

In a dark night a man was walking on certain street. Did he accomplished something or he was trying to!? what awaits to his story? Let us find together.It's a world where possibility are endless.

Lacchi · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Fraction- 19

Shuttertter night at the Jubelian second castle. Snouted atmosphere around. Castle soldier were fletching their fangs around.

Skipping his duty on the field. A certain soldier was waning his body to the sweet dreams.

"Hey, what are you doing?" A heavy voice interrupted that soldier sleep.

"You can't just sleep on the duty. You know!"

The other soldier startle around roused his body from the spear, In which he was leaning.

"... Eh?W-what happened?"

"Wahhha, nothing just you were skipping your duty. that's all."

"Huh, Really." Yawing voice fluctuate with his word's.

" ya, ya.Here have some tea. The cold is getting worse."

"oh, ya. Thanks."

After taking sip from that hot tea.

"Ahh! That's hit the spot. But if instead of tea, if it would have been an alcohol. Then that would be a great you know. huhu"

"Ha-ha, now don't joke around. We can't keep watch if we were drunk. You know. And If something were to happen in the castle. Who would you think will help? Huh, Tell me."

" Ahh, I'm still half asleep. I have no interest in your quiz."

"Ehhh-come man. Well, it can't be help then. I shall bestowed you with my great wisdom.

"Ya, Ya. Whatever."

" Hrm-hmm, Then that man is none another than your coolest friend volderm se maul. Ta da." flashing expression and with high built from man splitter to others eyes.

"Huhh.. And who is that?."

"It's me dumbass. Vold!"

" Then why did you stretch your name?"

" It's simple to make it cooler." Yeh.with Splattering thrust that man expressed his thoughts.


Heavy but not loud voice burst into their ears.

Thud step piercing the castle shining floor were moving from hallway to the entrance were those both guard were enjoying their tea.

Both shocked from the originated of the voice. Owner of the voice was a slim heightened old man. Who has white trimmed hair from corner of his both ear. Along with white beard, heavy moustache with butler costume. Wearing a single glasses in his left eye's with silver chain beneath his costumes. He was the head butler of the Jubelian castle. Sir sabak ram voll. Having diligence in every work he does.

"S-sir..... Sabak." Both greeted that man with military salute.

"What the hell have been thinking you are doing. Her highness finally have gotten some sleep after a long time. And you were trying to interrupt her sleep. You have no right to live, I shall personally end your life for disturbing her highness sleep. Prepare yourself."

From his left hand. Which were until now placed back of him, have now freed. He rousen his hand in the vacant place for short while. And moment of fraction later some golden ropes with curved blade to the tip on them start to emerged. He grabbed that blade on his hand, With murderous aura.

" No, sir sabak please have mercy. W-we won't dare to do something like that again."

"yes, sir sabak. Please give is a second chance."

Both begged for their lives to be forgiven for the crime that they had committed. Even though the guiltiness on their shoulder wasn't that high, To led the situation to pay their life for their mistaken.

But when, you are commoner with no backing and support. You are just good as dead in the society. More like an ant. Who dwell around with hard work to sustain his lives. Knowing that if people had discovered him on their way, They will definitely crush him. Even though he had done nothing. Because they think that his life doesn't even have value to be remembered and mourned. They were just playing things. a toy, a punching bag for their grief, pain.

".. Please sir... Don't kill us. Spare our life."

Sir – sabak had held his curved blade in the air for launch with decisive shaken up a bit.


Louder feminine voice Pierce their eardrums high. Notifying the existing of Royal in the presence.

Halted his blade and lower his head in the presence of that person. Sir-sabak pushed from his hands to the other existence also to lower themselves.

Vertical 'V' shaped face. Slim, elevated approximately 6ft. Long, heavy Blonde hair braided to each other with hairpins and red ribbon forming long tail like structure. Whose tip is closely touching near the floor. Wherease her bangs were almost covering her forehead completely. Lavishing pink eyes with creamy white skin, Red lips with Slim body allotted herself in light royal attire. From both elbow to her tip of fingers black thick clothes had surrounded with some patterns on them.

Around from her neck sliver attire were covered her till toe, revealing some parts like near her chest from both corner including her whole back. From her both hands to cover that's portion she had also worn a transparent shining cloths. Which was covering the vacant portion of her back but slightly from that thin transparency it was more than to be shown. But the transparent cloth wasn't the only obstacle a huge heavy sword almost wholly covered her whole back was also situated there.

Long as her own size. which is about 182 cm. A Massive sword with thick weight. The sharpness can be measured according to the portion of the blade attached on that sword. Most part of that sword was covered by the it's Sharpness. The handle of that sword is little different that any other sword. Because it was covered from brown wooden cloth. Along with a small shining star shaped structures were also jiggling around.

Basically her attire were light and flexible. Easy for her movement during battle or combat. But surprising thing is that her main arsenal is speed despite carrying such a massive sword.

Piercing thud sound from her shoes to the ground. Closing her distance near to the commotion.

"what is going on here, Sabak.? Pushed voice fleeted towards Sabak ear with destruct words.

"Your highness, That's..."description to the situation and cause for his actions were explained by Sabak to the upfront. That's very existence of that person is the first princess of the Jubelian kingdom Laura ark-van Jubelian. She is also famous for another name throughout the nation, and that is death blade of the Jubelian.

After hearing from Sabak, she thought a bit a answered directed towards him.

