

In a dark night a man was walking on certain street. Did he accomplished something or he was trying to!? what awaits too his story? Let us find together.It's a world where possibility are endless.

Lacchi · ファンタジー
23 Chs


Dramatically Disclosure of the culprit behind series of murder fell hard on the expectations of captain and Sara. Leaving no room for any surprises to fill up tarnish exposure.

"What the. ... are you talking about those cults? which have boomed their reach in various factions of the nearby kingdoms only a few years ago. Dam it."

".... Calm down Sara."

"But captain.... "

" This matter is more than, what we can handle."

" What matters? I presume, That led our finest Captain to detain on his actions before making any move."

Halt on their conversations. Mellifluous voices fled on each of the presented members on that plaza.

"your highness!, All the body bow bit in the presence of that person."

Pleasing charm on one's eyes. Well mannered in a gracious form. Lightening sparkle traits on his appearance. Blue eyes with glamour eyelashes. Ligatured blond hair descends up to reach on the chest. Placid expression with clean as a bean face. Royal white attired on a heavy sword on his waist. Lithe fanciful body of 6 ft In height. Topple his hands one with another upfront. Elegance movement twitch and head inside of that plaza.

" Did I hear the correct name Or, was I mistaken? Adorn voice Perceived by the captain along with others too.

Flustered captain, "That's....."


Ceasing Captain utter when he didn't get the Befitting of his interest answer from him.

"..... you aren't mistaken. your highness. What you heard is the truth" Bitten voice uttered by the captain.

Shuttered and raged eyes thrown onto the souls around. But only the captain was able to withstand others weren't even looking towards that man. Even though all the souls were calling him, your highness. His true recognition is that he was the Third prince of Jubelian kingdom. Russell ark-van Jubelian. Young, energetic and calm in nature. And about the end of his teen. Even though he didn't have entered in his adult life properly. But his swordsman was exceptional then others. He had condemned many battles to kneel before him.

His wisdom is equal to the greatest mind in the kingdom. And in the battle he is one of the main powers of the Jubelian kingdom. Also a fierce opponent because he uses his both talent and tactics to obliterate the enemy..

Elevated levered gaze discloses disappointment. Sigh, hazed around from that man in pulp of thought later.

" Not now. Not at this time." leverage expression doomed on that herd name.

"Realm of shadows." uttered hazily from Russell. Where his words pinched to the presented other members too, but they thought it would be wise. That they don't speak a word until the third prince doesn't call itself on that matter.

" ... Sigh, Relax Russell this isn't the time for acting like this. You have to take care of these matters. Oh, I'm so tired. I haven't had a proper rest lately." Russell thought in his mind.

" Ahhh! My head." directed near the sofa.

Out of nowhere. Two dresses wholly In black appeared.

" Your highness!"

"your tea." a mysterious person suggested while providing a cup of tea.

Presented souls couldn't even detect their presence until they appeared in front.

" Eh, yes! Thank god. This headache is gonna kill me."

Russell expressed In an abstract mood. While taking a sip of tea.

"Huhhh, Now, where were we?"

Calming himself from that situation. Russell borrowed their attention towards himself while sitting on the sofa nearby.

Elegance posture redeems to its state after that shock. It was marvellous to witness such a change.

"so, how much do we know about them so far?" while taking a sip in and rubbing his head simultaneously.

Russell inquiries were settled down by the captain words after he along with his soldier affirmed their posture.

"pardon your highness, But may I speak to this matter." from the corner around Brock raisers is thought.

Nothing worrying about his words. In calm manners with sly eyes.

" why not!"

Brock directed his eyes toward the captain. And when got assurance from the captain.

" you see, your highness. He raised papers from his cloak.

"your highness." while giving him that paper or most likely some kind of documents.

"This is..?"with crossed face.

" It's confidential information." The captain from the side added his words on that matters.

"Hmm, Russell starts to observe that document."

Then Brock resumes his pace while explaining the situation.

These Realm of shadows were spotted to be performing only a few years back. But their appearance was a halt to the criminal world. They swiftly take the Hierarch of criminal power on their hands.They have their strict rules. Which must be followed by every member associated with them.

Most of the past underworld criminals were taken out from their power and they managed to build corporal working systems. where all the criminal activities were performed in such a precise manner. That the initiative and precision of the work makes them perfect for any kind of job. They have also scattered around different nearby kingdoms in different businesses. Such as a merchant guild, adventures guild and even in the political power.

"Hmm, Serious gestures start to roam around from the Russell expression. While his hands were placed on his chin.

" continue"

".... Eh! Ah! Yes..... , As you already have some ideas. That the neighbouring kingdom also has had their internal issue recently. But, it seems that they are unlikely the work of those shadows."

Startle of Russell eyebrows heightened up, along a thick nod expression on his forehead.


"And how do they perform?"

"well, that's..."

Brock continued his words.

"It's an invalid info rather than fabricated but,"

"Many of the inn and grand hotels were used for this purpose."


"And even, though we know about their hotels But, we can't barge in like this. And they are very sharp and didn't leave even a single proof. Can be found to use against them."

"That's, means someone influencer has their back, or rather someone else is pulling string from behind the curtains."

"A jealous smirk emerged from Russell's expression."

" there seems to be a group that does it all....."

"Anything else. said while watching Brock.

".. Anything.... After a pause and thought from the Brock side."

"Eh. I'm not sure if it's true or not but some suspects suggest that the man on the fancy sliverish cream white robe was the one. Who command all the time around."

"Fancy robe. How stylish doesn't seem to be flimsy." Russell expressed his compassion on that man's picture on the paper.

