
Forever Mine[BL]

Wang Tao emotionlessly spent his life following the same routine. His only interruptions were when he fought or visited worlds. But what happens when one day he decides to visit a world in a galaxy ruled by systems? Will he finally be free of that never ending cycle? Will he learn to feel and love? Or will he slowly sink into the sea of depression, falling into a state worse than before? ... ps: Part of the Wang Tao(WT) series. Check my bio for clarification. ... More accurate tags: male x male, angst, mc falls in love first, various worlds, slow-burn, non-human x non-human, unique, new experience, multi-verse, supernatural, magic, emotional, HE.

EM236_otaku · LGBT+
60 Chs

Chapter 55: A mother and Her Son

NB: previous chapter ending edited a bit

There once was a mother and her son.

The young woman was a beautiful and kind lady. Raised in a prestigious family, loved and doted. Her life was perfect, or so outsiders believed.

"My life is the most important."

Almost everyone thought this but to her, the most important was her son. A young boy, obedient and sweet, adopted, after she lost the one in her belly.

The father of the dead, haven left even before the news came out.

"He'll come back, he'll return, he loves me."

She told herself this every night after that day, as she wept, cradling her stomach, comforting the child who wouldn't make.

But she didn't know.

Life had always been harsh for her contrary to what other's believed. Her parents often absent, cold and strict. They barely spoke when alone. Money handed to her in bundles to satisfy her wants but it was only love she wanted.

People came over, cameras turned to them, her mother embraces her in a hug, her father pats her head.

She should be mad, enraged, but it was the only warmth she could get, so she settled for it and put on a smile for the audience.

A young girl, devoid of true love, easily fell for a handsome man. His sweet words, intimate gestures and plentiful promises carved his existence into her heart until she couldn't do without him.


Her parents' response when she revealed her engagement. The one time they were right, the one time she disobeyed them.

Perhaps she would have if their reason wasn't that his family was not at their level. A criteria only two other families in the country, maybe even world, could meet.

Her stubborn heart, unwilling to listen to those who never cared, left. To be more precise, disowned.

Her parents had decided it was time to turn their eyes to her younger siblings for an heir, fed up with the bird that wouldn't stay in her cage, the one that sought freedom.

However, but a month since their engagement, but a month since she tasted what she believed was freedom, she was abandoned. He had disappeared.

She spent the following nights weeping, fearful, heartbroken. She didn't know what to do. A baby was soon to be born yet she was alone, only with the house she'd just moved into as her possession.

However bills must be payed and food and clothing bought.

With this thought, she forced herself out of bed and strode forward, searching for work to support herself and the child. She didn't give up, she didn't give in, and despite the hope in her heart that their was a reason, an explanation and that he would soon return, she couldn't wait.

Life seemed good but it was all a facade.

Four months later, just as she opened her door to leave for work, she came face to face with an older woman. Makeup a mess, tears on her face, hate in her eyes, yet extravagantly dressed.

The older woman was the wife of the man who abandoned her. At that moment she knew he'd never come back, that he'd never return. She was alone.

As she was still unable to accept the truth of the situation, she was pulled, shoved, thrown and kicked.

When she came to, the hysterical woman was gone and so was her child.

The youth was in horror, her mind and soul broken as she sat in the hospital room. It was hours before she was calm enough to communicate.

Informed that a neighbour, spotting her state, immediately dialing them, she gave her thanks.

Months passed, but therapy couldn't help all too much, so her therapist proposed she take care of a child. Perhaps then she would heal?

The lady thought it over for weeks before agreeing and she visited an orphanage soon after.

Walking around, her heart pained watching the orphaned children running around but the smiles on their faces assuring her further of the orphanage's trustworthiness.

A small child soon caught her attention, the round yet dull purple eyes touching her heart. It reminded her of herself weirdly.

She approached him, a smile on her face, yet the child stared at her blankly. She tried to make small talk despite his silence, and by the time she left her heart had decided.

With a few more visits the woman managed to slighten the distrust in his cold eyes enough to take the child home.

It took years but gradually the two drew closer, the new mother kind, patient and loving. The small child, whose eyes told of a past, couldn't resist the warmth he was given.

From silence to words to short sentences to conversations, her new son opened up his heart and in turn she completely opened hers.

In a world where they were once alone, ignored, unwanted, the two found a home in each other.

And at the same time, the young lady grew, her work soon sprouting into a business and soon an Empire. Despite her renewed status, the two stayed in their little home, snug and content.

But of course it didn't last.

Years having passed, the woman's parents contacted her once more. She was hesitant at first, weary of their attempts at reconciling. Cautiously, she allowed them near but she observed closely, however she couldn't find any faults.

Her family was always kind and so proud. Her parents even decided to allow her to be their heir once more, instead of her sister. She was no longer disowned.

A part of her heart was relieved, knowing that she could give her son more of a family now. Though the boy wasn't too open to these 'strangers' he was polite and respectful.

It seemed like all was good, she was closer to her younger sister and baby brother than before and her parents now cared.

