

In a dark night a man was walking on certain street. Did he accomplished something or he was trying to!? what awaits too his story? Let us find together.It's a world where possibility are endless.

Lacchi · ファンタジー
23 Chs


Sun rays thrust from the rainy cloud, making their way to the ground. Slowly, the rain was about to breathe its last. The rain, which had caused the situation to mourn, was about to meet its end. The light rays slowly fell on all the regions below. The fallen rays were also directed towards the remains of the mace publisher and its surroundings.

"Hah, finally, that damn rain stopped. Hoo," Carl expressed, praising the sunlight.

"Hmm, that might be right. But look at this mess you just made. Sigh," Remi sighed with a dissatisfied look.


"Yes, you were the one who did it."

"Huhh, wasn't you the one who said finish it quickly?" Carl said, making a little puzzled face.

Remi, disappointed by his foolishness, took a deep breath while placing both fingers on her eyes and nodding her head a little.

"Not like this. Duh! I said finish it quickly, but you went overboard and started to blow away everything. Not like I care what happens to people, but like this, it will draw more attention. You know, what if those Royal guard bastards found out about what we were doing? Who will take responsibility, tell me?" She shouted toward Carl.

Carl seemed to understand the point and made a regrettable face.

"Ah, well, we got our target, so, mission accomplished, isn't it?"

"That's the point?" She looked with her cold eyes at the situation. "Well, let's go before the guards arrive here. And I don't think any suspects are still alive in this situation to tell anything about what actually happened here. But even if some were to manage, then that matters will be handled by our contractor." She smirked a little with a sly smile.

"Huh." She turned around and placed her hand above. Her hands swung in the air with a pinkish shining light roaming around her finger. She directed her hands toward Miles, who was stunned, still in that bubble in the air.

She pushed her finger closer, and slowly Miles came downward. But suddenly, a small black ball was thrown by an unknown person near them.

Remi noticed quickly. She swung her wand in the air and shouted, "Hell-bound wall!"

A transparent wall with a pinkish color emerged in front of them. The little ball closed their distance while rolling, and a moment later, that jiggle ended with the ball touching Remi's wall.

Both were shocked. Why didn't anything happen yet? They both looked with confused faces at each other and started to glare at those balls. When they reached close enough to the wall and those balls, unexpectedly Remi's instincts straightened up, and she ASAP put a triple layer in that wall. The little ball exploded while she was putting up the walls.

It overpowered the surroundings with its explosion. A huge blast occurred in that place and captured everything around it. Within a few hundred meters, it shook all the remaining buildings. An air thrust around that area from the center dispersed, fully clearing the sky above them.

Near the explosion, nothing was left even to identify. Everything around it turned into ashes. Those debris, corpses, nothing.

Remi stood up from her stance. Both were able to withstand that attack barely. All her three barriers were blown out. Only one remained, which saved them. The surrounding was filled with black ash smoke. Their whole attire was also covered in smoke.

"You are good," Remi said while coughing from the smoke.

"Barely alive. What the fuck was that?"

"If it weren't for your barrier, we were toast. Hooh," Carl said, sarcastically addressing the situation, with a little thrilled adventure in his eyes.

Remi suddenly noticed something and moved her vision all over the place. But she didn't find what she's been looking for.

"Huh, where is that boy?" Carl said.

"Sis, sis, where the hell did that boy go? Is he dead from that explosion?"

"Well, he was powerless, and there's a high chance that he was unable to withstand that attack."

"You know he is not like us, powerful..."

"Hahahahaha! Damn, I don't wish such a disgrace life. Whahaa!"

"Shut up," Remi said with her angered face.

Remi moved near the barrier. She looked closely at that translucent barrier. The barrier was cracked from every part. It was barely standing. Remi turned her head a little to the left, closed her face toward the barrier, watched for a moment, and touched slightly to the barrier with her finger, and it fell apart. With every piece that was loosening to the ground, slowly but hastily on its pace. And with every piece falling apart, she remembered in flashes. And with every flash, her eyes became cold, colder, and colder.

"Holy shit..." Carl expressed from the back.

"I saw a blurred appearance before the blast. There!" she pointed toward the front.

"Huh! Appearance? Whose appearance are you talking about?"

She turned her back and went toward Carl. The falling barrier with a creaking voice echoed around. The slowed framed pieces of glass piled in a place. With each distance Remi covered from the wall.

"Let's go," Remi said with her cold eyes and an angered face, as if she knew who had been meddling in her business.

"Huh, w-where? What about the boy?" Carl said in a confused face. But he was unable to finish his words when he saw Remi's face.

"Al-Alright?" in a scared face.

They both moved and vanished.

Rustling, bustling momentum. Juggling of the ball throughout the air. Carried by someone's hands. Rushing from one building to another, "Windows, balcony to balcony in a small cramped neighborhood."

Two figures moving in that dusk quietly. From the looks of it, one seems to be a man with a broad figure, and the other is a woman. Carrying someone by both figures.

"We were late. If we were even a moment late, then we would have lost him," a feminine voice from those figures rose up in a tensed way.

"Damn, didn't think that they would hire mercenaries."

"Not just mercenaries but those siblings, mercenaries."

"Hoahh!" The feminine voice sighed for a moment.

"For now, we were able to lose them, but sooner or later, they will come."

"We should be ready."

"Argggh!" The lady exclaims.

"So, how long will you keep things like this? Why not just tell him now that... the situation has come to this."

The man with a hood said in an eager expression.

"Not now. Charles!" The lady said while dimming her voice.

