
Forbidden Moon: The Alpha's Vampire Mate

"Forbidden Moon: The Alpha's Vampire Mate" is an enchanting and passionate paranormal romance that delves into the depths of forbidden love between an alpha werewolf and a captivating vampire. In the mysterious land of Elysia, moonlit forests and ancient feuds reignite as Alpha Gabriel finds himself inexplicably drawn to Selene, his sworn enemy. Their clandestine romance unfolds against the backdrop of an impending war between werewolves and vampires, challenging long-standing prejudices and traditions. As their love becomes a catalyst for change, they must navigate their roles as leaders, striving to bridge the divide between their warring factions and create a world where werewolves and vampires can coexist in harmony. With vivid imagery, emotive prose, and the power of love, this story weaves a captivating tale of sacrifice, unity, and the indomitable spirit of a love that defies all odds.

LegendMoore · ファンタジー
13 Chs


Gabriel's face was a portrait of guilt and grief as he knelt beside Chris, his fingers trembling as they reached for his fallen friend's pulse. "We need to get him help," he said, his voice a whisper of desperation that matched the collective fear in the camp.

Amidst the chaos, a path was carved—a frantic procession that saw Chris being carried away, surrounded by the werewolves who had once been on the brink of unleashing their fury upon the vampires. As they retreated from the clearing, the air was thick with a mixture of sorrow and a shared sense of vulnerability. The camp, once a bastion of unity and hope, was now marked by a tragedy that had shaken its very foundations.

Amidst the shadows of the night, as Gabriel and his companions made their way back to the werewolf camp, a simmering mixture of anger, frustration, and disbelief hung in the air. The events that had transpired at the vampire coven had left them shaken to the core, and the collective fury that seethed beneath the surface was palpable.

Mark's voice, a taut whisper, carried a note of bitterness. "We walked into their camp in good faith, and this is what happened?"

The others nodded in agreement, their faces etched with a mixture of indignation and disbelief. The memory of Vorian's attack and the violence that had marred their attempt at reconciliation was a wound that felt fresh, throbbing with each step they took.

Gabriel's voice, however, cut through the undercurrent of anger, his words an attempt to temper the rising storm of emotions. "We can't let this incident dictate our next moves," he said, his tone measured but firm.

Mark's gaze met Gabriel's, a fire still flickering in his eyes. "They nearly killed one of ours," he replied, his voice tight with suppressed fury. "We can't just let this slide."

Gabriel's expression hardened, his determination unwavering. "We won't," he said, his voice carrying the weight of his commitment. "But responding with immediate retaliation will only escalate the situation into a full-blown war."

The tension in the air was thick, the turmoil within each individual mirroring the turmoil of the situation they found themselves in. The desire for vengeance clashed with the need for reason, leaving the group in a precarious balance.

"I know we're angry," Gabriel continued, his gaze encompassing each member of the group. "But if we want to prevent further bloodshed, we need to be strategic. We need to assess our options, gather our strength, and approach this with a level head."

One of the companions, his face twisted with fury, spoke up. "We can't just let them get away with this."

Gabriel's voice softened, a note of empathy underlying his words. "We won't," he assured them. "But we'll do it on our terms, when we're prepared and have the upper hand."

The group fell silent, the weight of Gabriel's words settling over them like a cloak. Slowly, the anger that had burned so brightly began to wane, replaced by a growing understanding of the necessity for restraint.

"We need to heal Chris and fortify our defenses," Gabriel said, his voice a steady reminder of their priorities. "We'll ensure he gets the care he needs and that we're ready for whatever comes next."

As they neared the werewolf camp, the sense of purpose that had guided them on their journey seemed to solidify. The group shared a final glance, a silent agreement to honor their friend by pursuing a path that led away from chaos and towards a more peaceful resolution.

And so, united by their commitment to their pack and their shared ideals, they made their way back to their camp, the night a canvas upon which their collective determination was painted.

The full moon hung low and heavy in the inky night sky, casting an eerie glow over the dark forest. Gabriel stood at the edge of a rocky outcropping, his powerful wolf form silhouetted against the moonlight. His golden eyes scanned the shadows below, ears pricked for any sound.

A twig snapped in the underbrush and he tensed, a low growl rumbling in his chest. But as a lithe, feminine figure stepped into view, he relaxed.

"Selene," he said, shifting back to his human form. "It's dangerous for you to be here."

The raven-haired vampire glided towards him, crimson eyes glinting. "No more dangerous than our love, my wolf."

Gabriel took her cold hands in his. "If the pack knew..."

"Let them know," Selene said defiantly. "I'm not ashamed."

"It's not that simple." Gabriel turned away, looking back over the forest, his pack's territory. "They expect me to lead them. To keep to the old ways. If they find out about us..."

Selene's voice softened, her concern for him echoing in the night. "Gabriel, I understand your worries. But we can't hide forever. We've seen the potential for unity between our kind. Our love can be a catalyst for change."

Gabriel's eyes clouded, a mixture of emotions playing across his features. "Selene, Chris is still in the hospital, recovering from what Vorian did. He's paying the price for our secrets, for crossing boundaries."

Selene's gaze dropped, her fingers tightening around his. "I know, and I wish there was a way to shield him from the fallout of our choices."

Gabriel's grip on her hands tightened, his voice tinged with a deep, resonating pain. "He's a reminder of the danger our love poses, not just to us, but to those around us. The pack's wounds are still fresh from what happened, and I can't bear the thought of causing them more pain."

