
Forlorn Interlude

Bibliophile_Anna · 一般的
16 Chs

A Letter for You

Title: A Letter for You

This was my letter to you,

Probably the last in few

Pensively waiting in pew

Believe, it's not hate for you.

It wasn't just to proclaim

How much in love I am

The moment you came

So crazily acclaim.

No regrets, no shame

Yet greedy, I became

Never viewed this as game

I called only your name.

Things turned sour

I blamed me for hour

Possessively lour

I turned myself dour.

I wasn't ready to bend

Only thy love  could mend

How this heart you rend

Left alone to fend.

The last spectrum of hope

of us together was dope

Letting you go was trope

Still be happy, I'll lope.

Forever thankful I'll be

For still meeting thee

My picky heart was wee

You turned to be my lee.