
Fox Fire (BL)

Hyeon Falken travels abroad for work to escape his toxic home. Instead, he strolls right into the wolf’s den—literally. The aurora is the afterlife for animal spirits. The good souls are sent to the northern lights, but Hyeon finds himself its counterpart with the malicious souls in the south. Those terrifying animal deities that were worshipped by people for over a millennium? Yeah, those are real. And the person Hyeon works for? He’s a rough-headed canine that’s supposed to initiate the end of the world—Ragnarok. Rather than gaining experience at a normal job, it becomes Hyeon's burden to serve his soul to this untamed beast on a silver platter. Will he be eaten by the wolf, or will the wolf be ravaged by his new assistant? Warning: Some chapters contain strong language, sexual themes, and fighting violence. If you like my stories, please consider donating ink on Tapas! I'm currently creating a separate website and a ko-fi for readers who don't have a Tapas account.

GiveMeThatBread · ファンタジー
101 Chs


Hyeon felt something warm and furry like a blanket underneath. As the fire circulated within him at full force, he gripped the fuzzy material. In a way, it helped to focus on staying sane. The shaky ride seemed like hours. Was Shika transporting him in his deer form?

The movement stopped. It was the weirdest sensation, but the shag carpet he was comfortably laying on dissolved and became smooth. Arms were suddenly under Hyeon's knees and shoulders. Someone was carrying him effortlessly as a human. Because of this person's recent shift, they smelled faintly like a bonfire that was just extinguished.

"Can I roast some marshmallows on you and lick it?" he accidentally said aloud.

"What?" a somewhat hostile voice said from above.


That was supposed to be a thought, but he was obviously not clear-headed at the moment. And why did they sound so familiar?


Prying his eyes open, Hyeon stared at the person holding him against their clothed chest. Black hair fell over their amber eyes, the same eyes that he pictured during his masturbating shower session. But instead of the tender expression in his fantasy, they were full of aggression.

The giant wolf that was feared by all Vikings was taking him to the bed.

Placing him not so nicely on the king-sized covers in a sitting position, Fenrir lifted Hyeon's hand with the wrist insignia to his lips. He sensually kissed and licked the servant's palm. A moan wanted to be released. The little skin-on-skin touching transferred some of his soul energy to the wolf, but not enough for it to be uncomfortable.

After only a minute, Fenrir released Hyeon's hand and started to walk away.

"That's enough for now. When you feel well enough, you can go."


A series of emotions flashed through his mind: anger, horniness, frustration...

Before this blasted dog could exit the bedroom, Hyeon's desperate body lurched off the bed and pulled at the backside bottom of Fenrir's shirt. The act made his boss pause.

Hyeon breathed heavily, "D-didn't I say you have to take responsibility for making me this way?"

"You're not in the right state of mind, and your pheromones are causing me to lose control. Let go," Fenrir replied warningly.

"No. I know you're a legendary god, but that doesn't mean you can leave me hanging so cruelly, F-Fenrir!" he said, forgetting to add on the royal formality title. The name Fenrir seethed from his teeth.

Fenrir twirled around and lashed out a hand at Hyeon's jaw tightly. A golden glow replaced the amber iris color and stared intently into Hyeon's hazel gaze.

Fenrir pushed him on the mattress with force, making him land on his back. The wolf grabbed his own shirt and ripped it to the side, exposing his muscled chest. He then latched onto Hyeon's uniform where it connected with buttons and pulled upward. The strength shredded every layer. The buttons flew off with little thuds as they scattered to the floor. The butler uniform was destroyed. Now, both of them were naked above the waist.

The fire was becoming too much to handle as it scorched his insides. He could feel his dick flex in frustration. The bed leaned to the side under Fenrir's weight. When he positioned himself on top of his prey, Hyeon was shocked to see the state they were in.

Fenrir was no longer composed. Like a real wolf trying to conceive with his mate, Fenrir's ears snapped back with a dominantly raised tail. His curled lips bared fangs. He bent forward. Before plunging his tongue into Hyeon's mouth, he had something to say before taking him.

"I'm only Master to you."