
Forbidden Moon: The Alpha's Vampire Mate

"Forbidden Moon: The Alpha's Vampire Mate" is an enchanting and passionate paranormal romance that delves into the depths of forbidden love between an alpha werewolf and a captivating vampire. In the mysterious land of Elysia, moonlit forests and ancient feuds reignite as Alpha Gabriel finds himself inexplicably drawn to Selene, his sworn enemy. Their clandestine romance unfolds against the backdrop of an impending war between werewolves and vampires, challenging long-standing prejudices and traditions. As their love becomes a catalyst for change, they must navigate their roles as leaders, striving to bridge the divide between their warring factions and create a world where werewolves and vampires can coexist in harmony. With vivid imagery, emotive prose, and the power of love, this story weaves a captivating tale of sacrifice, unity, and the indomitable spirit of a love that defies all odds.

LegendMoore · ファンタジー
13 Chs


Gabriel's paws thudded rhythmically on the forest floor as he sprinted through the woods feeling a surge of exhilaration and anticipation. The wind gently tousled his fur while carrying the scent of Selene. A blend of lavender and honeysuckle. He couldn't wait to see her face and crimson eyes again.

Arriving at their meeting spot, a beam of moonlight illuminated Selene's figure, leaning against an ancient oak tree. Gabriel transformed back into his human form tingling with energy.

"Selene," he whispered, taking in her breathtaking beauty.

She turned to him with a tender smile on her lips. Her hair cascaded over her shoulder like strands of silver, framing her face in a halo.

"Gabriel, my love " she whispered, her words carrying a depth of emotion that stirred something within him.

He embraced her tightly, pulling her into his arms, relishing the coolness of her touch and the exhilaration of forbidden love.

As Selene nestled against his chest, he gently ran his fingers through her hair, a tender gesture, expressing the weight of his affection. "You mean everything to me " he whispered softly, his voice confessing their bond.

Gabriel's heart ached with the realization that this could never be more than a stolen moment. He had responsibilities as the leader of his pack, traditions to uphold and enemies to protect his people from. To love a vampire, especially one from an evil coven would be a betrayal of everything he stood for.

"Are you afraid?" Selene asked earnestly while searching his eyes for any trace of doubt.

"Of course I am" he confessed solemnly as the gravity of his words sank in. "I have a duty to my pack.... I can't help but feel for you irresistibly. Selene, It's as if fate is playing an unkind joke on us."

"Perhaps, it truly is " she pondered thoughtfully with her voice thick, with emotions.

"What if there's a purpose behind our connection?, What if our love is meant to bridge the gap between our worlds?"

Gabriel's mind raced as he contemplated the implications of her words. Could their love transcend the seated rivalry between werewolves and vampires? Or was their fate destined to be tragic? He clenched his fists torn between embracing Selene and protecting his pack.

"Gabriel " Selene whispered, sensing his inner conflict. "I understand the risks involved for both of us. I can't deny how strongly I feel. Every time we part ways, it's as if a piece of me remains with you."

"Selene, I..." Gabriel paused, carefully choosing his words. "My heart belongs to you. I cannot forsake my responsibilities as an alpha. If we continue down this path, it will only bring pain and heartbreak for both of us."

"Then let us cherish these stolen moments while we still can," she responded, her eyes welling up with tears.

"We may not have control over the circumstances that surround us but we can still choose to love each other despite these challenges " they said, embracing each other again. The weight of their love and conflicting emotions pressed heavily upon them. It felt as if a present shadow of danger loomed over them threatening to overshadow their happiness. However in this moment, they held onto one another tightly, refusing to let go of the bond that kept them connected.

Yet even as their love burned brightly, doubts began to creep in and cast a shadow over their stolen moments.

"We shouldn't be meeting like this, '' he whispered softly. "If the pack finds out..."

Selene looked up at him with sadness clouding her eyes. "I know," she replied." 

I can't stay away from you. Being with you feels right even if the rest of the world tells us it's wrong."

Gabriel sighed. As an alpha he had a duty to uphold traditions and set an example for others. However when he was with Selene, none of that seemed to matter.

"I don't want to lose you, " he confessed.

"You won't," Selene assured him.

"We'll figure it out, " Selene whispered, her lips curling into a smile as she gently caressed Gabriel's face with her fingertips.

"Being with you feels like discovering a piece of myself that was missing even when the world tries to separate us."

However, as she spoke, Gabriel sensed the lurking danger. Every stolen moment was haunted by the threat of being torn. Yet he couldn't resist the temptation of Selene's lips and the comfort of her embrace.

As time passed and days turned into weeks, their love blossomed like an exquisite flower. With each embrace, fear cast its shadow closer, tightening its icy grip around their hearts.

Moonlight filtered through the forest canopy, creating shadows on the ground. Gabriel held Selene close and they shared a lingering kiss.

In the distance, they heard the sound of a snapping twig. Gabriel's head snapped up, his muscles tensing instinctively. Sensing his unease, Selene gripped his arm tightly.

"What's wrong?" she whispered anxiously.

Taking a breath, Gabriel sifted through the scents carried by the night air.. There it was. A trace of a familiar musk.

