
Forbidden system

This is a story of James, who died and reincarnated into a different world with his past life's memories. When he was 15 his father died in car accident. and left his mother and sisters alone but he took care of the situation quickly. He was not ordinary person he was the only heir of Davies family. which is the 5th rank wealthiest family in the world. and because of that he have to go through many trials and lessons that is why he is more mature than his peers. He also have big sister who is older than him who also help him and his two father's sister. his mom take care of the house. this story has is about How James got the forbidden system and what he did afterwards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This story contain INCEST , Yuri and Taboo relationships so please read with caution. The MC don't mind seeing his lovers making out too so please be cautious. and the MC is straight so only girls will be his lovers. No NTR but there are netori. . . . . sorry for bad English and the cover is not mine so if you own the cover and want me to remove it then please message I will remove your cover.

Romushi_33 · ゲーム
22 Chs

Planes and Pet

[ For now please buy a plane from shop ]

"Okay" said James and open the shop, go to planes menu directly because only that was available. after opening it he show many landscape wallpaper and under them was price tag but most of them were locked or more like every plane were locked except three. which were available and the most expensive one was of 100 forbidden points and the lowest was 55 forbidden points.

The price with 55 points plane look like barren land with nothing and only flat land.

The second expensive plane which was of 78 forbidden points look like grass plane with pond and mountains.

And the last one look little bit more better than second one with trees here and there nothing more.

Seeing this James asked system " So I only have three choices."

[ Yes host ]

[ If you want to unlocked more then you have to got stronger]

" Strong huh." said James in low voice and Sophia pat on her son's shoulder and said "let's take it slow okay"

Looking at his mother James calm down and nod with smile. " yeah let's take it slow."

"Okay, so let's choose which plane to buy." said Sophia with clap. and James shook his head and said " No you choose, I will buy it. I have enough points for now."

" okay" then she pointed at the most expensive one and said " this one". James just noded and said to the system. " Buy three planes of 100 points."

"Three?" Sophia asked him in confusion then she understood after hearing system notification.

[ purchasing three planes of #1295 plane ]

[ Getting an area of 100 square metre per plane #1295 ]

[ getting total area of 300 square meters ]

[ Now you can manage this plane ]

" Oh so per plane we can only get 100 square metre." said Sophia in understanding and look at James and asked " How you find out?"

James just shrug his shoulder and pointed at Infinite sign beside the price tag and said " I just thought of buying 3 because of this sign. I didn't know about limited area."

"Oh" and just as she finished her word the surrounding change and now they are in grass land with beautiful scenery and mountains behind them.

Seeing this Sophia open her mouth and said " Wow, This place is so beautiful."

Seeing her James aslo look around and said " true, this place is really beautiful."

After walking around for sometime and looking here and there while holding each others hand. Sophia look at him and said " everything is okay but we have to buy so many planes to get enough area."

" Yeah, but It is reasonable." said James and bought 30 more planes of 100 points.

"Now we have more than 3000 square metre area." said James and Sophia noded and said " why don't I hatch my egg here?"

James nodded and said " that is good idea."

Sophia walk forward two steps before James and piche her little finger's long nail under her thumb and little blood came out from her thumb and fell on the egg.

The egg started to glow brightly and floated in the air after some time the light fade away and a cat with one horn at his forehead come into view. it was hugging itself and it's eyes were closed. Sophia caught it with both of her hands and place it in her arms like she is holding baby. after some wait the cat open it's eyes and look at Sophia first and meow.

" So cute" said Sophia while looking at the cat then look towards James who was smiling at her. James said " Congratulations for obtaining your first pet."

Sophia look at him and move towards him while the cat in her arms look at James and it eyes shine but no one saw it. Sophia come before james and lean at him and James understand what she want. so he hug her waist and kissed her. Sophia open her mouth and let her tongue touch her lips so James also open his mouth and let her come inside his mouth. Sophia's tongue go in his mouth and started to explore every place in his mouth. sometime later they finally separated.

Sophia said " looking at this baby I really want to make some babies with my son." and lick her lips seductively. seeing her mother's expression James got erect and because he was naked Sophia also saw this.

James control himself and said " why don't you first Appraised it and put it into your pet inventory."

" Okay" while she check that James contacted to the seed and asked about how much outside world and this place time can be changed.

[ Right now it is 1:10. you can buy more time difference ratio from shop]

" Open it" said James and saw that only 1:15 and 1:20 is available and the price is 500 points and 1000 points respectively.

he directly chose 1:20. after that he look at Sophia and his dick started to twitch. but he still control himself and look at the cat to Appraised it.

[Status: Rank F

  Renirr ( Legend )


  Exp: 0/150

  Hp: 200/200

  Mp: 200/200

  VIT: 20


  STA: 20

  AGI: 20

  INT: 20

  LUK: 10

  CHARM: 20

( Undistributed attribute :0  )

  PHYSIQUE : demon god body

BLOODLINE : pure blood Renirr

  SKILLS: High jump(Lv.1), Stealth(Lv.1), Bite (Lv.1), claw (Lvl.1),

 ( Undistributed Skill points: 0 )   ]

Looking at it James become little shocked but Sophia put the cat in pet inventory and take off her clothes in one go and grab his dick. James gasped moan. Sophia look him and said " Eat me whole my son. keep fucking me even if I passed out. Use me to your heart content." her face is totally crazy looking and she was panting heavily. her lewd mom switch was on and seeing this James smile and start kissing her violently. he likes to hear his mom when she become this lewd for him.