The portrait was harshly rough and barely anyone can recognize it clearly. It seems that somebody tries to picture that marvellous appearance on his paper after just one short glance. But his black robed dress was astonishing to watch. Covering every portion of his body. He was standing backward in the room of the house and about to burst his way out throughout the vast sky.

" we should be careful, your highness."

" Maybe we should increase our forces inside the castle and spread our informers."


" Hmmmhahaha! Hahaha! Hummmm!"

"captain, captain. Why are you so, fluster about it? Just relax. Loosen your shoulders a bit."

Mysterious sly smile rose up. Hahh!

" Captain you know what! Your suggestion is right but the time doesn't seem to be tough.

Long thrust on that though utter from Russell as suspense ripe.

"I'm not quiet. Grasping your thoughts thoroughly. Your highness."

"... Hmmm. Really! And I thought you were one of my father's advisors. Hum! It looks like aging is getting you after all."

" I think. Father should change his advisor. Well, I personally have to talk to him." Mischievous smile expressed in silence. Leaning captain fame to down.

His act angered souls around but unable to be expressed in person. But the captain didn't reflect any action.

A sly smirk from Russell appeared.

" I can't say in that matter your highness. Could you enlighten us about what you are talking about

Captain said while calming himself from that situation

"Hmm, you have maintained your composure completely. I'm impressed."


" No, thought.... Tsk how boring. Anybody who thinks, Why I have declined our captain idea. Even though he was thinking about our kingdom. Any objection to anybody."

"..... "

" .... Tch.."

"I-I.. . . . . . ."

All heed toward that voice. It was Sara.

Captain and Brock expression broke. When they discover that objection source.

" You dumbass.."the captain muttered himself.

"Smirk occurred into Russell's face." Peaceful fog fastened around him and appeared near Sara. Whose has been standing near the door including Brock at her side.

Surprise appearance of him near her face startle not only her but brock too.

"Eh, Ah!"

"Hmm, someone who didn't let her curiosity die in vain. Or was it you dumb enough to not understand the room. Oh well, I shall enlighten your miss vice captain."

" Do you know the current situation of our kingdom. A serious startle gaze roamed around when he was leaping his steps around."


Sharp eyes with sly face gaze toward the souls around by Russell. Not being reflected on their deed.

Ignoring their silence continues his words.

"Our Jubelian kingdom has recently formed. It's not even a proud thing to say out loud." Muttered slowly on that last part.

" Our major trade was associated with the far kingdom of the sea. Across the land far away. Only sea routes which have connected us. Because past actions that occurred a year ago still reflect our condition. No neighbour kingdom wants to make any relationship With us. Not that we want cause we were self sufficient. After what happened there were precautions beforehand.

But we still need Pasolini for forging weapons and equipment for our soldiers and battles.

Aren't, I am the right captain?"

" ... Yes, as said your highness. About almost hundred percent of Pasolini were imported in our kingdom by the kingdom of the sea."

(( Pasolini is a pure metal that can be found in nature. It is a powerful metal. Having different features on its side like, Light weighted, Shock absorber, Durable.

Most of the legendary weapons were formed by the purest Pasolini. Pasolini does also have different kinds. But many of them were divided into three categories.

First: Normal ones who were greater than other metals that are found in nature. Especially used for making armour and light weight weapons. Having characterised colour silver white.

Second: These types of Pasolini were found lesser than the normal ones. Having double the qualities of normal ones. These identities were yellowish white. Normally considered as intermediate Pasolini.

Third: These types were recognized by their creamy white colour and mainly known as legendary Pasolini. Because most of the legendary weapons that were used by the greatest person throughout history including the heroic king.

There were also rumours around that another high quality Pasolini which is supposed to be greater than the legendary Pasolini. Not that there's a record. But it's also suggested that the weapons and armour of the founder disciples were made from that unknown Pasolini.

Though they have different types. They are rare to be discovered easily. Even though The Jubelian kingdom covers ten percent of the world's territory. There haven't been any Pasolini mines discovered up until now. And many people also suggested that the downfall of the Carcesius kingdom was also because of this very reason.)

"Then, what's your point? Your highness.", Sara urged her confused face between their conversation.

"... Mhmm "expressionless thrown by the Russell on her queries for a moment.

"You still didn't get it. Huh! What am I supposed to do with you. your naiveness will ruin you someday. you know!" Sipping his tea from the cup. While exposing his thoughts.

"Dam this headache." While rubbing his head again he resumed his words.

" ... Where was I.. Eh, Ah yes Pasolini . So,"

That's the last part again stretching out a lot. While others remained silent including three souls along two unknown escorts of Russell.

(( Maybe because he was tired from work or like was it another matter.))

" The kingdom of the sea doesn't have a heap of Pasolini mines. They were only cooperating because of our relationship toward them back a hundred years ago. When my grandfather Edward fanz ark-van Jubelian. The first founder of the Jubelian kingdom and the Carcesius King's abandoned child. Have formed a distinct relationship to the princess of the kingdom of the sea. Which is my grandmother. At the time of urgency where even the empire didn't hold hands together. My grandmother was the one who did provide her kingdom army, support and all."

" But surprise still knocked on my mind. Why did the empire let another kingdom. Which do not belong under their faction. Let's bring the army on its domain."

"why doesn't it match up? Why were they calm? Did they have utter motives on that, or maybe....."

Russell stops his words for a moment. With a shock perhaps surprise with a treacherous smile.

" .... "

Heavily breathe from Russell.

He did have discloses on some matter while explaining the situation to them, but he kept that exposure to himself and continued.

((What did he have disclosed? What was it?))