
Foxdale Murders

Natasha_Nambela · 都市
2 Chs


"Calum there has been a murder at spring hotel," exclaimed my partner Darcy, "Another one? The residents of Foxdale never really get tired of killing each other, do they? We're lucky we're alive." It's only been two weeks since the last murder and we haven't even gotten to the bottom of the previous one. I reluctantly pick up my forensic kit and hed off to the scene. We arrived at the hotel in less than ten minutes, we got to the room which two floors from the receptionist area using the elevator. Darcy opened the door, it was a plush white presidential suite with a king sized bed covered in white sheets and red rose petals scattered on the floor " Looks familiar, doesn't it?" asked Darcy.I looked at the body for better inspection and noticed something "It's missing a finger, the middle finger" I announced, but Darcy seemed to be more interested in looking at the man's mouth, " That's strange" Darcy said, "What?" I asked, " This one's missing a few teeth as well" Darcy answered, " And it it looks like he was having quite some fun" Darcy said while holding a pair of handcuffs in his right hand and a whip in the other, " Oh that explains the marks" I said looking at the man's bare backside which was red and sore. I began searching the room for any form of identification of the victim while Darcy searched the black suit which lay on the floor, although Darcy didn't find the wallet in the suit. It didn't take long for me to find it sipping under the king sized bed. I bent down to pick it up, before I could open it, I noticed it had a round distinct dent on it, " This looks like" and before I could complete my sentence my loyal partner completed it for me " a heel print." I dusted and collected the shoe print then opened the wallet and found the identity card which was labeled Tom Randall, 36 and a business card belonging to 'impress' the biggest clothing company in the country.