

In a dark night a man was walking on certain street. Did he accomplished something or he was trying to!? what awaits to his story? Let us find together.It's a world where possibility are endless.

Lacchi · ファンタジー
24 Chs


Here's a revised version with improved punctuation, spelling, and grammar:

Horror on his face, "Reliving the strange part of his past life, Miles woke up from his long nightmare. But reality might be more cruel than those dreams.

His vision was still hazy. Huffing long, deep breaths, his right hand reached into the air, trying to approach somebody. The other hand was on his forehead.

"Ahh! What's going on?" Miles thought in his mind.

While it seemed like his head was hurting badly.

Huffing, his pain shifted from his forehead to his left eye. He immediately placed his hands on the left eye, where the pain was more like a burning sensation from inside.

"Ahhhhh!" He screamed in pain, but a moment later, he tried to remember.

He was totally confused, unable to comprehend the situation or surroundings. Where Miles was lying in that room, a dark, tense energy was emerging.

With his hazed vision, he looked around. He felt his soul ripped out from his body from the horrific scene ahead. The situation was so horrifying to Miles that his huffing stopped instantly. He was forcing his vocal cords to make noise, but for some reason, it seemed his neck was being held by someone's rotten hands, "Along with hideous bugs crawling in that rotten hand. Pieces of meat were also falling apart."

Along the rotten hand, long sharp nails were tightly grasping Miles' neck. Miles desperately tried to remove the tightness from his neck with his hands, but all attempts went in vain. Those hands were not letting him go. His desperation was evident, flapping his hands on that corpse hand again and again. His body was thrashing all over the bed for even an ounce of air to get in from his nose. His eyes were going blind, and saliva flowed from his mouth.

"Urgh..!" Miles exclaimed in desperation.

As time passed, his movements slowly dimmed, like a candle about to meet its end.

With one last attempt to set himself free, Miles pushed with all his might while screaming loudly. But it didn't affect much. His wild attempt to free himself slowly seemed to lose momentum. The flapping motion shifted to a decline. His hands fell down to the bedsheets, bouncing slightly from the inert force.

When his eyes had given up their last state and were about to submerge in sweet dreams,

"A mature feminine voice with a sly, dark pace full of mystery whispered to Miles' ear.

Miles... With a long pause, only his name echoed in his ear with the remains of silence later.

Miles' left eye, which a while ago was covered by his hand, ignited with dark pure green fire overflowing with power. The dark green fire burned higher, and along with the eyes, it burned his left half from head to neck. It also burned the hand that was grasping Miles' neck, leaving not even ash to be seen.

But that fire didn't stop only at his left portion of the body. It slowly burned his whole body. With the ticking of time, it also covered the whole bed, and in just a matter of time, the whole room was now on fire from that green flame.

The floor started to burn to a crisp, and cracks seemed to appear. From the crack in the floor, dead hands were trying to emerge, along with crying noises and lost soul images wobbling around. It was more like a part or picture of dead grounds, roaming with monsters. From that gap, only things that were allowed to emerge were the dead hands. But that was only for now. Those hands covered all the floor, and gradually, they also started to emerge from the walls and roof. From the roof, rotten blood was falling down, and moments later, it was like a rain of blood, covering not only the floor but also the near ground of the mansion. The floor was painted in blood with the dead corpse hands.

At last, from his bed, those hands were emerging, grasping his whole body, including legs, abdomen, chest, and neck, while piercing his body with sharp nails.

"Urghhhh!" Miles endured his pain while fearing those things that were going around him. His face was in such desperation that he was not totally able to cry and not fully able to feel fear.

"W-what? Why is this happening to me? Hah, hah, d-don't come near me."

"No, no, nooooo..." With a long scream, his face was covered by those hands. His last moments were when his face was horrified, and with a huge shout, it closed up his vision.

Even though the flames that were flowing from Miles' body turned most of them into ashes in an instance, the number was huge and didn't seem to have any end.

On the other hand, Charles, with his mysterious partner, "Both facing a disaster up front."

"Is this how it's supposed to be?" Charles exclaimed with his voice toward the mysterious lady while facing the stormy vortex and maintaining his ground from the wind pressure.

"I don't know. It's my first time trying this shot. It may work, or it can't. I have no clue," the lady shouted for easier communication among them in the chaos.

"Huh! What the hell is that even supposed to mean?"

"Aren't you experts in this kind of work, Charles said."

"Hump!" She sighed and continued to watch the scenario. The surroundings around them were disastrous, burning in a blue flame.

That blue flame was totally sucked inside Jessica's body. With the last drop of flame sucked in by Jessica's body, the smoke covered the entire room. The smoke was more like vaporized water.

Jessica's body, which had been levitating a moment ago, suddenly dropped down and was lost in that mist.

Both Charles and the lady looked at each other, made symbolic gestures while nodding their heads to each other, and slowly started to move near.

