
Forbidden Moon: The Alpha's Vampire Mate

"Forbidden Moon: The Alpha's Vampire Mate" is an enchanting and passionate paranormal romance that delves into the depths of forbidden love between an alpha werewolf and a captivating vampire. In the mysterious land of Elysia, moonlit forests and ancient feuds reignite as Alpha Gabriel finds himself inexplicably drawn to Selene, his sworn enemy. Their clandestine romance unfolds against the backdrop of an impending war between werewolves and vampires, challenging long-standing prejudices and traditions. As their love becomes a catalyst for change, they must navigate their roles as leaders, striving to bridge the divide between their warring factions and create a world where werewolves and vampires can coexist in harmony. With vivid imagery, emotive prose, and the power of love, this story weaves a captivating tale of sacrifice, unity, and the indomitable spirit of a love that defies all odds.

LegendMoore · ファンタジー
13 Chs


Gabriel clenched his fists, struggling to make sense of this new truth. His thoughts were a whirlwind of conflicting emotions; anger towards those who manipulated him and his kind, fear for the future of his pack and hope that he could somehow bring an end to this senseless violence.

As he wrestled with these emotions, he came to the realization that he couldn't simply accept the Seer's words without questioning them. He needed evidence something concrete that would completely dispel the illusion.

The weight of this revelation settled on Gabriel's shoulders like a suffocating cloak. Standing before his pack members, their eager eyes demanding answers he wasn't prepared to provide, tension filled the air. The rooted animosity towards vampires from centuries past was still palpable.

As Gabriel gazed into the eyes of those who trusted and respected him, he couldn't ignore the growing divide within himself. Torn between his responsibilities and the truth.

"Alpha," his Beta Mark addressed him with a hint of concern in his voice. "You seem troubled. Is everything alright?"

Gabriel responded with a smile, trying hard to keep his emotions in check. "There is much to contemplate " he admitted solemnly.

"We must stay resolute and unwavering in our determination."

The words he spoke lacked conviction, sounding empty to himself. The unease that twisted within him only grew stronger. 

As the days went by, Gabriel found it increasingly challenging to focus on leading his pack, burdened by the facade of maintaining their feud. His carefree demeanor had been replaced by introspection and restless nights spent grappling with doubts and guilt that haunted him.

It was, on one of those nights when Gabriel's thoughts turned to Selene Nightshade, the beautiful vampire who seemed to see into the depths of his soul. He remembered those moments of vulnerability they shared, a blossoming intimacy that defied the nature of their connection. The memory of her touch sent a shiver down his spine, reminding him abruptly that she was more than an adversary to be defeated.

"Selene" he whispered into the darkness, her name escaping his lips like a prayer.

He couldn't deny his feelings for her any longer. The burning question that consumed him was whether their love had the power to overcome the barriers that separated them, and even mend the divide between their two warring species.

As fate would have it, Gabriel's growing affection for Selene would be put to the test sooner than he expected. A chance encounter in the depths of the forest brought them face to face again and in that moment their eyes met with a shared recognition.

"Gabriel" she softly uttered, her voice barely audible, amidst the rustling leaves. "I didn't think I would see you again."

"I feel the same way " he responded softly, his gaze locked with hers, searching for any sign of dishonesty. "Now that we're facing each other... I find myself at a crossroad. Selene, tell me, is there room for us in this world? Can our love truly survive the standing storm of hatred that has been existing for so long?"

Her eyes glistened with tears as she held back. "I'm not sure Gabriel " she whispered, her voice carrying both hope and despair in measure. "What I do know is this; my heart belongs to you and I'm ready to fight for what we share."

In that moment, as they stood on the edge of an uncertain future, Gabriel realized that his love for Selene was more than fleeting connection—it was a guiding light amidst darkness; a testament to the strength found in hope and redemption.

As he looked into her eyes, he made a promise that he wouldn't let the burdens of the past control their future path.

In the days that followed their encounter amidst the whispering trees, Gabriel found himself torn between two worlds; one where his heart soared with love and hope and another where the heavy weight of responsibility and tradition threatened to suffocate him. The pack sensed their Alpha's turmoil and murmurs of discontent spread like an approaching storm.

"Gabriel!" Mark called him out, his second-in-command as they stood atop the hill overlooking their territory. "There has been another attack on our borders. Two of our scouts were injured."

"Vampires?" Gabriel asked through gritted teeth, his voice filled with suppressed anger. He clenched his fists feeling the familiar rage building inside him.

"It seems so, " Mark confirmed with a frown. "The scent is unmistakable."

"Then we must fight back" Gabriel declared, conflict evident in his eyes. "Gather our warriors. We strike at dawn."

" Of course, Alpha," Mark nodded before turning to relay the command.

As he walked away, he couldn't help but Look back at his friend feeling troubled by the shadows that seemed to cling to him.

