
Forged In Flames and Time

Princess Camilla's fate took an unexpected turn as she was sacrificed into marriage by her father. Forced into a marriage with King Ajax, an immortal believed to be responsible for the gruesome deaths in all the kingdoms, she resolves to make his life a living hell. But as Camilla delved deeper into the secrets surrounding Ajax, she discovered a hidden side behind his veiled mask. With the looming threat of a wedding she never wanted, Camilla's plans took a drastic twist when someone she knew got brutally murdered. As suspicions fall on Ajax, Princess Camilla finds herself walking a treacherous path, while concealing her love for AJ, a mysterious stranger. All hell would break loose when her monstrous husband discovered that his bride already had another in her heart. What if her lover was someone even King Ajax wouldn't dare to lay a hand on? ************ Princess Camilla was forced into a harrowing predicament. Refusing to marry the detestable George, her father's cruel punishment was to wed her to King Ajax, an immortal who was believed to be the monster behind all the mysterious deaths across all the kingdoms. Though Camilla's heart already belonged to AJ, a mysterious stranger, she also resolved to make Ajax's life a living hell, just as her father did with hers. Yet, when she encountered Ajax, he hid his face behind a veil and a mask. Camilla was certain she would never marry him but her confident threat of standing him up on their wedding day took an unexpected turn. The night before their fateful union, George was found brutally murdered, his organs devoured in a gruesome act. With suspicions pointing toward Ajax, Camilla kept her secret love for AJ hidden, fearing the consequences if revealed. As Camilla remained on high alert within Ajax's kingdom, plotting his demise, questions abound as to why a princess whom her family wished they had killed along with her mother would be of any value to Ajax. King Ajax was the guardian of dragons (the last one to be precise) and had been sleeping for Centuries after the dragon died. He believed it was Princess Camilla’s birth that had stirred him up. Her cry sounded like a bell falling from the sky and he yearned to unravel the mystery that lay within her. And, as fate would have it, there were necessary twists and turns, revealing a king far more deadly than Ajax. Camilla and Ajax’s story later becomes a love story envied by everyone. ******** This story contains mystical creatures like dragons, phoenixes, werewolves, vampires, Banshee, etc.

Chrissie_Swift · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter Three

"Have you heard the king has challenged the monster king from Iceland?" That was the talk of the day in the marketplace.


It seemed that the news had just reached town. 

Just like she had heard, the people in the kingdom knew he was a hideous demon who ate human flesh and drank their blood to stay young. 

"I hope it's just a rumor. That king is feared by even his subordinates and other people. How much more we, who are far away from his kingdom," came everyone's reply. 


The Urk kingdom was very far from other kingdoms, and before getting there, they needed to pass through Death Valley, so, no one could travel there at night. 

It was rumored that Ajax's favorite pets came out from their kingdom to dine. 

And every now or then, the villagers across all kingdoms would wake up to dead bodies that looked like they got burnt without seeing any traces of fire, and they all believed it was King Ajax's doing.


Camilla shook her head and hurriedly walked toward the servants she had come out of the palace together with. 


"Your father must've lost his damn head during one of his fights," the servants whispered to her, and she giggled. 

That was something she could do; talking behind her father's back with her friends. 


"Do you know that once you cross the line with the monster or Ice king, you'd lose your head or give out your most valuable item? 

Your father is rich, and so at least he'd be able to give out some cattle when he loses. We hope your father doesn't bet the kingdom away." Another servant whispered, and the whole group laughed.

Was that the reason he wanted to marry her off to the Luke household? So they'd help him when he lost?

Did he bet on his loss even before the fight began?

One quickly hushed them when they saw one of the guards coming.


A palanquin passed by them, and they pointed out, "Probably one of your sisters." they all nodded. 


"That reminds me! Are you aware all the prominent men have submitted their names to your father, hoping to marry one of you? I hope they don't push the ugly ones your way." That got Camilla's attention. 

If all prominent men had submitted their names to marry them, why was her father only pushing George her way?

She quickly shook the thought away, refusing for it to ruin her day.

While Camilla had been lost in her thoughts, distracted by the weight of her concerns, her unfocused movements led her directly into the path of an approaching stranger. 

Camilla was taken aback by how quickly and unexpectedly they collided.

Her eyes widened as she stared up at the spectacle before her. 

A man of astonishing beauty stood before her, his chiseled features framed by tousled locks of chestnut hair that fell just above his broad shoulders. 

His deep-set, piercing dark eyes glowed with mystery, drawing her in like a moth to a flame. 

His powerful jawline and a smidgeon of stubble gave him a gruff yet elegant appearance. She could take her eyes off the man. He was exactly how she imagined her man to look like.

"Sorry," he apologized, his voice like velvet, tinged with a hint of warmth that sent shivers down her spine. 

Stammering slightly, Camilla managed to find her voice. "No, no, the fault is entirely mine. I should have watched my step more carefully."

A gentle smile played upon the stranger's lips, revealing a glimmer of warmth that mirrored the afternoon sun. "No harm done, my lady. Accidents happen even in the less crowded of places."

Caught off guard by his presence, Camilla felt an unexplainable connection, a magnetic pull that urged her to know more about this stranger. 

She found herself entranced by his actions as he continued through the marketplace, a curious mix of grace and purpose.

Her heart filled with admiration when she saw him pull up next to a gathering of ragged children, their small hands raised in a request for food. 

The man reached inside his bag and pulled out slices of bread and fruit, distributing them with a lovely smile that lighted up his entire expression, unfazed by their dirt-smudged features and torn clothes.

Camilla's infatuation became stronger at that moment, her heart fluttering with a mix of astonishment and desire. 

She couldn't help but want to understand more about this mysterious man. 

She summoned her bravery and approached him, her eyes twinkling with interest.

"Excuse me, sir," she began, her voice laced with a delicate tremor. "Might I inquire about your name?"

The stranger's gaze met hers, a spark of curiosity in his eyes. His lips curved into a slight smile, exposing a trace of mischief.

"You can call me AJ," Ajax responded, his voice tinged with a touch of melancholy. "That's what my friends used to call me."

Puzzled by his choice of words, Camilla's curiosity piqued further, and she couldn't help but ask, "Why do you speak in the past tense?"

A nostalgic expression crossed AJ's face, his eyes briefly clouded with sadness. He waited for a while to consider his response.

"That, my dear," he replied, a wry smile playing on his lips, "is a story for another day."

Camilla's heart skipped a beat at his words.

'… for another day,' She almost giggled. Did he mean he hoped to see her again?

Camilla couldn't resist the urge to inquire, "What do you do?", although deep down, she longed to ask if he was spoken for or bound in matrimony. 

The mere thought pained her, for a man of his caliber could very well be engaged or wedded. 

The thought sent a pang of sorrow coursing through her.

"Hmm, that depends on what you mean, My Princess," he retorted, shaking her out of her reverie.

Could it be possible that he knew who she was?

"Why do you address me like that?" She endeavored to conceal her defensiveness.