
Forgotten Souls (JJK)

A lost soul of a dying world and a devil, what would happen if they come into contact in a more appropriate setting? A Devil who only want a normal relationship with someone and a Ring Knight who fail to uphold his duty. What will sparkle between them when they go to the multiverse? Makima (CSM) x Ashen One (DS3) Obviously I don't know what the fk I'm doing. I yonk the cover on Pinterest.

ImSadge · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

2. Makima

(This will be Makima after she got cooked by Denji so yeah… anyway this will be how I think of her though)

Control Devil, that is what she was.

Born out of fear of control and conquest, one of the four horsemen… or horsewomen of hell? She still wondered why the four of them took the appearance of a female human. 

She is feared by humans, Fiends and Devils all around the world, which increases her powers as a Devil.

After the thousands of years wasted in hell and fought with the most feared devil, the Chainsaw Devil. She developed some kind of feeling toward him. Perhaps respect? Or admire? 

Like that of a fan who met their idol, she wanted to be in his sight, she wanted to conquer him, making him as hers. 

When she was reincarnated into the human world in 19XX, Makima made a contract with the Prime Minister of Japan in return to work for the Japanese Government. The contract followed:

As a result of this contract, any fatal attacks inflicted to Makima are transferred into an appropriate illness or ailment affecting a random citizen of Japan. 

Until one day, she met the boy with the power of the Chainsaw Devil. 

Makima's goal was to be together with the Chainsaw Devil and perhaps lead a happy life with him. Although her concept was conquest and control, she surprisingly did not want to use her power to make him a puppet on her hand but by his free will. 

She justified it with the act that she wanted his power to make this world a better place but deep down, she just wanted to form an equal relationship with him.

So she did what she was best at, to manipulate the boy Denji, making Denji suffer by promising a romantic and sexual relationship with the boy while also threatening him with outright extermination if he disobeyed her. She did all of this so that the Hero of Hell would come out and be with her.

She was ruthless and normally dispassionate with other things that didn't rouse her interest. She will do whatever it takes to reach her goals, even at the cost of the people she should be protecting. 

But in the end, she failed in her plan and scheme. She got eaten by the said boy that she didn't even think could bypass the contract she had placed on him and kill her.

No matter what, at the end, she could still be a part of 'him'. What could possibly be more honor than that? 

So she thought. But at the end of the day, she was still sad that she could not form a normal relationship with someone like those in the 'bad' movies she used to watch. Despite being a devil herself, and a strong one at that. Being able to have a normal relationship with someone was unheard of, let alone make that thought reality. 

Makima gazed up at the clear sky in her final moment before her demise. 

A control devil no less, she was good at controlling her own emotions. But right now, she didn't feel the need to. Her turmoil emotions were like a wave that was drowning her mind. She didn't know what it meant but she definitely hated this feeling.

Soon, she would be eaten by the Chainsaw Devil and get her existence wiped out. But… she didn't feel happy even though it was an honor for her to be consumed by the Hero of Hell.

It seemed like she didn't want to be forgotten. 

Makima saw Denji come closer to her while raising his chainsaw arm and knew that her life would end here, there would be no more lives in her arsenal after this. She accepted that judgment and closed her eyes, feeling quite bad that she couldn't be with the one she held dear in her mind. 


The buzzing sound of chainsaw got louder and louder and finally cut off her head. 

What a pity…

Darkness loomed over and her consciousness faded. 

In the depth of darkness, there lay a lady in her twenties, she wore a black civil servant costume with a black tie and a trench coat. The said lady had light red locks that were kept in a loose braid, her fair skin was gorgeous for anyone to look at her.

The lady opened her eyes and carefully glanced around. Her pupils were yellow and had several red rings that did not harbor the sign of a human.

Makima saw nothing even after a while, just the endless darkness before her. She got up to her feet although she didn't feel like she was standing or just floating in this odd dimension. 

