
Should I Go?

Hannah's POV

"Will you go to the Swifts?" Sam asked me.

"But Sam... Are you really saying this? What will I say?"

"Hannah. Ryan Carson was so good, as you described. But Ryan Swift isn't. Amnesia isn't the reason, Hannah, there might be something that happened after you left him, when he was with Swifts. You have met the Swifts before, haven't you?"

"Yes, uhh... When they adopted Ryan. I met them once. They were so good; I loved their hospitality. They may even recognize me!" I said gladly.

"So just go and have a try!"

"But how? Because Ryan will be at home-"

"Stupid. Take a leave from college and go to his house! If they recognize you, they will not possibly tell Ryan about your visit" she said.

Well, she has become smart.

"You're becoming smart, all my effect... It's true, all the effects of the company you have" I said, she rolled her eyes sarcastically which changed into a sweet smile at the same moment.

I love this sweet girl. My bestie forever.

"Ah, you are cursing me, aren't you?" I said to her.

"Well, if saying that you're stupid to then... Yes?"

"Stupid, how?"

"Make a plan, come on. How are you going to meet his parents!? What are you gonna ask? Make a plan!"

"Oh yeah yeah..." I said and then started thinking. I was just thinking that she came up with a plan.

Well, no one can meet her wits when it comes to playing that criminal, detective, plans, and all that stuff, you know.

"Ask them if he has been hurt by something," she said.

"what? Why would he be hurt, I mean how can you be even sure about that!?"

"What changed people? It's sure hurt, you know that very well. Ask them, have a try, Hannah!!"

"Okay fine fine. You're coming with me, but"


"What Nooo!?" I copied her.

"I don't even know them, sis!"

"But how can I go alone?"



"Okay fine, I will come, happy?"

"Yeah! You're the best friend ever!"

"I know, tell me something I don't know!"

I rolled my eyes sarcastically. She laughed like a maniac. Even though we are laughing, I'm damn scared of going to his house. Not that they are some serial killers, but still, going to someone's house like that!

"We'll go tomorrow," Sam said.

"Okay... Should I tell mom?"

"Your wish"

"Nooo tell me!"

"Hmm well you should tell, you know, your mom is so understanding"

"Yeah! You must be doomed by seeing that, aren't you?"

"Yup exactly. My mom beat the hell out of me the other day when she saw me holding hands with Max, even though we are just friends!"

"That's beyond my imagination"

"Stop laughing! You're just lucky!"

"Okay okay. Let’s close my topic and open yours"

"What about me?"

"Maximum Fernandes, huh?"

"Ohh him! What about him?"

"Playing dumb?"

"There's no point in thinking about that because he is never gonna accept me as his girlfriend"

"Yup. He doesn't like hanging around with girls except for you and Lara"

"Ohh god that LARA!!"

"Don't worry, I'm sure he doesn't have any feelings for her" I said and she nodded and smiled.

Lara Jane, a friend of Maximum Fernandes, she is also having a crush on Max.

"He better not have!"

"But why don't you propose to him?"

"Oh ya sure. Then I would be called Ms. Rejected. I mean seriously, you know he will reject me on my face!"

"You never know until you try"

"You keep quiet!" she said frustratingly.

The day ended as she went back to her house. I told mom that I would be visiting the Swifts.

"Hannah, that's-"

"Mom. Please, I want to know what changed him so much"

"You know what, don't go"

"But mom!"

"Fine but don't get yourself hurt!"

"Mom I'm not a kid," I said and went back.

Sasha Quinn (Hannah's mom) POV

She went back to her room. No kiddo, I was not talking about physical hurt. I was talking about emotional hurt. You can yourself be a reason for his changed personality. You both loved each other. Ryan loved you. He told me everything, but also made me swear on him to never tell you this.

You also hurt him unknowingly, Hannah, and your mom can't do anything. I don't know if Swifts have any reason or not, but Ryan... Maybe, maybe he remembers everything... and he's playing dumb.

But maybe he really doesn't remember anything. Anything is possible, kiddo. Anything...

Hannah's POV

I called Sam.

"Hello, Hannah," she said.

"Sam, I asked mom. She... uh... Accepted"

"Good! Don't go to college tomorrow! I'll come to your house at... uh... 9?"

"Yeah sure. And ya, bring your car, will you?"

"Yes, I will. Your mom won't allow you to drive anyway!"

"Yesss! Btw, should we inform the Swifts before our arrival?"

"How are you gonna do that?"

"hmm... Leave it then?"

"Haha that's more like you"

"Yup! Okay then... Bye"

"Bye. Good night Han"

"Han? Okay fine, SAM!"