Silence filled the place. Only their footsteps were echoing around.

They cautiously approached where Jessica had last been placed. When they finally reached the table, within a second, a bluish hand with large claws emerged from the mist, grabbed the mysterious lady's neck, and forced her out from the roof and wall upward. The mysterious lady was getting hit from the walls while trying to set herself free.

From the grasp of that bluish hand, she crossed all the walls and was forced out into Miles' room, then pushed out from the mansion into the air. Even though the mysterious lady was in Miles' room for a few seconds, she managed to grasp the condition of that room. When they reached above in the sky, she grabbed the hand that was on her neck with both hands, desperately kicked her leg to the person next to her presence, and forced her way out. She backflipped once, and then, from her back, twin black bat-like wings appeared and started to flap. The mysterious lady now floated in the sky. She coughed!

Then slowly moved her vision to watch that figure which had been pushing her all along.

Upfront in her eyes, a lady figure could be seen. She's more like Jessica at first, but she didn't give any vibe like Jessica at all. Her long silky blue hair with golden eyes shone like gold. The whole body was in dark blue color. On her head, there were two curved stylish horns with some golden cuffed rings, two on the left and one on the right. With a long but thin-sized chain swinging from those cuffed rings on her head to near her eyes. With a straight light purple line from her lips to chin. Covered from her half-torn clothes with a hood, which was Charles. The hood covered her whole body while floating in the sky, making big shapes. She was floating or more like standing in the sky. Her stance was quite unusual, more like barbaric. Her back was bent downward, both hands falling down and making weird beast sounds. The hood was attached near her chest by a circular object on both sides of the hood, which was also shining gold.

The mysterious lady looked down at that mansion. She directed her vision to Miles' room, which was now totally torn off from the roof and half from the floor.

Charles came in front of Miles' room and was shocked at what he was looking at. "Miles," he shouted and rushed to help him from that situation, but he couldn't do anything.

He tried to move his leg, but those hands that were all over the place didn't let him go. When he tried to get in, "one hand touched his leg. It started to burn." He quickly backed up and started to look up at the mysterious lady.

That lady again watched Jessica. Jessica didn't seem to be conscious. She was furious, around with a murderous aura. She flickered her claw and opened up all her claws. She raged towards the mysterious lady with her claws. The mysterious lady, who had been flying all along, placed herself right upfront, while straightening her hands. Then a light purple transparent glass barrier occurred vertically.

Jessica impacted fully on that wall. The wall didn't get any effect; rather, when she forced into that wall, it shattered and tried to grasp Jessica. Jessica's beast instinct let her dodge, but those glass walls shattered and transformed into some kind of snake, continuously trying to attack Jessica. But she was able to dodge all their attacks while losing her distance toward the lady.

Jessica came a long way from the lady while avoiding those snake-like creatures, which were not only following her but also attacking. Those snake-like objects with two huge fangs crawling out from their mouth. From the corner of their head, two cross Z-shaped blades came out, covering their heads from their origin to mouth and a little further. And from their lower neck, similar Z-shaped two blades also emerged, covering the same area as the upper one. Both from the lower and upper parts, making that snake-like structure a protective cover along with a sharp offensive weapon. Their bodies were wholly made from the shattered glass of the barriers in a dark bluish color, with a blade-like tail. They were all flying without any difficulty to face. From their skin, poisonous gas was releasing.

They were continuously attacking with their fangs and sharp blade-like tails, along with releasing poisonous gas in the air. Jessica would have repelled those glass snake-like structures if the numbers were few. But the odds were huge compared to Jessica. Multiple glass snakes were attacking Jessica. It's not like Jessica didn't try to counter those attacks. She was constantly dodging and countering their attacks with her claws and mysterious golden energy beam that she had been releasing from both horns' centers. But even her attacks hit the spot, those shattered glass snakes again maintained their shape in an instance. And not only that, when she went to attack one snake from the back, another started to attack. The main problem that Jessica was facing was the number difference in battle. And even if she was able to hit any of them, the snakes shattered into hundreds of small pieces of glasses and moved in a swarm while hovering like a swarm of bees. The moment when they got hit, they formed themselves into a swarm and swiftly moved themselves near Jessica, cutting her skin multiple times at once. It was a continuous process making her lose more and more blood and power.

The attacks from the snakes weren't making huge cuts because of her transformation into a beast. It's more like her skin became sturdier than steel. But still, from those continuous snake cuts on her body, which were great in numbers along with the poisonous gas with venomous cuts, were making Jessica lose her powers again. The attack continued in the air. Jessica's blue beam was dispersing all over the place. The clouds, mountains on the ground, and the forest around the remaining mansion were all affected, causing destruction. That beam made anything it touched melt or explode.

The battle in the air continued for a while, leaving massive destruction, with rage flowing on Jessica's side. On her unconscious mind.

On the other side, the mysterious lady calmly took control of the situation while hovering straight in the sky.