reason my father married to the sister of my grandfather."

       Russell continued on the matter of the problem  longing from history with their bizarre occurrences.

    "...., what exactly are to trying to say? Your highness! by telling us about this." Dubious eye's flutter along word from captain. As begin captain for all these years mist of Russell quotes weren't unheard of him.

    " why you said?! Well, let me......!"

Slowly closed his distance towards captain. "Well, you see we should have to grab the situation from the start.    Isn't it?"

    " Situation?!!"

  " About what's going on around. And what will be going to happen?"

   Sly, smothered smile with fanged eyes whisper in the captain ear. Making the surrounding to chill with fear.


   " But still!" sneering a bit high then usual.

         " I can't believe it why  did they have to Marry? Not like a care because I'm the son of the second queen anyway?"

Russell thought about with slit disprovable of the situation.

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Lacchicreators' thoughts