
Forgotten Soul' of An unknown God

"IN THE SEARCH OF YOUR TRUE SELF AND TO FIND THE BURIED TRUETH , YOU HAVE TO DESTROY THE FAKE" In a universe woven by divine threads, meet Renial Sovn—a God mysteriously intertwined with mortals, cursed with the unique power to unveil long-buried secrets. Branded as a fallen deity, his perilous journey is driven not only by a relentless desire to reclaim his lost godhood but also by the haunting whispers of an ancient prophecy. As Renial traverses the blurred realm between gods and humans, his one-of-a-kind ability to uncover hidden truths becomes both his greatest advantage and his deepest torment. With each revelation, the very fabric of reality unravels, leaving readers spellbound as they witness a God who challenges the cosmos itself, all in the pursuit of a destiny that defies the heavens. Join us on this mesmerizing odyssey, where the cosmic stage becomes the battleground for an extraordinary struggle, and where Renial's quest for self-discovery and the revelation of a cosmic truth will leave you on the edge of your seat, craving the next revelation.

FIRE_ANGEL · ファンタジー
31 Chs

[SURVIVE IN WILD I ] "a small hunt"

Walking past some trees, I came across a wild pig munching on some grass.

Wanting to get closer without startling it, I tip-toed behind a nearby tree for cover.

After scanning my surroundings, I managed to locate a sharp stone that could be used to take down the animal with ease.

With the weapon gripped tightly in my hand, I slowly crept up from behind and prepared myself for an attack.

Despite feeling uncertain about whether or not it would work out, I threw caution to the wind and leapt towards the pig - striking its head with the jagged edge of the stone upon impact.

I remained motionless, with my rock lodged in the back of the pig's head, waiting for confirmation of its demise.

I couldn't risk it running off and leaving me empty-handed.

Once I had confirmed that it was indeed dead, I swiftly began to skin and carve it up, prioritizing the most edible portions.

My father had taught me how to butcher game from a young age, so this process felt familiar to me.

I worked quickly to avoid attracting any unwanted attention from wild animals drawn by the scent of blood.

While considering for a lake or water stream to clean the pig's parts and my hands which are now stained with blood, I couldn't return to the previous place , as maybe there are soldiers searching for survivors to kill.

Throughout the forest's dense underbrush, Reid trudged along, feeling his heart pounding with every step he took.

Sweat dripped down his forehead, mingling with the dirt and grime on his face.

He clutched his knife like stone tightly, the weight of the freshly slain pig slung over his shoulder reminding him of his small victory.

Now Survival had become his sole purpose since finding himself stranded in this unfamiliar forest.

He is determined to find a safe haven, a place where he could gather his thoughts and plan his next move.

In the midst of the woods, he heard the sound of flowing water reaching out to reach his ears, as if it were a distant whisper of hope that encouraged him.

Suddenly, a new surge of energy surged through his weary body and propelled him forward towards the source.

After he emerged from the thicket, he was greeted with a picturesque view of a river that cascaded over smooth rocks in a crystal-clear stream.

Reid dropped he pigs parts from his shoulders and eagerly cupped his hands, splashing the cool water onto his face.

The refreshing sensation revived his senses, washing away the fatigue that had settled in his bones.

He drank deeply, savoring the taste of pure nature.

With his immediate thirst quenched, Reid set his sights on finding a suitable place to rest.

His eyes scanned the surroundings, seeking out signs of safety.

Across the river, he spotted a cluster of tall trees with interwoven branches, forming a natural canopy.

It appeared to be a makeshift shelter, created by the forest itself.

Drawing on the last of his strength, Reid waded through the knee-deep water, careful not to disturb the serenity of the river.

Reaching the other side, he approached the shelter, his heart pounding with a mix of trepidation and anticipation.

Gingerly, he stepped under the protective embrace of the interlaced branches.

It offered a modest shield from the elements, with leaves whispering a soothing lullaby in the gentle breeze.

Though crude, it would suffice for the time being.

Reid dropped the pig carcass at the entrance, grateful for the nourishment it would provide.

He surveyed the interior, removing any loose twigs and stones that might hinder his rest.

The ground, though uneven, felt surprisingly comforting beneath his tired body.

As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, Reid settled into his newfound sanctuary.

Exhaustion tugged at his eyelids, but a sense of relief washed over him, knowing he had found respite in this untamed wilderness.

As he lay there, his thoughts turned to the uncertainty of his situation.

How had he ended up in this vast forest, disconnected from civilization? Questions echoed in his mind, but the answers eluded him, lost in the depths of his fragmented memory.

With the gentle murmur of the river as his lullaby, Reid succumbed to sleep, his dreams filled with flickering images of home and a longing for familiarity but he knows he cannot have the back.

He knew that tomorrow would bring new challenges, but for now, he allowed himself the solace of the moment.

In this forest, where danger lurked behind every tree and survival was a constant battle, Reid had found a temporary sanctuary.

The world may have forgotten him, but he was determined to forge a path forward, relying on his instincts, resilience, and the whispers of hope that echoed through the rustling leaves.

As the night enveloped the forest, Reid lay in the embrace of nature, ready to face whatever awaited him in this untamed wilderness, knowing that within the struggle, he would discover the strength to endure.