
Chapter 1

A beautiful young female named Gwen is enjoying a nice walk in the park when suddenly a swarm of bees comes to mess up her day. She runs into a nearby forest with bee stings all over her then all of a sudden a wolf comes running up to her, tired from running, Gwen does not have enough energy to run and she excepts her fate, but instead of eating Gwen the wolf suddenly howls as if calling for something. A man comes through the trees- but he's barely wearing any clothes. Gwen's clothes are all scratched up and torn. She did not realize, but in one spot where her clothes were ripped it was right over her boob! He suddenly reaches a hand out to her and thinks in his head oh she must be part of the tribes! Gwen grabs his hand and gets up. The man says "Hi, which tribe are you from?" Gwen answers "What do you mean tribes?" The man tilts his head acting like he is confused. "I am from the wolf tribe and I am a male named Carter!" The man says. Gwen thinks in her head: I don't know where I am now, is he crazy or am I dreaming-? I better blend in. "So what tribe are you from female?" Carter asks. "Ummm guess." Gwen answers. "Hmm.. what animal would she choose to follow?" Carter asks himself. Oh okay so tribes are about animals you choose to follow. Gwen thinks. "The bear tribe?" Carter asks. "Try again." Gwen says. "Ape, cheeta, tiger, lion, wolf?" Carter lists these while Gwen says no to all of them. "Giraffe?" Carter finally asks. Hmmm my favorite animal is a fox maybe I could choose that. Gwen thinks. "I'm a fox!" Gwen shouts. "Oh, of course you are so pretty!" Carter says. "Pretty?!!!!!" Gwen screams. "Yes, you will make a perfect choice for the men to reproduce with!" Carter exclaims. "I'd rather reproduce with a car!" Gwen says. That sounded weird, a car? Really Gwen? Gwen thinks. Carter thinks in his head. Car? Ohhh Car-ter. She shall reproduce with me! "Well since I found you let's go back to my tribe!" Carter says. "Okay but you better not let someone pick me to reproduce " Gwen warns Carter. "I won't!"