Soon it was her birthday, which she had alone with her son. Her family were out on different business but she didn't mind, feeling complete with just him alone.

It was happy, sweet and comfy. The two ate cake, watched movies, played around and finally it was time for gifts. The woman was excited, this time their was more than one gift for her as her family had sent.

Carefully the pair unwrapped them one by one, a dress, shoes, makeup, brand pen, and many expensive things. Yet her favourite was the wreath her son made on his own.

Now was the last present, and it looked particularly fancy. The slick black box was wrapped with a bow that easily slipped off once tugged. Lifting the lid, the lady looked at the few top brand luxurious body and home care products and knew it was from her younger sister's popular company.

With a smile she unpacked the box, lastly resting the air refresher on the table. The youth opted to eat dinner now yet before she could suggest, her curious child pressed a button.

Immediately, a sweet smell wafted out from the freshener, filling the room rapidly.

By the time the mother and son realized what was happening, it was too late.

Purple eyes stared in shock into the sea blue eyes filled with regret as his mother collapsed. He couldn't make a sound, his throat seemed blocked and everything around him was fuzzy.

[ Why?... Why is this happening!! It's all my fault! ]

The boy didn't have much time to think as he scrambled towards his mother. He didn't know what to do, what to say, but she did.

Hurriedly beckoning him closer, she grabbed her hands through the fluffy black hair with pain her eyes.

"My son...cough...I'm sorry. I shouldn't h-have trusted them, I was...cough...too naive..."

A sad smile hung across her face as she watched the tear flow down the fresh teenage face of her boy.

"P-promise me something...live. Live happy, find...cough...someone you love, more than a-anything in the universe.

...Love them, care for them and never abandon them, d-d,on't be like him. N-never give up on them...n-no matter what. I promise...you'll find...cough cough...someone...who deserves you, someone more...valuable to you than...cough cough...anything you could...ever imagine."

With shaking hands, the boy held his mother close, still too shocked to form words but eventually he nodded.

Reassured, she mustered up one last smile for her child before she closed her eyes...









"A Jian..."so that's why.

A frown etched in his face, Wang Tao's heart pinched in concern.

It made sense now, the reason why Zhou Jian always seemed so on edge by gifts.

[ Perhaps the reason why he'd only taken my gift in the first world was because it wasn't wrapped? ]

The thought flashed across his mind as the older boy stared at him. After a moment the 13 year old spoke again.

"So that's it...I...I should probably apologize to her. I feel like I overre-"

"No you didn't! A Jian stop those thoughts now. You can never overreact. It's called trauma, and I'm glad you're telling me now."

A stunned look on his face, Zhou Jian observed the frustrated expression on the Celestial. The Demon Emperor was silent before a smile rose on his face.

"You're right, I'm sorry. It was just shocking to see something so...closely related that I...nevermind. Thank you for listening. It feels good to get that off my chest."

Returning the smile, Wang Tao stood up from the bed. Taking the other's hand in his, the Celestial Emperor squeezed it slightly.

"Are you okay now?"

Earning a nod, he pulled the Zion up before they made thier way back to the garden.

Stepping up into the gazebo, two pairs of eyes caught sight of the blonde hair. Su Fen's head shot up sensing their presence and a bright smile flashed across he face.

"You're back! Why did you leave like that? Did you not like my gift?"

Zhou Jian shook his head, replying politely.

"No not at all, I am very grateful for it. I apologize for leaving so abruptly."

The girl accepted the apology happily, approaching the Zhou's son. Her green eyes sparkled as she made a request, her hands reaching out to hold his.

"Can I call you Jian Ge?"

Zhou Jian froze.

"...No, please refrain from it."

A pout formed on the young Su.

"Why not?!"

"Because I said no "

A frown on her face, Su Fen pointed at Wang Tao.

"That's so unfair!! He calls you A Jian all the time!"

"That's because he's my best friend. I've only just met you today."

Green eyes met purple ones, anger clear in her eyes.

She wouldn't accept it. However, she realized she wouldn't get anywhere by arguing so she went mute.

Noticing that she'd stopped her fussing, Zhou Jian sighed before sitting beside Wang Tao. Just then, his eyes caught sight of the young servant walking towards them.

Bowing, the youth spoke.

"Excuse me Young Masters and Young Miss, you have been called to the drawing room by Madame Zhou."

Thanking him for the notice, Zhou Jian and Wang Tao stood up, leading their guest to the location.

A while later, Zhou Jian pushed open the door to spot two women conversing. The red hair was all to familiar but the other was not.

Wang Tao noticed the long flowing green hair and almond green eyes, immediately knowing in what aspects Su Fen resembled the other.

[ That must be Su Fen's mother.]

Zhou Jian had similar thoughts as he drew nearer, the two women having beckoned them over once noticing their arrival.

"Good Morning mother, Madame Su."

"You must be Zhou Jian, I've heard so many wonderful things about you from your mother."

Madame Su had a bright smile on he face as she looked at the black haired boy with affection. The group sat down as Mrs. Zhou started a new conversation, hinting at the purpose for her summon.