"Hmm, I get it but the mistake isn't like this much of grave that they should sentenced to the death."


Carving his word's, listen to me first. In a grim face.

"Y-yes..., your highness."

" I saw you along with my sister to enter on the second castle from inside of the Royal castle. Aren't I right?"


" So, how would you even expect them to know the existence of the Royal body inside. If they didn't even saw you coming."


"...! So, that's why. I'm declaring that these guard should be demoted from their rank. And you will also take responsibility for this. Is that clear!"

".... Yes, your highness."

Even though they had done nothing. I can't do much because it's an insult to the Royal presence. And if words were out to the public that even though somebody have disrespected In front of the Royal members and they aren't even got any punishment. Then they will think that the Royal members, now aren't effective as they were. Which can cause rebellion to rise because our kingdom conditions doesn't seems very good nowadays. And my father health is also have worsened in this few years. Sighs! Laura thought on her mind.

"Hmm, you two get out of from here and be wary from doing this sort of action on the future."

"Thank you. Your highness, Thank you."

Both ran out. They weren't least sad about demotion. Rather they were relieved that, they weren't given death sentence.

" You can raise your head now, Sabak."

She said in numb manner lightening her words with ease.

" Your highness, I'm relived to see you in good health. How you been? Sabak asked after respecting her with greet.

" chuckle left out little from Laura's mouth. I'm fine as I have always been. How About you? You don't look great though."

"ha-ha, what will happen to me, I'm fit as ever. Only the aging is taking over. How many years had it been. I'm so relieved to see you as like this your highness. "Sabak said while wiping his tears. Which have been near corner of his eye's from handkerchief.

"Ha-hum, Five years that's all." She said while trying to hide her emotions.

"Huh, My memories must have been worsening too. I should probably retired. And live my remaining days.

"You wouldn't able to do that. I will have to work until your are dead. You know! Besides you can't just sit on the chair, watch scenario while taking sip of tea. That thing only old people do. And you didn't even left your youth. What are you talking about retirement. Nonsense!"

"Hahaha! I'm afraid, I can't lack on my job now, do I?"

"No, you can't."

Both Laura and sir- Sabak chatting resembling that they had good relationship back in the day. It seems she was talking to her family.

"Are you perhaps here to meet her highness Angelina?"

"Ah! That, ya! Father called me for some business, and I thought why not meet all my siblings before leaving."

"Aa-uh! Have you visited your highness Angelina, I'm afraid, she isn't in good health."

"Yes, I have met her? Her illness still haven't been cured. Huh!" Sadness on her face can be clearly seen. Which wasn't let unnoticed by Sabak.

" Don't worry, your highness. Her highness Angelina will surely overcome from this problem too. Besides new holy maiden have been chosen from goddess, Soon her highness Angelina will be completely cured."

Sabak was trying to console her as own daughter.

"Holy maiden? Hmm!"

Her thoughts were interrupted by Sabak words.

"Did you met his highness Russell. He have been also came today."

"He did?"

" yes, your highness. After the completion of his highness mission to the empire. He have just arrived this morning."

Laura's sadden face were shine little.

"I think I saw his highness entering in the third military castle a while ago."

" Then I shall personally visit him." Excited face moved towards the third castle. Where tensed atmosphere were roaming around.


(Jubelian third military castle)

Russell silence had been there for more than a minute up now. Excavating ideas, theory and logic's on his mind, On the thing that he had discovered recently.

His ceased pace on the explanation were does bother them. But again not a word were flutter around.

Consuming required time by the Russell for his assessment on the matter. He continued his words but, didn't seems like he was about to tell everything he had discovered.

"After the establishment of Jubelian kingdom both my grandparents married strengthening both kingdoms. But when the time had occurred for the shipment of the " Pasolini" in our kingdom from kingdom of sea. The empire interfered and took portion from the shipment every time it arrived. Leading our expenditure to rise but, we couldn't do anything on that." sighs!

"Those imperial bastard, blood suckers... Tch"

"I have to work for them like a dog from my three years. ...tsk, tsk."slowly muttered from Russell vocal cord.

".... "

" Because of that our expensive risen. Which led our economy to startle around. But we still maintain our position thanks to certain lands and businesses. But as you already knows even though our kingdom had Ten percent of world territory. Most of the lands were wasteland. I know, There were mines before but when the ore went empty many residents moved because of job opportunities. Leading that abandoned places to become ghost town.

But when the residence moved towards other cities without skills On their hands. They were devastated by the poverty. Because in their whole life, they only learnt about mining, leading others skill to vain.

For the matter, they didn't even have much on their hands from the start because, Their vacant lands weren't even sold to the minimum number of money You could count.

Some did get job on the blacksmith and some on the nearby mines. But the sources of the workers were increased a lot, letting the income to loses its value. And if anyone tried to defend for lower income they were immediately replaced by the other. Cause the replacement weren't less to began with. Leading the labour to devastate and only the employer to thrive.

Having lower income on the hard work was still burden on people heart but, at least it would had still made their sustainable on basic requirements. But again the number didn't cease on the miners only. Other field were also started to be affected by this drastic change. Like on the tools that is used on the farming, the carriages leading distance transportation to rise on material cost and market value to explode throughout the kingdom. Including the soldier armour and weapons. And the development of the nation.

"Aren't I right captain?"

"....., I'm afraid, I cannot argue more on this matter. Your highness."

((Exposure on the current state of Jubelian kingdom was shocked to hear. But his words aren't seems ended yet.))