
An Ill-Fated Love Affair (8)


Iris took in a deep breath and nodded. It was going to give them away to whatever people were trying to find them, but she was certain that it was better to do it now than let it continue for longer. If anyone, Tyler would know what was happening.

And Kyro agreed that it was better for them to move fast. Once Iris' whereabouts got found, they'd face trouble in no time once more. Thus, they would be better off visiting all the places they needed before that happened.

"Do you think I should bring Mila with me or show her only later?"

"Later. I'll ask Sophie to watch over her in the car."

That sounded good, and Iris looked at the house that came into view. It had been her own idea to come face Tyler and his family, but she wasn't as certain that it was a good idea as she was pretending. But if it was bad, wouldn't Kyro have told her so?