
The First Trials

Two days later, Elias and Eryn found themselves standing on the raised platforms in the center of the city's stadium with the Xia family.

The Liu, Bai, Jing, and Wen Heads stood off to the side, for it wasn't their turn to host this year.

The stadium was full and packed all the way to the top row; the audience was roaring loudly in their ears, eagerly waiting for the first round of competition to start.

Master Xia cleared his throat and raised his arms, magically quieting down the crowds.

Today he was dressed quite nicely in pressed red and black robes. His beard was neatly trimmed and his gray hair was held up in a high tail with a gold piece.

His two children flanked his sides.

"Welcome to this year's trials," his voice boomed, "where the power of our Pheonix City be displayed before all!"

He gestured at the stand placed in the center of the platform where it held the grand prize.

"The final prize for this year is five thousand gold coins," he declared.

The crowd buzzed with excitement.

"And as always, every duel will take place within this arena, and the winner of each duel will move on to the next duel. On the seventh day is the finals, the few standing participants will be able to be challenged by anyone who still wishes to participate!"

He lowered his arms and the platform began to rise into the air.

"Good luck!"

Elias and Eryn peered over the edge as they rose higher and higher into the sky, overlooking the entire stadium.

The crowd was going wild as waves of participants entered through the gates.

Master Xia grinned, patting Wayne and Whitney of the back. "Have fun and don't die!" he said cheerfully.

Elias frowned, baffled. "What do you mean, 'don't die'?" he asked.

Master Xia turned around, unbothered. "Blood may be spilled and lives may be lost in fights like this, my boy...it's normal. If they die, then it's their fate."

The twins furrowed their brows at his answer, but they didn't say anything.

Indeed, in this world, if you were powerful, you can do anything.

Wayne cast a look at Eryn before golden spikes materialized from his back, taking the form of his griffin's wings.

Whitney did the same, her eyes gleaming white. Her feathered wings didn't look at all inferior to her brother's, and together, they leaped off the platform into the fighting grounds along with the rest of the contestants.

'Ah,' said Aragnes. 'Wayne has a griffin. Whitney has a pegasus. Interesting...'

"A pegasus?" Eryn repeated. She pictured the magnificent winged-horse in her mind, remembering when she had used to read about them in her novels.

'Yes, it seems the Xia family has always been a family filled with these sort mythical beasts,' Aragnes marveled. 'Though, the Wen family seems to have a greater reputation, especially with a Pheonix in their family.'

Eryn turned around the floating platform to see four other smaller platforms that each held the other Heads on them.

Elias noticed as well, and his eyes fell on Ying.

She seemed way too interested in the both of them instead of paying attention to the fights.

His eyes shifted to his left.

Alan Bai also seemed to be paying more attention to him than the event taking place in the stadium.

Next to him stood Edison and Evelyn.

Ailee Bai and the newborn were absent.

The three Bai members all held mixed emotions in their expressions as they observed Elias and Eryn on the grand platform with Master Xia.

Elias ignored the pleading eyes of Alan Bai and instead eyed his biological younger siblings.

He could see the uncertainty on Edison's face, while Evelyn stared scornfully at them.

He smirked and turned back around.

They had nothing to do with each other, and he found it funny how they just couldn't take their eyes off of them.

He looked down at the fighting grounds.

Two duels were taking place at the same time, and it seemed whoever the winners of each group were, they would fight each other until there was only one left.

On one side, a man with a bear spirit was facing off another man, who had a sword.

Eryn raised an eyebrow. "How is it fair? One has a weapon and the other doesn't?"

Master Xia rubbed his chin. "Having a weapon doesn't necessarily determine that one has the upper-hand. Of course, what is most important is the capabilities of one's spirit animal."

Eryn nodded, understanding.

The young man raised his sword at the other, the blade suddenly sparkling green.

'He's using the sword to help pinpoint his attacks,' Aragnes explained before Eryn got the chance to ask the question. 'There is much you can learn from watching this event. Watch closely.'

The man with the bear spirit roared, the power building up around his arms like gloves. He charged with surprising speed, his burning fists raised.

Eryn held her breath.

The distance between the two was closing, and suddenly, the one with the sword disappeared, leaving traces of green.

The other man landed on the spot he was seconds before, smashing the ground to pieces.

Elias could feel the impact of the hit even in the air.

The opponent reappeared behind him, sparks flying from his feet. And before the other could react, he raised his sword once more, and the image of sharp serpent fangs flew from the tip of the blade, striking the back of the bear spirit.

The audience rumbled, cheering and shouting.

The image of the bear flickered, and blood came dripping down the corners of the man's mouth.

Elias crossed his arms.

So attacking and harming the spirit is the same as striking a blow to the physical body...

The man stumbled and turned back around, determined to keep going.

But with a few more lethal strikes from his opponent and his serpent, he dropped to the ground, defeated.

The crowd cheered.

On the right, the other two were still fighting, and their battle seemed more intense. It was a woman with a little red-tailed fox spirit against a man with a stag, the male version of Evelyn's spirit animal.

Elias peered closely. "The man will surely win," he guessed.

'Ah, you can never be sure,' Drachnai warned.

The young man sent the stag charging at the opponent, antlers first.

The woman held her ground, not bothering to move as the stag advanced.

Quickly, she murmured a few words, and suddenly, the little fox was set ablaze, the fire licking at its fur.

She threw out her arm as if she were shouting an order, and the fox went scampering towards the stag fearlessly.

The moment they were only inches apart, the little fox leaped up into the air and swiped its tail as it flew over the stag's body, setting its fur on fire.

It landed and prepared for its next attack.

'Ohohoho!' Drachnai rumbled.

The boy waved his arm, chanting something, trying to extinguish the fire.

It seems these two participants were skilled in using spells.

Elias shifted his gaze back to the lady-

"Eh? What-"

She was gone from her spot, and Elias found her running around the arena towards her distracted opponent.

"What is she doing?" whispered some people in the crowds.

She headed straight for her opponent from behind, arms raised.

Luckily, the boy noticed she was missing just on time, and ducked right when she jabbed her fist through the air where his head once was.

Soon enough, they were locked in hand-to-hand combat while the spirits fought their own battle.

'Amazing!' Aragnes cried. 'Such talent! The girl is not only skilled in controlling her spirit, but she is doing it at the same time while fighting the opponent directly herself!'

Eryn watched in awe as the girl with short brown hair gained the upper hand swiftly, seemingly calm throughout the whole fight.

"I'd want to learn how to fight like that as well," she said, marveling at the girl's agile movements.

'It is not necessary for you, considering your powers,' Aragnes said. 'This girl was smart, finding a different way to become stronger in a fight when she found she had a weaker spirit animal. But if you wish, I can find a way to help you train.'

Eryn smiled.



By the end of the day, nearly a third of the starting amount of participants have been eliminated.

Master Xia seemed cheerful as they headed back to the residence.

"This year there seems to be plenty of talents!" he blurted. "I'm sure we will attract the attention of distinguished guild members or martial sect recruiters this time!"

He chuckled heartily.

"And for the first time, I have never seen Madam Wen so pleased!"

Wayne trailed behind his father with the twins and his sister, chewing on his lip.

Did Eryn watch his duel? Did she see him take down his opponent with one move? Did she?

He cast a quick glance.

He sighed.

She didn't seem to be paying any attention to him.

But he straightened up, not giving in just yet.

There were six more days, he must last till the last day. Maybe then she will look at him.