"I sent Fen Fen to meet you earlier so that you two could become a bit familiar. Isn't she such a sweet girl?"

Zhou Jian answered after a slight delay, his purple eyes carefully observing the expectant expressions of the women.

"Mm, she gave me a gift. It was very nice."

The two pairs of eyes watching lit up noticibly as the mother's smiled to themselves.

Wang Tao felt a growing discomfort as he took note of the two's world less conversation.

[ They're planning something...]

The Celestial didn't have much time to dwell on it before Mrs.Su made the answer clear for everyone.

"It's good to know that you have a favorable impression of her because she'll soon be your wife!"







Zhou Jian immediately froze as he sensed a frightening cold near him.

He didn't even have to look towards his friend to know that the Celestial Emperor was barely keeping his composure.

Concern growing, Zhou Jian hastily grabbed Wang Tao's hand as he questioned his mother.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, Mrs. Su and I have been talking and we've decided that an engagement between the heirs of the two most powerful families is a wonderful idea!"

Irritation swirled in the purple eyes as he glared at the red haired woman. Yet Su Fen was the opposite, her green eyes twinkles with joy."

"Jian Ge isnt that great!"

"Shut up!"

The girl was strartled by his outburst, her hand clutching her chest but Zhou Jian didn't care a bit. Ignoring her dissatisfaction at his rejection, he turned back to his mother.

"Mother I am thirteen."

"So what, you are only engaged. The marriage will be years from now."

"That's not the point!"

Zhou Jian's face was red now.

"I didn't agree to this and I never will! How can you expect me to marry someone I don't love!"

Mrs.Zhou clenched her fist and her flawless face was contorted yet she restrained herself.

"You will learn to love her. Fen Fen is a beautiful, well educated, capable girl. There is no one b-"

"I'm gay!"


Wang Tao stared in shock at the bruise on Zhou Jian's face, the palm mark quite clear on his pale skin. Madame Zhou stood before her son, her chest heaving with rage as she raised her hand to swing once more.

Wang Tao saw crimson and at that moment, his heart filled with the desire to kill.

Suddenly, a warmth caressed his face, and the Celestial Emperor raised his eyes to meet purple ones.

"A Tao, calm down."

Despite his friend remaining mute, Zhou Jian knew he was making an effort. One glance around them would reveal a shocking scene.

Everything was frozen, Su Fen, Mrs. Su and Madame Zhou, her arm still in midair, ready to strike. If you looked out the window, you could tell that the birds were stuck in place, the leaves unmoving and their wasn't even a ripple in the ocean. That whole world was affected.

"...This is the first time you've shown me this...how long does it last?"

"Until I stop it, depending...A Jian-"

"I know."

The Celestial sighed, disappointment clearly showing on his face.

"Can't I at least break her arm?"

Wang Tao caught sight of his friends look of disapproval and a pout formed on his face. A moment later, he reached out, softly rubbing the bruise.

His eyes still had specks of crimson as he grumbled inwardly.

[ How dare she...if it was up to me I would have...tch!]

The Zion covered the hand on his face, squeezing it lightly as he leaned into the touch.

"Don't heal it..."




Zhou Jian pulled back from the warmth, rubbing the silver tuff with a light smile. Wang Tao purred softly, his eyes finally returning to their full silver colour.

"Mother, stop."

Madame Zhou's phoenix eyes widened, her body stumbling back heavily despite the light force her son used. Her scarlet eyes blinked as she realized that two outsiders were here.

Shame burned on her face as she hurriedly apologized.

"I'm so sorry, I let you two see such an unsightly thing take place. I promise I'll make it up to you too, but perhaps you should leave."

Mrs.Su nodded in understanding, leading her daughter out of the room.

"It's okay, we'll be going now. Thank you for having us."

Having sent off the guests, Madame Zhou managed to calm down somewhat so she turned to her son. However, Zhou Jian didn't give her chance to speak.

"The answer is no and that's final. I don't want to hear this again or the Zhou's will have no heir."

Steam rose from her head yet she kept her mouth shut. The woman knew she couldn't reason with the boy at this moment so she simply walked away, too tired to deal with his nonsense now.

"A Jian..."

"It's ok."

The 13 year old boy turned to his friend, a smile on his face that eased Wang Tao's worries.

"There's no way I'll mary that frog okay?"


Wang Tao could feel the joy fester with in. It meant a lot that Zhou Jian bothered to comfort him despite not returning his feelings...







Wang Tao rolled over on the bed.

[ That Zhou woman hadn't brought it up since then but she suddenly started again recently...I guess because Zhou Jian is getting older?]

Glancing at the napping Vanilla, a soft smile rose on Wang Tao's face.

[ It doesn't matter, A Jian would never agree anyway. The only worry is what he'd do if she angered him...I'd wanted to be the first to do something but, he might just beat me to it! ]

The Celestial chuckled at that thought.


Silver eyes shot to the door only to be met with an extremely irritated Zhou Jian.

Wang Tao instantly understood. The Demon Emperor was completely fed up.