A man reincarnated into Pokemon with the ambition to make Giovanni look like a common street thug. I don't own Pokemon or the cover art. if owners don't want me using it then tell me.
' thoughts'
Arthur wakes up surrounded by 9 other kids a similar age as him, several sobbing quietly. Taking in his surroundings he finds himself in a dingy windowless room, wooden bed frames with a thin cushion on top. A bed for each captive. The walls seem to be made of grey bricks and the floor was just a concrete slab as big as the room. There is also a single metal door on one of the walls.
Arthur walks up to one of the legs of the bed frames the seem to be splintering, peeling off a piece about the length of his hand, from wrist to tip of his middle finger, half as wide as his palm.
Taking the shard to the brick wall he starts sharpening it to a point, sliding it into his sleeve, the other teens didn't seem to notice this due to half of the crying and the other half just staring into space, having given up on life.
No sooner as he stuffed the shiv into his sleeve, the door to the room swings open, a man wearing black and grey with a yellow G on his chest walks in followed by a creature that looks like an angry skunk.
"Alright fodder, get out, single file line. time for your orientation." The grunt says as he gestures for them to the door. Reluctantly the teens get up and start forming a line, Arthur making sure he was last in line.
The teens were lead in to the hallway that had several similar doors lining it that looked like their cell door, with several groups of frightened teens and their captors coming out of them.
After several minutes of walking down the increasingly crowded halls, the teens arrived at a auditorium with several guards standing around a stage, looking menacingly at the teens. On said stage stood a woman, with red hair and eyes, wearing an altered version of the team uniform, the main difference being a grey skirt.
One of the guards walked up to and whispered in her ear, making her smirk as she turned her focus onto the teens.
"Welcome new recruits, welcome to team Galactic, Some of you willing most not so much. Canalave city has sold you out, the league stands by, not a care in the world about you, but I am here to give you a chance, a chance at a better life, in a new world of our own creation. I apologize for the rough introduction to our organization, appearances must be kept up. We will not force you to join, if you decide to decline, you will be released. Hypnotized to forget this ever happened, but if you decide to stay, you will receive your very own pokemon, a monthly stipend for care and upkeep of said pokemon." The woman's words had left the teens greatly surprised.
They had assumed they would be trafficked or killed. To be offered a pokemon as well as money on top of that. Even Arthur was tempted at the prospect of receiving a pokemon for free, but he knew that there had to be a catch.
"Now, these benefits aren't for free, if you want a pokemon, you will have to work for it. You will start doing minor tasks. Deliveries, chores, stuff like that. After several weeks, maybe months for those of you that are slow. You will receive a uniform and you will receive your pokemon. But if you get this far, there's no going back. You're one of us." The woman's words seemed to snap back the teens minds to reality. Either they leave and stay powerless but free, or they stay, gain some power but they'd be pawns.
"Now, make your choice. Those of you who want to stay and be something larger than yourselves move to the right of the room. Those of you who wish to stay weak, move to the left." At her words the group of teens were separated. Some going to the left but most going to the right.
But among those that stood on the left was Arthur. With a sneer on his face.
'Yeah, like I'm going to let some random goons lord over me.'
"Good to see most of you made the right choice. Grunt, take the ones that decided to go on their own away" The woman says as she looks to one of the uniformed men near the group
"Yes, Admin Mars." The grunt says, then turns to us. "Follow me." The grunt led Arthur and the remaining teens out of the auditorium and back into the hallway. They pass by many doors, some saying lounge, barracks, storage, and what caught Arthur's attention the most was a door that said [Pokemon Storage]
The grunt eventually led them to a room labeled [Hypnosis room]."Alright, line up in a single file line. Enter the room, one at a time. After you go through the process you will be taken by the attendant."
One by one the teens go into the room, Arthur made sure he was the last in line. When it was his turn to go in, he stopped.
"What's the hold up? Go in. Now." the grunt says with a scowl.
"No." Arthur says simply.
"What, go in now before things get rough." The grunt says as he pulls out what looks like a stun baton.
Arthur looks at the grunt with a blank look on his face, takes a quick step towards him as he slides the shiv out of his sleeve into his hand, jamming it into the the neck of the grunt.
"urk...wha" the grunt manages to choke out before Arthur pulls out the shiv from his neck and jams it into the grunts eye, making him drop to the ground.
Arthur calmly bends down and picks up the stun baton and turns and walks back down the hall. Right to the Pokemon Storage room.
He opens the door slowly seeing racks of pokeballs lining the walls with a computer at the far end of the room with another grunt sitting at the desk typing on the computer.
Arthur sneakily walks up to the grunt with his back towards him. Lines up a swing and...*crack* Arthur swings the baton like a baseball bat hitting the side of the grunts head, flinging him from the desk chair.
Arthur adjusts the chair and sits in it looking at the computer, going through the files and reports of the Pokemon stored at this facility, looking for anything interesting. And that's what he finds. A pokemon that is almost twice the standard size with several interesting moves and with it's hidden ability. He finds which section it's and picks up it's ball.
"You'll do nicely."