
Fox Fire (BL)

Hyeon Falken travels abroad for work to escape his toxic home. Instead, he strolls right into the wolf’s den—literally. The aurora is the afterlife for animal spirits. The good souls are sent to the northern lights, but Hyeon finds himself its counterpart with the malicious souls in the south. Those terrifying animal deities that were worshipped by people for over a millennium? Yeah, those are real. And the person Hyeon works for? He’s a rough-headed canine that’s supposed to initiate the end of the world—Ragnarok. Rather than gaining experience at a normal job, it becomes Hyeon's burden to serve his soul to this untamed beast on a silver platter. Will he be eaten by the wolf, or will the wolf be ravaged by his new assistant? Warning: Some chapters contain strong language, sexual themes, and fighting violence. If you like my stories, please consider donating ink on Tapas! I'm currently creating a separate website and a ko-fi for readers who don't have a Tapas account.

GiveMeThatBread · ファンタジー
101 Chs

You'll Be Fine

After returning to Fenrir's quarters, Hyeon took a bath to wash away the smokey odor. The stinging from the external wounds made his teeth grind when he submerged himself in the lukewarm water. The second-degree burns were now a shiny pink. He lightly poked the welts. It still amazed him how fast he can heal.

There were at least a dozen instances of him getting hurt while growing up. *Why couldn't I have had this ability back then?*

But, his muscles were a little sore from dodging fire balls for so long. It was fine, though. He needed to get stronger physically without relying on his phoenix, wherever it was hiding.

The humidity made him tired, so he drained the tub and dried off. When changing into a clean pair of blue basketball shorts and a white long-sleeved shirt, Hyeon's tongue clicked when he saw the black fur clinging to the cotton clothes.

He looked at Nammi, happily watching him from the bathroom sink. "Stop sleeping on my clothes. You shouldn't be on that counter anyway!" She trilled in response, but Hyeon knew she was going to do what she wanted anyway. He picked her up in the crook of his arm and brought her to bed.

After Hyeon nestled his face into the fluffy pillows, he yawned. It was barely after lunchtime, but he felt like he could sleep a lifetime.

*Maybe my body is still getting accustomed? Sani said once that I was developing too quickly.*

His eyelids drooped. There wouldn't be any difficulty falling asleep. Nammi was already in dreamland at his feet without a care in the world.

Still, Hyeon forced himself to stay awake since Fenrir was doing something in the office space. This would be the first time to sleep in the same bed as him without any catches: No loss of control, no anger, and no intimacy. Well, at least he wasn't planning on doing anything kinky…today.

After twenty or so minutes of complete silence, Fenrir strode past the open door while looking at the papers in his hand. What was he doing? He knew Hyeon was going to attempt to take a nap.

"Master," Hyeon said quietly, remembering to say the formal title.

Fenrir walked back into view. He lifted his gaze from the paperwork. "I thought you'd be sleeping by now."

"I was waiting."

"For me?"

"Yeah, since you said we have to sleep together or that thing will come back."

One of Fenrir's wolf ears twitched. "Unfortunately, I still have work to do. I think you'll be fine with me on the other side of the door, yes?"

"Bu-," Hyeon started to say, but Fenrir went out of sight.

*We should really work on his people skills.* Laying back down without blankets, his body finally succumbed to fatigue. Just like he theorized, sleep came easily.

The nightmares came soon after.