
Fox Fire (BL)

Hyeon Falken travels abroad for work to escape his toxic home. Instead, he strolls right into the wolf’s den—literally. The aurora is the afterlife for animal spirits. The good souls are sent to the northern lights, but Hyeon finds himself its counterpart with the malicious souls in the south. Those terrifying animal deities that were worshipped by people for over a millennium? Yeah, those are real. And the person Hyeon works for? He’s a rough-headed canine that’s supposed to initiate the end of the world—Ragnarok. Rather than gaining experience at a normal job, it becomes Hyeon's burden to serve his soul to this untamed beast on a silver platter. Will he be eaten by the wolf, or will the wolf be ravaged by his new assistant? Warning: Some chapters contain strong language, sexual themes, and fighting violence. If you like my stories, please consider donating ink on Tapas! I'm currently creating a separate website and a ko-fi for readers who don't have a Tapas account.

GiveMeThatBread · ファンタジー
101 Chs

Striking a Nerve

Fenrir nudged him awake. "Wake up."

Hyeon groaned. His brain wanted to return to its glorious REM cycle. He didn't like the idea of missing out on this opportunity since he spent most of his life getting a few hours of sleep each night. "Ugh?"

"Don't make me repeat myself," Fenrir said firmly. "I can't delay my work any longer."

Hyeon sat up quickly after remembering where he was. Fenrir slipped out of bed and adjusted his clothes which differed from yesterday's garments. At some point during the night, the god had changed outfits. How long has he been waiting for Hyeon to wake up?

"You know where your clothes are. Do you remember your daily tasks?"

"I do."

"Good. Please tell the kitchen staff that I no longer want meals brought to me. Due to some recent developments, I'll be busier. It's too bothersome to come and go for something unnecessary."

What, really? "So I don't need to bring you food anymore?"

"Correct. Just focus on other responsibilities, but you'll have to retrieve your own meals from now on. Understood?"


Fenrir paused and looked at him. It wasn't exactly the stink eye but still had a hint of annoyance. "Yes, what?"

"Uh," Hyeon doubted. "Yes, Master?"

Speaking of food, Hyeon had a question that he always wanted to ask. Would it be too personal? "Um, I've noticed that you don't eat."

Fenrir's shoulders tensed. "And?"

"Why is that, Master?"

There was a tense silence. After he tied his black Oxford shoes, the wolf finally said, "I don't need human food to survive. I only require soul energy. You're here to provide it. I'm sure Sani relayed to you what would happen if I don't receive energy."

Hyeon should've stopped talking. "Then why did I deliver food every day? It seems wasteful."

Fenrir's eyes briefly sparkled gold before turning amber again, signifying that the question had struck a nerve. "Perhaps I wanted to feel normal in this God-forsaken place." The Norse god left the room and slammed the door after him.

Hyeon jumped at the sound. *Shit. I should've known better…*

He grabbed his pillow and groaned into the fluffy rectangle. He couldn't believe he said it was wasteful! When he crashed the van that killed some of his friends, keyboard warriors and reporters were always overstepping their boundaries by asking too-personal questions. *And I just did the same thing!*

Kicking himself mentally, he walked over to the closet to change into a servant's uniform. It felt a little odd putting it on because so much has happened since his last work shift.

While dressing, Hyeon saw the Viking coat in the corner. It made him remember the necklace from Zoe.

*I completely forgot about it!*

Hyeon reached into the pocket to fish it out. He held up the old coin attached to the scratchy cord. The piece had something about it that felt mysterious. Zoe said it was for protection. Although Hyeon didn't believe in such superstitions, the faint outline of a wolf head in the center reminded him of Fenrir.

*And what sort of person would I be to throw away a gift?*

He carefully wrapped the cord around the coin and placed it in his butler jacket's inner pocket. The material of the old string would give him a rash for sure, so it was best not to put it around his neck for now.

Making sure clothes were tidy and in place, he hesitantly tiptoed out of the bedroom. Fenrir, as well as Nammi, were nowhere to be seen in the dark rooms. He didn't hear them leave at all. They must be around the castle somewhere.

The clock above the desk read 4:37 A.M.

His shift didn't begin until 5:30. *It's way too early. I guess I should eat breakfast first? I can tell the kitchen that the schedule has changed indefinitely. What am I supposed to do with the extra time? I won't be delivering food and waiting on standby anymore.*

Hyeon walked through the hallways and past the tall windows. Outside was still dark. If he listened closely, he could hear the distant sounds of demons howling on the other side of the border walls. The flickering fire on the wall torches made the shadows from the tables and vases dance ominously.

Actually, some of the hallways were not even lit since it was too early to begin the day for most spirits. He hasn't come across one servant yet. Hyeon approached a long corridor leading to the entrance hall. The torches and chandelier above were not on, making it pitch black. It made him nervous to go through there without seeing anything. They were in Hell. Who knows what could be lurking in there? But that was his paranoia talking.

*Wait, isn't fire my thing? Can't I light it myself? Sani told me not to practice without one of them with me, though.*

Hyeon looked around for anyone that could help him. Dead silence.

*Sani isn't here. No one is.*

He focused on the closest unlit torch. At first, he tried snapping his fingers like everyone else does. Nothing happened. *Of course, it won't be that easy. How can I do this?*

Hyeon reminisced the conversation he had with Sani in the greenhouse. It was when his Navajo superior discovered he had used his power for the first time against another servant:


Hyeon couldn't reveal how he almost fought with Imoogi. "I was really angry at someone who was messing with my work. Next thing I knew, there was smoky stuff coming out my upper back and sparks were shooting from my hand."

Anger, huh?" Sani scratched his 5 o'clock shadow. "That's not a healthy trigger. But I guess given your unfortunate history, it's not surprising. It's weird now but controlling your soul power will eventually feel like moving an extra appendage. Here, I can help a little to show you, but it'll be the first and last time I can do this. Can you feel the energy concentrated in your hand?"


"This is what you should feel when you release your power. Now, light it up," Sani directed at his hand. A burst of energy streamed through his palm to respond to the command. Similar to before, tiny yellow and white fireworks like sparklers emitted from the center. Sani took his hand away which caused the sparks to die down.


When the phoenix was in control in the past, his powers flowed through him effortlessly. It was so much harder doing it by himself!

Hyeon thought about when Imoogi and the dingo pack attacked him. What did I feel back then?

He felt one emotion before his sparks ignited.
