
Forgotten Memories of an Assassin

Pick a side. Choose wisely. You can't turn back time. One mistake could cost you. Be careful the side you pick it's wrong all of the time.

Huffy · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 1: Lost Memories

"All I see is blood. How could I wind up here? How did everything veer off-track?" I slit my hand with blood flowing from the gash across my palm. I placed it on top of my heart and recited what was said to do after a killing. I utilized every ounce of the power left in me and placed the seal.

I woke up in a carriage.

"Where am I?" he asked.

A man responded, "We were told to move to one of the Duke's of the Cursed Empire."

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm your father, silly your mother is upfront." The man said.

'I thought to myself who I am and where are we going.' The man got up and walked to the front of the carriage.' I looked around and tried to remember something or anything. I couldn't'. Moments later a woman appeared from around the curtain blocking the sun. I squint my eyes.

The woman asked "Lukas are you feeling okay? Your dad and I are worried."

I look at her for a second and decide I will play along. "I think I hit my head. What happened? My entire body hurts" I said.

'Truthfully my body did hurt and was in a lot of pain but It felt like nothing.'

The woman laughed "I don't know what happened, The Cursed Empire's king said we had to go and you had gotten hurt. They said you'd be able to tell us when you woke up."

"I don't remember anything," I responded.

'I thought to myself was I kidnapped'.

The woman went back to the front and before lifting the curtain she said: "Get some sleep honey we will bring you to a doctor when we reach the village."

'I didn't feel tired but the second I closed my eyes, I must have fallen asleep.'

I had awoken in the carriage.

"We are the doctor's house honey come on out" the woman who claims to be my mother said.

"OKAY" I yelled back to her. As I get up and go to hop out of the back of the carriage. The blanket I had been wearing fell off. A girl had been looking and started to run laughing. I felt a breeze and it was a bit lower than what I expected. I was naked.

I picked up the blanket that had been on me off the ground and pulled it around me. I look at my arms. They are covered in blood-soaked gauze. I jump out of the carriage and walk around. As I walk towards the house and the man who had proclaimed my father. Picked me up and walked me into the house. My father was tall, skinny, had brown hair and red eyes.

The strange man that looked at me said " You can put him down in the bed."

I looked around from where I was sitting. The room smelled of herbs and spices. My father and mother sit down to the right of me. The man that had told my father to set me down on the bed brought me over tea. He sat down across from me.

"Your mother tells me you can't remember anything."

"I can remember my father and mother," I lied.

The doctor goes down a list of questions that I don't know the answer to. He proceeded to look at my arms and face.

"Can you take the blanket off of you" the doctor had asked.

"Um, I don't have anything on," I replied quickly

He laughed, "That's good, I need to check your entire body." I glared at him

"YOU PERVERT" I screamed. I tried to get up to run just to fall over back onto the bed. I reluctantly agreed to let him look at me. After inspecting me he treated my wounds and rewrapped the bandages around me. He gave me something to drink.

"It's a healing potion" he winked. I finished the potion he gave me.

He says to my parents "The potions that I have here can only heal his outside injuries to stop the bleeding. He needs to rest for a couple of days. About his memories, they should come back with time. He has seemed to have been hit in the head with a magic attack of some sort." My parents thanked the man and we had left. Eventually, we made it to the house. As we walked in and got a better look at my mother she had green eyes, brown hair, skinny but shorter than me.

My mother looks at me "You're gonna be going to school in two days. Make lots of friends and don't forget your 16 don't be snooping around looking at girls."

"What's the school for?" I ask.

She said, "You're gonna be going to Jack's magic academy to learn skills and a bunch of fun stuff you'll love it."

I had found the bathroom and I looked in the mirror. I had brown hair but had red-eye and a green eye. I thought to myself 'So they are my parents, but I have two different eye colors!' I look skinny, but I realized that everything felt tight around me after dressing on the way here. I took off my shirt. I have a throbbing pain in my chest where my heart is, but nothing is there. I put my shirt back on and head to the room where my mom had told me to sleep. 'She left a plate of food with a note that said; Eat and then go to sleep. We will be gone in the morning.' I ate and when I had lied down in bed. I got into a mediating position without realizing it. I let my body do what it was trying to do. It felt like my body was regenerating. The area in my heart started to hurt and the pain was so unbearable everything went black.

Hey there so, It's my first time writing something like this and posting it so any feedback that y'all can give me would be greatfully appreciated



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