

Trust? They say Trust is like a glass once broken,it can be fixed but never made the same again. What happens when is broken in more ways than one and it can never be fixed again? The pain l felt in my chest when l fell to my knees wasn't one l could describe, l failed my parents, sister and a whole kingdom that was depending on me and I broke their trust, my promise without even knowing it but now is a second chance to make it right but the question is, can l? what's the guarantee l won't fail again? My name is Alexia, CEO of the one of the successful companies in the city but some also know me as Freya, Crown Princess and the first daughter of the Great Vampire king and Luna Queen.They ruled the Great Kingdom of Aethoria where matters of vampire, werewolves,hybrids are no legends or myths. It was peaceful until a week after my coronation as the Crown Princess when I watched things go downhill very quickly, l lost my parents, got separated from my beloved sister, suffered from memory loss and my powers got sealed until l turned 22 and l met my mysterious and powerful mate.... Will l be able to save my people and win back my sister's love again? am l going to be able to protect my loved ones? Will Asher and I be able to face all this struggles and still love eachother?..... Only one way to find out AUTHORS NOTE: Hi everyone, my name is sofia and this is actually the first book l have written please do well to drop a comment and show your love towards this book. Thank you❤️

Sofia_Edward · ファンタジー
30 Chs




"How could someone be so immature?" I said angrily

"Is not like he needs the money or anything he just wants to get under my skin, so annoying and to think l would never see him l keep bumping into him, expressionless Robot" I shouted

"Always trying to make me scared of him well too bad for him cause this girl is scared of nothing and in my opinion he is just a insecure man who makes it up by bullying others hmph" I frowned

I calmed myself down" whatever at least l won't get to see him again hopefully" I was about to leave the room to grab some coffee as l had a lot of work to do when l bumped into a wall so hard my nose turned red.....odd l don't remember installing a wall here maybe those lazy idiot did it, those this day have to get any worse

"Done whining?" A cold voice said

I looked up and lo and behold the man that l have been badmouthing standing right in front of me,it was like l was splash with ice cold water,l broke out in cold sweats. Is not like l was scared of him.. no that wasn't it, is just that he got to hear everything that I said about him giving me the feeling of guilt, a feeling l hate, I could feel my face hot l must look like a red tomato right now

"Cat got your tongue, where's the brave girl of a minute ago who wasn't afraid of me" he smirked

"I..l.. Mr Slade shouldn't you be heading back now, why eavesdrop on people's conversation, that's very rude " I said trying desperately to hide the embarrassment on my face

"Not when that conversation involves me" he said again

"So what if it involves you, isn't it true?, Aren't you an Expressionless Robot or don't you love bullying?" Since there's no way to hide might as well face it head on

"Hmm" was all he said before he started walking closer, l instinctively took a step back but he kept on walking towards me as l kept on moving back until he corned me, his face was so close and l could get a proper look at those green eyes that always wondered me while looking at them

"I'm letting you off this time because of the successful contract we just had, if not"he caressed my cheek "I won't be so kind next time"with that the atmosphere around us became more a cold than usual and those green eyes turned darker, l visibly gulped, he then chuckle moved his face away from mine then patted my head "Good girl" then walk way

I didn't realize l was holding my breath all this time only when he was completely gone l took in a deep breath before Nadia came in

"Ma'am, we currently need your attention at.... Are you alright ma'am" Nadia inquire upon seeing my redden face

I smiled"l'm fine,just need a little rest from today l'm exhausted"

"Oh ok, I will handle everything in your stead, please take good care of yourself" she replied then walked away

"Don't need to tell me twice"I murmured as l made my way to the car

The Following weeks were rather bland, all we did was work, work and work, for me was work and avoid any opportunity to bump into the robot after our last encounter l tired my best to stay away from him not because I was scared but because I wanted to avoid trouble or else it looks like l came back from the villa for nothing.

Naomi,Clara said l wanted to escape society,no eyes following us or tracking our movements, troubles, workloads and most of all no responsibilities and that is how we ended up at the villa in cloud forest, Cloud forest was a region covered by thick tall trees which were so dense that one could say there were no habitats there, there were even rumours that were werewolves sightings but while we were there, we didn't see anything out of the ordinary so just baseless rumors besides werewolves were just stories no rational person would believe.

While we were there we came across some shady big mafia groups that have been causing uproar back at the city especially on the Underworld, Naomi and l didn't really care at first but Clara was all 'Let's take them down' kinda stuff after much persuasion I agreed and that's how we took them down.

Clara wasn't much of a combat girl l have known her since kindergarten she has always been a innocent,bubbly kind of girl and if her brothers didn't teach her self-defence maybe that was because they think she wasn't ready to handle that kind of world which l thought so too and l wasn't ready to rub off that innocence from her but after many days of brutal persistence from her l reluctantly agreed though I could see it clearly that it was hard for her at first but she was determined and was also a quick learner. I didn't have to worry about Naomi, at age 11 she already won a black belt in taekwondo; While I, two years ago Old Man Will ship me off to a military camp saying "it is for your own good" though I can't remember much at time l remember the intense fear and worry on his face so despite not wanting to go l nodded and he ship me off the very night, everything was so fast and discreet at the time even Clara and Naomi didn't know,they thought l was going to spend time with my aunt abroad.

It was refreshing staying at the villa, it was unfortunate we had to come back is not like we could stay there forever but recently coming back something feels amiss but I can't put a finger on it.

"Ma'am, ma'am?" Nadia said trying to get my attention

"Um..sorry what were you saying"

"I was trying to say, your attention is needed at the entrance of the company" she said

"What for"

"There seems to be a little problem"

"Can't you handle it?"

*Clear her voice* um... Ma'am I think this something only you can fix" she informed

'Weird' I thought, I walked over to the entrance of the company and saw a big banner with a 'Welcome home ' written on and a BMW of flowers of different varieties and only one person could do this.

"Tyler"I growled