

After helping the poor girl from the slum and pressuring her parents to adopt her as her sister, the only reward Mo Moyan got in return was to be framed by her and get kicked out of her own parents home... Eight years later, after she was done serving her jail term, she came back to claim what rightfully belongs to her...

Paulicia · ファンタジー
38 Chs


Jing Lingli walked into Mo Moyan's room and went around to check for any other presence before moving back to the bedroom,where her dressing table was seated beside the wall with her dressing mirror and her makeup kits and pomade lying arranged on it.

She put her hand into her pocket and retrieved a container that looked similar to Mo Moyan's pomade container that was sitting on the dressing table,and afterwards she took it and replaced it with the one in her hand.

After making sure that everything was in proper order and that no one would suspect anyone even came into the room,she tiptoed out of the room and hurried into Mo Youyou's room.

"Have you done it?"Mo Youyou's excited voice sounded behind her as she got inside and was locking the door.

"Yes,she won't even notice anything was amiss."Jing Lingli replied,a mysterious smile tugging at the corners of her lip.

She laughed in her heart as she stared at the schemeful Mo Youyou who had on a victorious look on her face and scoffed.

She thought she was foolish,huh?

It was exactly three days ago she had run to her crying for help yet she threw her out and insulted her but to her uttermost surprise,Mo Moyan came to her rescue.Not only did she pay all her mother's medical bills,she also gave them some money and had kept on visiting her mother who was now almost better with provisions anytime she was free,so when she was told about their evil plan to replace her pomade with a toxic chemical,she wanted so much to help her back so she offered to help them execute their plan.

Even though Tae Jingxue,who was Mo Youyou's new accomplish had doubts about her doing the job,she was able to convince them afterward and was given the chemical.

Because she had been into Mo Moyan's room before,she knew the type of pomade she uses and was surprised when the toxic chemical she was giving looked exactly like her pomade.

How did they get to know about the pomade she uses?

Without wasting time,she gave them an excuse before rushing out of the room to find a way to execute their plan without hurting Mo Moyan in the process.

After a lot of thinking,she decided to get another container of the same pomade and use instead and on her way out of the hotel to get it,she noticed a rubbish container and threw the toxic chemical inside before going out.

Unknown to her,she was being followed by Tae Jingxue and immediately she was out of sight,she went near the refuse container and retrieved the toxic chemical.

With an evil smile,she walked back into her room, patiently waiting for the right time to execute her plan.

At about thirty minutes later,Jing Lingli returned to the hotel room with the newly bought pomade and torn the rubber on it before heading into Mo Youyou's room.

They had kept their eyes on Mo Moyan the whole time and immediately she went out of the room,they signalled to her and she went inside and replaced the pomade with the new one she had bought,making sure it was exactly like the actual one.

With a huge smile on her face,she walked out of the room, tiptoeing and hurried to the next room without looking back that she failed to notice that someone else was behind her and had gone into the room after her.

But unknown to the two people,someone was seated in his office behind his iPad and had seen all what had taken place and was enraged.

Mo Moyan walked towards her room and held her doorknob to put her key into the keyhole when the door pushed forward,shocking her.

She thought she had locked the door before going out,how come it was now open?

Or could she have forgotten because she was in a hurry to go talk to her manager and left without locking it?

With the questions going through her mind,she pushed the door wider and heaved a heavy sigh before venturing into the room,looking carefully into the room for any suspicious movements and felt relieved when she realized everything was intact and there doesn't seem to be anyone in her room.

She walked into her bathroom and took her shower and came out later to apply her pomade on her body when she received a call from her husband.

She ignored the call and proceeded to open the lid of the pomade container when his second call came through and after cursing under her breath,she finally picked the phone and accepted the call.

"Don't use that pomade,"His warning voice sounded in her ear and she creased her eyebrows.

What was he talking about?

"Why shouldn't I?"She asked,pouting her lips stubbornly.

"I told you not to use that pomade just listen to me."He growled from the other end and Mo Moyan shivered in fright.

What's with his bossy attitude anyways?

"Alright,so what next?"She demanded, slightly confused by the whole ordeal.

"Wait inside, someone is coming for your pomade."

"Why...?"Mo Moyan pressed on,bent on knowing why the man was sounding so warning like.

"I got you a new one,"He replied lazily and the woman widened her eyes.

"But this one is barely finished."She protested,not understanding why the man would want to replace her pomade when she hasn't even finished using it.

"I deem what's right for my wife to use."

"What are you hiding?"She asked when she noticed that the man was trying very hard to cover something up.

"Why are you this stubborn?"He asked and from the other line of the receiver,Mo Moyan could hear his heavy breath.

"Just tell me what you're hiding."

" Alright....What you're seeing now right on your dressing table is not your pomade.It had been replaced two times."

" What do you mean it had been replaced?"

" Jing Lingli had been in your room some time back and replaced your pomade with another one and later,Tae Jingxue also brought another one and replaced it with it.I don't know what they planned so we have to be careful."As she listened to the man,Mo Moyan was gripped by fear.

She had sensed Tae Jingxue's dislike towards her and wasn't surprised she had tried to do something like that against her but what she couldn't understand was why Jing Lingli had also tried to harm her.

Why would she do that?What could she possibly have against her?

"For now just be careful of those two,after I get this tested,I will know what to do.But you have to help me with something."

"What is that?"

"Whatever it was they had sneaked into your room was meant to harm you,so let's give them what they want.The satisfaction of watching you in pain."Even though the man wasn't straightforward with his words,the woman understood everything he had said and smiled.

He was just too brilliant.

When they were done talking,Mo Moyan disconnected the call and sat down on her bed waiting for the person who was supposed to come for the stuff and had on a grave and worried expression.

She still couldn't fathom any reason why Jing Lingli would want to hurt her.

Could she have been working under the orders of Youyou?

After waiting for at least two minutes,one of Lu Jin's personal assistant showed up in front of her door and handed her her new pomade before taking the harmful one and since the time they were supposed to leave she wasn't ready,the others had left earlier on so after dressing up,she was driven by the bodyguard to the location of the shoot.

She never wanted to attract everyone's attention towards her so she got down a little bit further away from the shooting location and walked on feet there.

After getting there,she apologized to the director and gave him an excuse about why she came late.

Shooting started and her other colleagues begun acting their scenes until it got to her time and she prepared to start.

She started off with her normal vibes,getting lost in the scripts and letting her character take over but midway into her acting,she begun to scratch her body and her skin suddenly turned pale,her eyes looked dull making her look sick.

Song Suyan quickly rushed towards her,trying to fan her but that doesn't also seem not to be helpful at all.

The director was frightened out of his wits as he witnessed the scene and had to halt everything.

He had tried everything possible to help Mo Moyan but with every single passing minute,her situation grows worse and he had no other option than to call an ambulance.

Two minutes later,the ambulance arrived and everyone looked on sadly as she was laid on a stretcher and was put inside the ambulance,and after Song Suyan got into the ambulance with her, they sped away.

Everyone had on worried expressions written all over their faces yet two people didn't.

Mo Youyou and Tae Jingxue exchanged glances and smiled towards each other.

Jing Lingli who failed to believe everything that had happened stood in shock,looking worried and frightened.

"Oh,Moyan....What could've happened to her?"Mo Youyou cried out,and suddenly burst into tears."Could she have eaten something that she was allergic too?"

"Maybe,"One of their colleagues also chirped in.

"I don't think what happened to Mo Moyan had anything to do with allergies and the only person who can explain this is none other than Jing Lingli."Tae Jingxue revealed and in a swift moment, everyone's attention was directed at Jing Lingli,waiting for her explanation.