With those words from the feminine figures, it was revealed that the hood man was none other than Charles.

"I thought Jessica could have handled it. Damn, I was confident in her skills. But... I think she would have had chances if she didn't encounter those siblings."

"Hmm, from the looks of it, it seems you knew them very well."

"We had history," the lady said while straightening her thoughts, while running from those alleys.

"Hmm, I can't picture how you could have had history with such people."


"Besides, then those balls were..." Without the completion of his question, the lady answered.

"Naicius Rite."

"Ohh!" Charles was shocked and excited for a moment.

"You know if he would have been here, he would have been proud of his daughter now," Charles said.

"You think?" The lady questioned with a sad face.

"So, what now?"

"Now, huh! Let me..." Without completing her sentences, the lady stopped from her marathon of haste.

With a step, she stood from her. Charles also ordered his movement low. He was wearing a black hood, but on his right shoulder, someone was lying around, with a mess of blood. She was Jessica.

They both were standing in the inner circle of a junction where all small alleys and streets were meeting. But because of the dusk, the people were not to be present in that place.

The lady turned around to Charles.

"How much time does she have?" The lady said while pointing her hand toward Jessica.

"Sighed!" Charles.

"I don't know. Maybe a few hours. Why?"

"Good. So, we have time for her."

Even by looking at Jessica in that condition, Charles didn't seem to be bothered much.

The lady again moved a little with her hood placed on her whole body, including her head, not revealing her appearance.

"Uh-?. Do you know what happened to Miles? He's not even opening his eyes."

She glanced for a moment toward Miles. "I don't know, but for now, he seems fine."


"Then let's head toward my lab," the lady said while thinking for a moment later. "There are more than enough tools to fix her, and maybe we could get answers to what happened to him."

The lady nodded her head down with a yes sign from her head towards Charles.

Charles understood and also shook his head with a serious face.

They watched each other and vanished with a blown air around that place.

(Location unknown... Charles and mysterious lady with Miles and Jessica approached a small mansion.)

They both went inside, placed Miles on the bed, and both headed inside downstairs. With their presence, the magical lights were turned on. Both moved downward with a ladder without any conversation.

The structure of the room was smaller from the outside, and while later, the room started to shift, including walls, floor, and roof. The surroundings began to unfold their structure and gradually increased its space. The materials were appearing from the walls, including tools, potions, a collection of different kinds of books with unfamiliar artifacts, etc.

A portion of the center from the floor shifted upward, with a bluish light emerging from the corner, making it form a table-like transparent structure. Both moved near that table, placed Jessica there, and went near the walls where different kinds of equipment and materials were placed.

The lady put on white gloves on both her hands. She brought some colorful potion bottles with a strange little glass bottle. She cleaned Jessica's blood from her body with soft cotton clothes and hot water and began treating her.

With a few potion bottles, she placed near her, used her little stick wand, and chanted some spells. Around Jessica, a huge spell circle began to form. From a corner, slowly, a magical circle with bluish fire started to spread until it made a huge circle. The spell circle was emerging a little bluish flame under Jessica until the lady used her magic to drain the silvery blue liquid from the strange glass bottle.

Suddenly, she stopped and watched toward Charles. "You are sure about this?"

Charles, who had been watching all this from the corner while folding his hands together, raised his voice.


"You know she will lose her humanity. Even though she had little before, but she did have. But after this, she won't be able to. You know that, right!"

"Even if she! It's the only way," Charles said in a serious expression.

The lady smirked and started to focus on Jessica.

"Well then, this is the way," she said while nodding her head a little.

She started to cast her spell again. With every time the liquid from the bottle started to drain and began swinging slowly in the air and started to pour into Jessica's head, making her whole hair painted in a silvery blue.

The surroundings started to change. The magical spell circles with blue fire started to rise. The surrounding started to shake up bit by bit. Jessica's body started to glow bluish each time the liquid was poured, and slowly the body started to levitate in the air.

With each new spell she added to the existing spell, the lines in the circle also increased while Jessica's body also glowed a bit much and much, increasing its distance from the ground up in the air.

With the passage of time, the same process repeated itself again and again.

And the surrounding aura became a dense bluish and dark.

At last, when the liquid was on its ends to demolish its presence from the bottle. The situation formed horribly, and all the materials started moving around toward Jessica's body. A vortex appeared in that room. The bluish flames were reaching to the roof along with Jessica's body was also covered from that same blue flame of the spell circle.

The lady was totally focusing on her spell while maintaining her stance, while Charles was standing straight with folded hands, watching that scenario.

With the last drop that fell into Jessica, a huge blue flame explosion occurred. But that explosion only revolved around Jessica's body. It looked like a barrier was stopping those flames from causing any harm to others. Except that flames were not even going out from Jessica.

A moment later, all the flames around Jessica absorbed into her body while leaving a mist in that room.

With no care for what is happening around him, Miles was in his sleep in another room. His aura around him was starting to become greenish dark. The color around him was also beginning to swarm the whole room. That dark green energy caused the surroundings to lose its life essence.

He was now moving his head in pain. Sweat was all over his face with fear. But more than that, it looked like he is still in his nightmare.

The burning of a building while a little child was watching all from near that building. A portion of that building fell with a loud noise and silence remained.

His hand was holding another's hand. And all were running into the abyss.

Voices of people in his ear. The loneliness, all have been flashing in front of his eyes. He was having a strange but memorable sight. It was feeling real in every part. He was having those nightmares constantly and woke up with a loud shout. While his hand had been trying to approach to somebody.