

A few days passed and the League of Villains grew. The League had gone from just four members to eleven in a couple of days. Although there were a few that Deku did not like, he knew that he had to get along with them.

Spinner had specifically got on his nerves. Spinner wanted to be just like Stain, to the point where he dressed like the Hero Killer, so when he came face to face with someone who was involved in Stains arrest, Spinner couldn't help but be infuriated. A fight nearly broke out between the two, but Kurogiri managed to stop them in time.

On the contrary, Twice was one of the new members that Deku liked after he complimented on how cool Deku was in his fight against Endeavour.

With the League of Villains getting new members, all that was left was for Tomura to think of a plan to make sure Bakugo's One For All didn't get in the way of their future plans. To make sure everyone was prepared for the next attack, All For One came up with an idea.

They all stood in the bar, most of which, including Deku, were in their villain costumes. Toga didn't wear hers as she didn't see the need to whilst Tomura only wore one of his pale hands covering his face.

"Deku, I want you to fight our new members." His voice came from the screen on the wall, surprising the new members, "This is a test of their power and knowledge. Do as you wish in the fight, but make sure anyone useful doesn't get hurt severely." Some of the new members that were standing in the bar felt a shiver going down their spine.

Hearing All For Ones idea excited Deku. He wasn't able to have any fun since the attack on Hosu since his face was everywhere in Japan and people were being extra cautious, so to finally get the opportunity to do something brought a joyful smile.

"This is going to be fun!" Deku celebrated his chance to fight, whilst the others remained silent.

"Then show we go?" Kurogiri opened up the portal that would lead them to the large hall that Deku did his training in.

The new members were shocked to see how large it was, but there needed to be that much room so that it was easier to fight against the Nomu, and more recently, for Deku to use his telekinesis.

The room was already set up for Deku to be able to use both of his quirks against his new friends, but in reality, there was only a few Deku believed he had to fight against.

"Dabi, Compress and Twice. You guys are cool, so you can stay out of this." When Deku called out their names and gave them their orders, they stopped following behind Deku.

"Are you sure about this, Deku? Master requested that you fight them all." Kurogiri was curious about Deku's decision. Deku chuckled as he put his hands into his pockets and looked back at Kurogiri.

"He wanted me to test their power and knowledge." Deku gave his reasoning with compliments, "I already know Dabi will be useful and is smart enough that he won't take part in this fight. Compress could easily beat me, meaning he will be useful. As for Twice? He'll be useful, and I like him."

Deku's explanation was simple, and was one that Dabi smirked at as he came to realise that Deku wasn't as dumb as he looked and acted.

Kurogiri opened up another portal for the members Deku excluded from the fight to go to the observation room with himself, Tomura and Toga. As they walked through the portal, everyone had finally taken their positions.

The one member that really caught Deku's attention was Moonfish. He was covered in restraints and looked completely insane, so Deku thought it would be interesting to see what he had to offer.

The large room was filled with tension as they waited for Kurogiri to allow the fight to proceed.

Deku was confidant in his ability, even keeping his hands in his pockets to show that he doesn't even need to try in order to win.

Spinner grabbed his sword wrapped in what looked like bandages, only to take off the bandages to reveal multiple sharp weapons that were kept together by a single belt. Deku was taken back by the large weapon, but it only made him even more excited.

"You better not disappoint me, you looked so cool on the news." Muscular prepared his strange quirk as his muscle fibres expanded out of his body, ready to fight.

"Flesh. So pretty. No. I can't. I need to... work." Moonfish, the member that caught Deku's interest, was talking to himself. This made Deku himself feel uncomfortable. Mustard, the only one who looked like they would think about what their next move would be, was about to say something until Moonfish initiated the first attack.

In response, Spinner and Muscular had also jumped in. Kurogiri hadn't even called out for the fight to start, but they were just too impatient.

Sharp metal came from the teeth of Moonfish and was going straight for Deku. Spinner lifted his sword for an attack from above whilst Muscular ran in from Deku's right side. Their attacks were about to hit all at once, but it was futile.

With a simple jump backwards after a sigh of disappointment, Deku avoided all of the attacks.

Muscular was the first one to move on from his previous attempt to get a hit on Deku, running straight towards Deku for a strong punch.

Once arriving in front of Deku, a simple kick from the right leg managed to push the attack away and a counterattack with the left leg to the side of Muscular's face that sent him into the far left wall.

The sound of metal coming from Moonfish got closer, so Deku used it as a surface to run on. Throughout all this, Mustard had remained dormant as he searched for the right moment. Magne was also silent in the fight as she watched in amazement.

