
Ch8 The Third Question


The tense silence that followed my question, oddly enough, filled me with glee. Well, filled Aizen with glee. Just ahead of me I could see Urahara clenching and unclenching one of his hands. His eyes locked into mine, refusing to meet anyone else's.

"Answer the question," Ukitake followed on from behind me.

Urahara took in a deep breath before damning himself entirely.

"In Kuchiki Rukia's soul-"

I quickly raised my hand, attempting to stop the no doubt pissed off Ukita- And there's a super sharp blade right next to my hand!

"Jushiro," Yamamoto chose to speak up at the sudden movement, his own glare forcing the man back into his position.

Just ahead of me I can make out the turmoil filling each of the captains behind Urahara Kisuke.

All for no doubt different reasons.

Rukia on the other hand simply had her gaze locked to the ground, her expression hidden. Her shoulders however were no longer slumped, her very presence radiated fury.

Urahara tentatively looked around the room, his eyes roaming around Ukitake's position before he started speaking again.

"Did you or did you not remove the Hogyoku from Kuchiki Rukia?" Urahara's voice had lost a vast amount of it's edge, the man careful not to set anything off.

I didn't- Aizen's answer was immediately followed by a sense of dread from him.

I kept my expression clear as I answered. "Yes, I did," I could see a myriad of different expressions filter through the captains in front of me and before any of them even had a chance to say anything I added on further.

"But considering Miss Kuchiki had been on the throes of death last time, I'd hardly been left with any other choice,"

I could see, clear as day, the moment Urahara processed all the words as anger filled his face.

"Enough with that-" He'd started speaking, likely about to go on another rant before he was once again quickly quietened by the Captain-commander.

"I've got a different question for you this time," I continued on, as serious an expression I can manage on my face. Evidently my change in tone had set everyone on edge. Even Rukia who'd been under a spell of anger just moments before had seemed to cool down as she turned towards me.

"Tell me, Kisuke. If you were given the choice... Between helping Sereitei or getting rid of me... Between saving the future, or destroying me,"

I could practically see the moment his facade shattered, a cold steel look replacing it entirely as Urahara Kisuke directed every bit of anger and fury he held for me at that very moment.

Guess he didn't see this one coming either.

"What would you choose?"
