

After helping the poor girl from the slum and pressuring her parents to adopt her as her sister, the only reward Mo Moyan got in return was to be framed by her and get kicked out of her own parents home... Eight years later, after she was done serving her jail term, she came back to claim what rightfully belongs to her...

Paulicia · ファンタジー
38 Chs


As Mo Moyan laid sprawled on the floor, with tears dripping down her face and staring at her parents with a hurt and saddened expression, her assistant, Jing Lingli also noticed the commotion going on and walked towards the group of people in curiosity.

Seeing her boss lying on the floor, she quickly rushed towards her, " Miss Mo, are you okay? " She asked with concern as she knelt down beside her and tried to help her up.

At this point, some of the workers began to point fingers at Mo Moyan while making rude comments about her.

" Humph, who would've thought that behind that innocent face of hers lies a scheming woman? " A younger woman, who seemed to be in her early twenties exclaimed, sneering at her.

" And here I was thinking she was an angel, not knowing she was a scheming devil. " Another worker added, this time a much older woman.

" Don't tell me that you guys don't know how the entertainment industry works. She's just like the others. "

" Yes... Irrespective of her looks, the fact that she was able to get into the industry actually means that she is not in the least bit an honourable woman. "

From all around, everyone suddenly larshed out at Mo Moyan, raining insults at her and abusing her verbally.

Hearing their rude remarks, Jing Lingli who was standing beside her superior, immediately flared up, " How dare you people speak bad about Miss Mo? Do you know who she is? " At first, she never had any idea that the simple and calm woman was the wife of the entertainment Lord and had only gotten to know about it after she had helped her, so when she heard the rude comments the people were making about her, she could only believe that they were tired of living and were wishing for death.

When the workers who were making the rude comments about Mo Moyan heard Jing Lingli's words, they all quickly shut their mouth and retreated in fear.

Though they know that the woman was one of the new artists who were recently signed into the company, they realized that they had actually never heard of her before that time and do not even know anything about her or which family she belonged to so knowing that they might get into big trouble if she turned out to be a rich heiress from a powerful background, they decided to back out.

However, Mo Shen who was all the while enjoying the women's rude remarks towards her daughter, suddenly saw them retreat with fear and was greatly disappointed. With an evil grin she turned towards the group of workers while pointing her left finger towards Mo Moyan, " That bitch over there is a nobody, she is an outcast and doesn't have any powerful background. She was once a Mo but after scheming against her own sister and trying to kill her, she got disowned and was arrested and later sent to jail for life but she slept her way even in prison and found a way to escape the law and now she is also sleeping her way into the entertainment industry too. " As she spoke, everyone looked towards Mo Moyan with hatred and disgust, even Jing Lingli had on a shocked and horrified look.

In an instant, everyone's reaction quickly changed once again and they all began to eye her with scornful gazes.

Suddenly, one of the worker's eyes lit up as she seemed to have remembered something and turned towards her other colleagues, " Wait, don't you see that the story this woman just told is exactly like that story that was in the news back then, several years ago? " With this revelation, everyone seemed to have remembered the news and turned towards Mo Moyan with sudden interest.

Of course, they all remembered the story that had made headlines almost eight years ago, where a girl had been arrested for attempting to murder her sister, and because the police hadn't disclosed the name of the family that was involved in the incident at that time, no one really thought much into it and it wasn't long before the story died down completely but with what they had heard the woman say now, they all deduced that the suspect was none other than the young woman in front of them and suddenly, their hatred for her increased and they even felt like approaching her and beating her and tearing her apart, but since the policemen were there, they know they cannot lay a finger on her else they'd be in trouble so they could only stand aside and sneer at her.

" I believe with no doubt that she was that girl in the news back then. "

" So we still have evil people who have innocent faces in our world, huh? "

" Now can you even trust someone because of their looks? Look at someone as beautiful as her, would you have believed it if they told you she is a criminal? "

" Hmmmm, I'm beginning to believe that all what the woman said about her sleeping around is true, because if she had spent a full eight years in prison, then how did she manage to get into the industry so easy and quick like that? "

" The thought of women sleeping around just to get to the top always makes me sick. "

" And here I was thinking she was a woman of dignity. "

Seemingly overjoyed with the new development, Mo Shen smiled contentedly and seeing this, Mo Moyan was left in complete shock and disbelief.

She still had hopes of patching things up with her parents one day but with what she was seeing, that wasn't going to happen ever.

Yet it still hurt her that her own biological parents were the ones hurting her like that and not just anyone, and all because of what? A schemeful and evil girl she had begged her parents to adopt.