She checked if she could communicate with her contractors but to no avail. It seemed that she had lost all of them the moment she died. Makima pondered if this was the place the Devil would go to after getting eaten by the Chainsaw Devil, just nothingness, no more, no less.

With nothing better to do, she began to wander around until she saw a dim light from afar. Curious, she headed toward the direction and soon enough, she was greeted with a sight of a knight sitting beside a bonfire. 

He didn't seem to notice her though or maybe he was dead already. Her keen sense of smell told her that the person in front of her doesn't have a normal smell of a living being.

Makima approached closer and out of the blue, the black knight stood up slowly using the ground to support him. His eyes started to exude a golden hue of madness that even managed to scare her, one of the four horsemen. He grabbed onto the blade next to him and let out a white smoke from his mouth.

She kept a stoic smile on her face and pointed a finger at him, intending to use her force manipulation to obliterate the threat in front of her.

But the unexpected happened.

"What? A human in this place? No no, it doesn't make sense. The feeling of her is not that of a human anyway." He muttered and rubbed his chin in confusion. It seemed that something was misunderstood here between both of them. The knight then shrugged his shoulders and proceeded to sit down, not minding her presence at all.

"What are you?" Makima asked the man clad in black armor, tilting her head a little.

"That was a strange question to ask a stranger ain't it? Well, to your question, I'm but a poor soul trapped in a vicious lie created by the gods." He chuckled at his own remark. 

"Well, no matter what, you don't seem like a mindless beast around here. Want to have company with me here?" Before she could ask more, he suggested and she pondered a little before agreeing with his offer. 

"Do you perhaps know what this place is?" Makima asked him.

"I assume this is the Abyss, where all the dark stem from, the place where madness and… the forgotten reside. But I could be wrong so I called this place 'The house without time'."

Makima nodded to his answer, seemingly pondering if this was the place the Devil went to after being eaten by the Chainsaw Devil. Her hypnotic eyes glanced back at him and she continued.

"So how long have you been here, mr.knight?" 

"I didn't call it The house without time for nothing. In here, time didn't seem to continue as to why I could remain here without getting hollowed." He pointed at the Dark Sigil on his chest. There was a silence between them as they both stared at the crackling bonfire in front of them.

After a while, the knight asked the newcomer "So tell me, has the cycle begun once again?"

Makima had no idea what he was talking about "What cycle?"

"You know it, the Age of Fire and powerful Lords link their soul to the Flame? That kind of stuff." He was kind of confused and began to describe the 'cycle' to Makima in which she still had no idea of what this mad man in front of her was blabbering about. He was quite an enthusiastic fellow if she had to say.

"Never heard of it." She replied shortly. She was not in mood to dig it up more as if he was right about this place, then they both had been forgotten and everything else is meaningless at this point.

He lost his enthusiasm and visibly slumped down. His action brought a slight smile on her lips and she began to poke at his helmet. Now that she observed him more closely, she was quite sure he was some kind of medieval knight. Except for the reverse cross symbol carved on his helmet, a profanity act of defying god.

"Mr…" Makima wanted to ask him but soon realized she didn't know his name. She placed a finger on her chin and tilted her head, pondering how to politely address him. 

"You could call me whatever name you like, not that I remember it anymore." He stared at the bonfire and the wandering piece of memory clouded his eyes.

"Alright, so let's call you… Veilhem." She suggested, earning a speechless stare from the knight. He seemed to be in a daze.

"Lady, ever heard that you have a terrible naming sense?" He snapped out of the daze and scratched his chin, chuckling slightly.

"Really? I thought it's a cool name though." Makima really thought so because most Devils had a bad naming sense.

"Well, it matters not. We will be stuck here for quite some time. Let's introduce ourselves first." The knight, now Veilhem, leaned on his sword.

"I will go first then. Name's Veilhem, Knight of Damnation." 

"I'm Makima, the Control Devil."

That was how their first interaction went that led to a relationship that would become permanent between both of them in the future. But that was the story for another time.

Good luck fellow, don't you dare go hollow. (You probably will because I don't write that consistently.)