"It's Mark, " he growled slowly. "He must have followed me here."

Selene's eyes widened in alarm.

Mark was Gabriel's trusted second-in-command, the right hand man for safeguarding the pack. If he were to discover Gabriel secretly meeting a vampire, the consequences would be severe.

"You need to go, " Gabriel insisted. "I'll divert his attention. Mislead him."

Selene hesitated. "When will I be able to see you? "Her voice carried a plea, filled with longing.

Gabriel took her hands, his heart filled with pain. "Soon my love" he assured her, making a promise he intended to keep." But for now go quickly!"

With one lingering look, Selene disappeared into the shadows. Gabriel steadied himself in preparation for the confrontation.

Moments later, Mark emerged from the trees with an expression on his face. Gabriel pretended to be surprised.

"Mark! What brings you out here tonight?"

Mark narrowed his eyes. "I could ask you the same question. Your scent led me this way. Who were you meeting?"

Gabriel forced a laugh. "What do you mean? Just enjoying a walk, that's all."

However, he could sense that Mark wasn't convinced. His friend knew him well; he could sense when something was not right. Gabriel maintained eye contact, with determination even though his thoughts were racing.

He knew he had to protect his secret. The love between him and Selene. The love that felt so right could bring ruin upon them both...

Gabriel's heart pounded as Mark scrutinized him. Carefully choosing his words, he spoke up.

"I understand that you're just fulfilling your duty by looking out for the pack's interests. Please trust me when I say there is no cause for concern."

He placed a hand on Mark's shoulder hoping it would alleviate any doubts. However, Mark remained unmoved.

"With all due respect, there have been many peculiar occurrences lately. You've been disappearing at odd hours, seeming distracted during hunts and meetings. 

Now your scent is here when you claimed to be patrolling the border."

Gabriel tensed up. He couldn't deny the validity of Mark's observations. His friend knew him too well.

"I understand your suspicions," he said slowly. "The truth is, I've been meeting with the Seer."

Mark's eyes widened in surprise as Gabriel continued explaining.

"The Seer summoned me to share important warnings. Signs of impending danger that threatens our pack." "I didn't want to worry anyone until I had information. That's why I kept it to myself."

Bringing up the Seer was a move, but Gabriel hoped it would divert Mark's attention from the real path. Sure enough his friend seemed troubled but less suspicious.

"Danger approaching? Then we should gather the pack immediately!"

Gabriel placed a hand on Mark's shoulder. "All in due time. For now let's keep this between ourselves. The Seer has more to reveal when we meet again."

Mark nodded slowly. "As you say. Gabriel... Let there be no secrets between us alright?"

Gabriel forced a smile, He hated his need for deception. Although It bought them time. When he and Selene met again they would have to be more cautious...

Gabriel nodded, feeling a twinge of guilt as he led Mark away from the truth. He knew their forbidden romance jeopardized more than his position as Alpha.

If the pack finds out about his betrayal falling for their sworn vampire enemy, it could cause a division among the wolves.

As the moon ascended into the night sky, Gabriel again slipped away to meet Selene at their hidden sanctuary. Her delicate face glistened in the silver glow as she turned towards him, her crimson eyes shimmering with emotion.

"We were close to being discovered tonight" Gabriel expressed with concern. "Mark is growing suspicious. We need to be more than careful now."

Selene nodded, feeling a bit worried. "We always knew this couldn't last forever. Perhaps." She hesitated momentarily.

Drawing closer, Gabriel gently lifted her chin. "Don't say that. I will not let you go, no matter what it takes."

Selene sighed, leaning into his touch. "Neither would I. The animosity between wolf packs and vampire covens has persisted for centuries...If our secret is revealed..."

Her words trailed off. They both understood the consequences; banishment if they were fortunate enough or execution if luck was not on their side.

Gabriel grasped her hands firmly. Met her gaze. "No matter what lies ahead of us we will confront it together."

In that moment a twig snapped somewhere in the darkness again.

Gabriel swiftly turned his head, his eyes shining with intensity...

With a gaze, Gabriel peered through the darkness, his muscles tightening as he positioned himself in front of Selene. His wolf-like senses heightened, he carefully scanned the shadows. Sniffed the air, for any signs of intrusion.

A low growl escaped from his throat as he called out sharply "Who's there?"

For a moment silence hung in the air. Then a hunched figure emerged from behind a tree, leaning heavily on a staff. Gabriel's tension eased slightly as he recognized the stranger.

"The Seer " he said cautiously. "What brings you to this place?"

The aged sage observed them with his set of eyes. "Events are unfolding that will shape our collective destiny. It is your forbidden union that has set these wheels in motion."

Gripping Gabriel's arm, selene asked anxiously "You know about us?".

The Seer nodded. "But don't be afraid, your secret is safe with me."

Gabriel's eyes narrowed. "Then why are you here, seer?"

"To give you this warning," the Seer replied. "Dark choices are ahead that will test the both of you. But remember this - The only hope to end the cycle of violence between your kind is by being together.

With those words, he turned and went back into the shadows, leaving Gabriel and Selene alone with their anxious thoughts under the cold moonlight.