As the night descended, Gabriel paced back and forth in his quarters, his mind filled with a whirlwind of emotions. For every memory of Selene that crossed his thoughts, her captivating fragrance, the tenderness of her touch and the vulnerability in her eyes, there was a contrasting image of death and destruction. It served as a reminder of the standing conflict that had cost lives on both sides for centuries.

"Selene," he whispered into the darkness, his heart burdened by the understanding that every step he took against her kind was an act of betrayal towards their love. However, how could he abandon his responsibility to protect and guide his pack? Was it possible to find harmony within himself amidst these forces. Was he destined to be torn apart by the very love that had once given him hope?

"Alpha?" Mark's voice called from outside the door interrupting Gabriel's thoughts."It's about time " he said, preparing himself mentally for the battle.

Underneath the moonlight, they engaged in combat against the vampires who dared to invade their territory. With every strike of his claws and display of his fangs, Gabriel felt conflicted as if he was not betraying Selene but himself.

"That's enough!" he shouted, his voice resounding across the battlefield as he regained control over his emotions. "Lets retreat! We have made our point!"

"Why are we stopping, Gabriel?" Mark asked breathing heavily, concern etched on his face. "We have them on the run!"

"No bloodshed tonight " Gabriel growled with eyes filled with memories of lives taken. "We have delivered our message. Now let us return home."

As they made their way back to there camp with injuries weighing them down, Gabriel couldn't shake off the feeling that he stood precariously between love and duty, salvation and damnation.. As the darkness closed in around him, he Wondered if there would ever come a day when he could truly experience freedom. The kind of freedom that allows for love, without guilt protection, without fear and living without the weight of history burdening his soul.

"Selene" he softly whispered into the night, his tears descending like shimmering raindrops upon the unforgiving ground. "Please forgive me."

The truth weighed heavily on Gabriel's heart like a shroud chilling him to his core as he found himself standing alone within the chamber of the Seer again, encompassed by scrolls and artifacts that murmured tales of eras. The Seer, a figure adorned with a white beard and perceptive eyes that seemed to hold infinite knowledge had just revealed the true origins of the age old war between werewolves and vampires – a revelation poised to dismantle Gabriel's world as he knew it.

"Gabriel" said the Seer in a tone tinged with empathy. "You have been deceived for centuries like your ancestors, before you."

"Tell me again" Gabriel demanded with eyes brimming with anger and bewilderment.

"How did this deception start?" Gabriel inquired.

The Seer responded, his voice filled with wisdom "Your ancestors were deceived by those they placed their trust in. A group of power werewolves and vampires formed an alliance. Orchestrated a conflict, within their own factions to gain wealth and control. They twisted the truth. Planted seeds of animosity that grew into the feud we see today."

Gabriel's voice shook with emotion as he spoke "So, this war... All the bloodshed and lives lost on both sides... It was all in vain?"

"The actions were driven solely by the desires of a few " solemnly confirmed the Seer. "Now that you know the truth you have a choice."

Gabriel repeated bitterly "A choice? What choice do I really have? I am duty bound and loyal to my pack; I must uphold this feud, even if it is founded on falsehoods."

As he spoke those words, the vision of Selene Nightshade, the enchanting vampire who had stolen his heart flashed through his mind. Her dark locks framed her face. Her lips formed a smile that quickened his heartbeat. How could he persist in despising her kind when she had shown him kindness and love?

"Maybe " murmured the Seer with eyes burdened by centuries of wisdom "it's time, for a new path—one that seeks harmony and togetherness."

"Harmony?" Gabriel scoffed with a surge of anger. "How can there be harmony when generations have been raised on tales of hatred and betrayal?"

"Even the deepest wounds can be healed by truth "The Seer replied softly. "It won't come easily. You must first convince your own pack—and yourself."

"Convince myself?" echoed Gabriel, his forehead creasing in confusion.

"Your affection for Selene has opened your heart to the possibility of peace " said the Seer gently.

"But you also need to come to terms, with the ghosts of your past – the ancestors you believed were treated unjustly, the adversaries you believed had to be overcome."

Gabriel felt a lump in his throat as he struggled with conflicting emotions. Could he really let go of the beliefs and customs that had influenced him, guided him for such a long time? Could he betray the memory of his ancestors by seeking peace with their sworn enemies?

"Selene" he murmured, his voice trembling with pain. "I cannot abandon my responsibilities, and i can't abandon my love for you either."

"Then forge a new path young Alpha" The Seer encouraged Gabriel. "One that honors both your obligations and your heart."

With those words, the Seer disappeared from sight, leaving Gabriel alone with his swirling thoughts and emotions. He stood there feeling overwhelmed by the weight of knowledge and conflicting feelings. It weighed on him like a mountain, stealing his breath and squeezing his heart.

"Can I truly alter the course of fate?" he pondered aloud, anguish contorting his face as he wrestled with the task

As doubt slowly entered his eyes he realized that only time would provide the answer.