She could only blame herself for everything that was happening to her.

If only she had listened to her grandmother.

Oh her grandmother! How she wished she was still alive.

At this point, Jing Lingli was again annoyed by their words and snapped at them, " All of you should just stop badmouthing Miss Mo. You're only jealous of her because she is hardworking and beautiful but since you people claim she climbs up into bed with men to pave way for herself why then don't you also go and do it and better your poor and stinking lives rather than attacking her? Miss Mo is a woman of honor and pride and isn't as disgusting as you people make her to be, and I'll make sure you all get your deserving rewards for slandering her in public. All of you are just a bunch of lazy workers and all you do is gossip around everyday so I'll make sure they replace you with competent employees. "

Because they now know that the actress was just a cast out and doesn't have any powerful family backing, when they heard Jing Lingli's words, they felt she was too hilarious and began to laugh at her.

" Are you not the stupid dog that used to follow Mo Youyou around? Since when did you suddenly learn how to talk? " One of them jeered at Jing Lingli, making her bite her lips in anger.

Mo Shen knew Jing Lingli used to be Mo Youyou's assistant because she always comes to their house with her most times, but she had already heard that she was no more working for An He Company and was no longer Mo Youyou's assistant so when she saw her, she only ignored her and acted as if she did not know her but when she saw her defending Mo Moyan, she wanted to disgrace her too but seeing the sudden reaction of the people in the room, she decided to stand aside and let them deal with her.

She was a dignified woman and attacking a mere and unimportant person like an assistant could only be considered an insult for her.

" I had heard earlier that the new movie shoot was suddenly stopped because someone framed an actress on set, if Mo Youyou's assistant is now working for this woman then does it mean she was the one who framed her and took her assistant? "

" I think so. And this woman clearly said she framed her daughter just now. Could she be the wife of the famous business man, Mo Liu? "

" Yes.... She looks very familiar. She's the one no doubt. "

Suddenly, they all stared at Mo Shen with excitement as they quickly recognize her and were happy they had been on her side all the while and hadn't spoken anything bad against her.

At this point, one of the workers thought of something and spoke up, " Guys, since this woman here is Mo Shen and her daughter is Mo Youyou, then you don't you think it's not a coincidence that shameless young lady is also called Mo? " With this revelation, many of the people were left shocked once again.

The woman was married to a Mo so automatically she becomes a Mo, and if the actress too is a Mo, then it's no doubt she is her daughter.

How come they never thought of that earlier?

" If her own mother can treat her like this, then it's with no doubt that this young lady is evil. "

At this point, Mo Shen was already satisfied with the results of her actions and quickly ordered the policemen to drag Mo Moyan away and even though Jing Lingli tried to prevent them from taking her away, she stopped her and begged her not to say anything to Lu Jin before willingly following the policemen out of the building, but still the worried assistant quickly followed after them and immediately flagged down a cab when she saw them put her boss in their car and drove off.

After asking the cab driver to follow their car, she hurriedly dialled Lu Jin's number.

Meanwhile, at that same time, the CEO was in the middle of signing an important business deal worth billions of dollars with one of the biggest companies in the country when Jing Lingli's call came through and since the phone was with Harry Long, he quickly excused himself and went out of conference hall to receive the call.

After coming back into the room, he had on a worried expression and strode towards his boss, and slightly bending towards him, he reported the issue to him.

Hearing that the matter was about his wife, Lu Jin's face suddenly darkened and with a cold face, he turned towards the business men, " I'm sorry we have to put this meeting on hold. I have an emergency situation to take care of, " and with that, he walked out of the room, leaving the men behind, shocked and confused.

Suddenly the news of what transpired at CJ company got out and Mo Moyan's arrest quickly spread on the net like wildfire and the media was once again left in a total frenzy.

" And they were claiming she was a goddess. " A netizen commented.

" How I wish I could see the face of her stupid fans at this time. " Another netizen added with a crying emotion.

" So she was just another one. "

As the news circulate, the netizens all started to criticize and insult Mo Moyan.

Chen Jiahe who was on a business trip at that time also saw the news and immediately contacted the manager of the PR Department.

In just several minutes, CJ Entertainment released a press conference and stated that they were going to look into the incident and investigate what had actually happened and also gave out warnings to the public to stop spreading fake rumours about their artist and refrain from slandering her else they'd be faced with the company's wrath.

With these threat from the company, the netizen's negative comments suddenly began to disappear as everyone quickly went online and deleted their hateful comments in fear of being implicated and getting into trouble with the big company.