
Forsaken in the Fog

The fog had come, and so had the monsters. Lucius has to defeat these creatures before they massacre the human. He has to work along with people to beat the horrors that occurred to the city. He will brave some dark forces and challenging situations where he might not return. Suppose you like Dark Souls or Bloodborne. Or even code vein. Possibly this would be enjoyable for you

Haylee_Gallo · ホラー
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Forsaken in the graveyard


The day started with that fog, and with the fog came the creatures- named the Böse. The monsters with four eyes, jagged teeth, and sharp fingers, Bald and melted torn clothes were thrown together into a giant mess. Their skin the color of dust in the wind after a fire had burnt away half a town.

This epidemic seems to cover the whole continent, maybe the entire world, if possible. They ravaged the city; few who knew better stayed inside their homes, some ventured out in courage to brave the monsters outside of safety.

But this only came with dismay as some who ventured out didn't know how to fight back when the monsters surrounded them. Then people found out that sound attracts the Böse, so they try to be as quiet as possible. Careful not to speak so loudly or scream while they're out in the dirty streets of Emberbay. The whole city was dead silent; the only sound there was the noises from the Dust creatures.

The story begins; the graveyard was vacant, seeing as the Böse were in the city's populated areas. No one went to the cemetery anymore since the pandemic happened - for obvious reasons.

There was a man there, lying face down in the dirt path. He slowly made his way up to his feet as his hood hid his facial features. The shawl in question was white with gold trimming on its hood, and the sleeves have a gold medal ban on them. The tails of the mantle blew in the wind, and he was able to stand with some effort.

Looking around, he realized he didn't recognize anything around him, nor did he know where this was. The only thing he knew was that his name was Lucius. He noticed that a Bayonet rifle and an ax were lying spread out on the ground around him. Grabbing the bayonet, he felt like he had to do something, but he couldn't remember what that was.

The wind picked up and almost blew off Lucius' hood; grabbing it quickly, he looked at the gate to the cemetery, which flew open when the wind went through it. A creature went through the doors, and a Böse walked into the graveyard aimlessly, unsure where it's going.

Noticing Lucius, it started twisting and twitching around, making strangling noises with its throat, making noises humans can't make. Then it lunges at the man standing away from it. He grabs his Bayonet and shoots at the Böse.

The creature fell on its back and struggled to get up, wriggling around and screaming, not able to make it to its feet. It started to claw at the air as if trying to grasp onto something that wasn't there.

Grabbing the Axe off the ground, Lucius walked cautiously over to the fallen creature and swung the Axe in the air, ready to crash it down on the Böse. Only for the Böse to slam its foot into his stomach, knocking the air out of his lungs.

Lucius stumbled back as the Böse jumped to his feet; he felt foolish, being fooled by the Böse. He growls under his breath as he gets his breath back, standing back up with his ax hanging loosely in his hand as he huffed out a puff of air, his knuckles white with how tightly his fists were.

A scream knocked him out of his thinking. He was looking back at the Böse, just in time to see the Böse jumping at him. He moved out of the way just before its claw slammed down on him. Dust got kicked up as the nails met with the dirt; Lucius falls on his back and quickly gets back up from his position.

Out of fear, he swipes his Axe at the creature and hits its mark, right in the ribs. He puts some effort into the force and slams into the Böse again, sending it flying backward and cutting into it deeply.

Panicking for a minute, he got some distance between him and the Böse. He had adrenaline coursing through his veins. He had to get away from it. He was running through the door of the gate on the opposite side of the graveyard. Right into the torn apart streets, carriages are either on the side of the roads or upside down.

He was looking around at the devastation in despair and awe. The city just looked like it's been torn to shreds by whatever has been through here. The wind blew around and blew a few papers into Lucius' face. He was grabbing that same paper to see a very realistic drawing of the Böse with its name on the side of the side profile drawing. He stared up to where he imagined the sun to be, and everything went black as he felt something hit the back of his head.