After getting close enough to attack, Deku flipped forward and off the metal and landed behind Moonfish. Spinner was about to call out to Moonfish, but it was too late.

Deku spun and kicked Moonfish into the same wall as Muscular. Spinner went in for yet another attack of poor judgement that was easily avoided.

Before Spinner could strike from above with his large weapon of blades, Deku dashed just centimetres in front of Spinner and punched him in the stomach sending him high into the air for Deku to jump up and kick the reptile-like human back to the ground.

Now all that was left were the two people who had common sense.

"Oh, dear. They didn't think this through at all." Magne finally spoke up about what took place right in front of her eyes.

"They acted like children, not thinking about how they should work as a team." Mustard pointed out how the members who were taken down so easily hadn't thought about how they were going to attack together and how they would defend themselves from a counterattack.

"I'm assuming you two are the smart ones here." Deku stood on top of the unconscious Spinner with a joyful smile and looked over at the two who were standing side by side. Deku stood around sixteen metres away from the last remaining members, so there was some distance to prepare an attack and defend.

Mustard began whispering to Magne, which caused Deku to pull his hands out of his pockets to be cautious as he was unaware of how strong the last two were going to be.

Purple gas began forming from Mustard. Because Deku didn't know what the gas could do and the fact that Mustard himself wore a gas mask, Deku covered his mouth his mouth so that he didn't inhale the gas.

He powered up his legs and spun around with his left leg out as if he was trying to trip someone to the floor, causing the gas to move away from him.

With just seconds to react, Deku saw the large magnet that Magne held be used as a weapon as it came straight for his face. Deku ducked and avoided the large object, but that allowed time for Magne to get close enough to magnetize Deku and lift him into the air.

"Whoa!" Deku was shocked to see himself float above the ground without needing to stand or sit on an object. The gas that Mustard had released soon vanished, but Deku could no longer use his super strength quirk for that to matter.

"Sorry, dear, but it's time for this to end." Magne pulled Deku close for her to punch him, but before she could go through with her punch, a rock from the side of the room had hit her.

Deku fell to the ground and rolled on impact, quickly regaining balance and stopping himself from sliding even further down the room and away from the battle. Now the fight had become interesting to Deku.

The moment Deku stood up, Muscular appeared behind Deku for another pointless attack. That was when Deku confirmed that he would have no use for that man.

With a quick glare back wards, Deku sent multiple knives into Muscular. After putting in more focus into those knives, they eventually travelled straight through Muscular's body.

Because of Deku's actions, they had lost a member of the league.

"Deku, I'm sure Master won't be pleased to here that you killed one of our new recruits." Kurogiri voiced his concerns through the microphone, but Deku had a perfect explanation that even All For One would agree with.

"All he did was mindlessly attack, not thinking about how to work as a team or how he was even going to continue the fight." Every word was true, and it meant that Muscular would only be a nuisance to the League.

"Very well. Although I believe that was only due to his excitement to fight you, Deku." Kurogiri's counterargument only added another reason for Muscular to be removed from the League.

"Whenever Toga and I get excited, at least we don't get in the way of our plans." Whenever Deku and Toga got excited, it only mean that the attack would finish quicker than planned, but Muscular's excitement had proven to only get in the way.

Spinner was still unconscious, but Moonfish had gotten back up.

He stepped out from the wall and yet again used his teeth to attack Deku. It was a stupid move, but this time, Magne joined in on the attack.

"Now lets get this over with." Deku jumped high into the air, leading the metal from Moonfish to follow him. Powering up his legs, Deku broke the metal into little shards, which was followed by a scream that came from Moonfish.

Deku smiled confidently as he fell back down, using the shards from Moonfish's teeth as his new weapon. Since there were so many shards, Deku was able to make a platform for himself above the ground as he walked closer and closer to Moonfish. After dropping down from his platform, Deku kicked Moonfish back into the wall.

"You two, you're going to be great fun." The shards surrounded Deku at shoulder height like they were his knives and turned to Magne and Mustard, "If you wanna continue this fight, I'll be down, but I think it's obvious how it will end, no matter how good your attacks are."

Mustard stayed silent, but didn't attack whilst Magne chuckled at Deku's proposition and looked up at the observation deck.

Toga was staring at Deku with a blush, admiring how cool he was. Dabi walked away from the window as soon as the fight ended as he was no longer interested. Sako, the real name of Mr Compress, was applauding the performance.

"That fight was informative, shall we return to the hideout?" Kurogiri moved along from the fight and offered to leave.

Deku picked up Moonfish, who was on the floor next to him, and Magne picked up Spinner.

"Let's go!" They then all left through Kurogiri's portals and back to the bar, leaving Muscular behind.

---End Of Chapter---