"I understand your concern for them, Gabriel. But we can't let fear dictate our lives. Chris would want us to be happy, and his sacrifice should inspire us to seek a better path for everyone."

Gabriel's shoulders sagged, a mixture of guilt and longing in his stance. "I don't want to put anyone else in harm's way. Chris deserves better than that."

Selene's fingers brushed against his cheek, her touch gentle and reassuring. "We can find a way to navigate this, Gabriel. To honor Chris's sacrifice by working towards a future where vampires and werewolves can coexist peacefully. But we can't do it in secret forever."

Gabriel's gaze met hers, a silent understanding passing between them. In the moonlit clearing, they stood at the crossroads of tradition and transformation, their love a beacon of hope amidst the shadows

Selene moved behind him, slipping her arms around his muscular frame. "Can run away Together?"

Gabriel tensed. "This is my home. My duty is to my pack."

"And your heart?" Selene's voice was a whisper.

Gabriel was silent. The rumors had already begun circulating among the pack, questioning his loyalty. He couldn't abandon them, but nor could he give up Selene.

Finally he turned, pulling Selene close. "I will find a way," he murmured. "For both of us."

Selene smiled up at him sadly. She could already sense it was a promise he could not keep.

Meanwhile, Back in the werewolves camp, the whispers of there forbidden romance has spread through the pack like wildfire.

"The Alpha is consorting with a vampire."

"I saw them together, in the forest."

"He's betrayed us for that bloodsucker."

Gabriel could feel the sidelong glances, smell the suspicion and fear permeating the air. Some wolves turned tail and slunk away when he approached. Others glared at him with defiance, their body language radiating challenge.

His second, Mark, confronted him one night after a hunt. "The pack is uneasy, Alpha. Your dalliance with the vampire has shaken their faith."

Gabriel met his gaze steadily. "My private affairs are no one's concern."

"They are when it puts the pack in danger!" Mark was normally mild-mannered, but now his eyes flashed with anger. "The treaty with the vampires is tentative at best. If they think we've been weakened..."

"You question my leadership?" Gabriel's voice was low and dangerous.

Mark looked away uneasily. "Of course not. But perhaps...some time away from the vampire would ease tensions."

Gabriel straightened to his full height, eyes burning. "I will not be dictated to. Not even by you."

He stalked away, rage simmering in his veins. He would not give up Selene. If the pack could not accept that, he would remind them why he was Alpha.

Gabriel called a gathering beneath the full moon. The pack assembled, some standing defiantly with crossed arms, others looking nervous and avoiding his gaze.

Gabriel stepped forward, his presence commanding attention. "I've heard the unease about my relationship with Selene. Let me be clear - my loyalty is, and always will be, to this pack."

Murmurs rippled through the crowd. Gabriel raised a hand for silence.

"Selene is not our enemy. This hatred between wolves and vampires has gone on too long. It can end with us, if we have the courage to try."

Markus stepped forward, face etched with worry. "Alpha, the treaty-"

Gabriel silenced him with a look. "I know you all fear the vampires will betray us. But I know Selene. She wants peace between our kinds as much as I."

He swept his gaze over the assembled wolves. "You pledged obedience to me as your Alpha. Now I ask for your trust. Stand with me, and we can forge a new future."

The wolves glanced at each other uneasily. Gabriel felt the weight of leadership like stones in his chest. He had gambled the pack's faith in him against his love for Selene.

Now he could only wait and see where the chips fell.

Gabriel waited, muscles tensed, as the pack digested his words. He knew some viewed his relationship with Selene as a betrayal. Winning back their trust would not be easy.

Oliver, one of the younger wolves, stepped forward. "Alpha, we're grateful for your leadership. But the vampires have brought us nothing but misery. How can we trust them now?"

Murmurs of assent rippled through the crowd. Gabriel suppressed a growl of frustration.

"I understand your doubts," he said evenly. "But Selene has proven herself an ally. If we reject her friendship, we're no better than those who judge us by our nature as wolves."

The pack shifted uneasily at his words. Gabriel pressed on.

"Dark times are coming. We must stand together - wolf, vampire, all of us - or risk being destroyed." He swept his gaze over them. "I cannot force you to follow me. But I believe this path is right for our pack. For our future."

The wolves looked amongst themselves, uncertainty etched on their faces. Gabriel felt Selene at his side, her hand slipping into his. Her voice was soft. "They will come around, my love. Give them time."

Gabriel squeezed her hand gently. He only hoped she was right. The pack's unity, their very survival, now hung by the slenderest of threads.

Gabriel led Selene through the shadowed forest, moving stealthily among the trees. Despite the late hour, he knew many in the pack would still be wakeful, watching for any signs of the vampires' return.

He kept his senses alert, attuned to any sounds or scents out of the ordinary. But the woods were quiet, only the occasional hoot of an owl or skittering of a squirrel disturbing the stillness.

At last they came to the hidden glen Gabriel used for his solitary meditations. A small creek burbled through the glade, the burbling water soothing. Moonlight filtered down through the canopy, bathing everything in a soft silver glow.

Turning, Gabriel drew Selene close, inhaling her heady scent. She gazed up at him, ruby eyes luminous.

"I've missed you," she murmured.

Gabriel brushed his fingers along her pale cheek. "And I you, my moonlight."

Selene tilted her face up expectantly. Gabriel hesitated, his acute hearing picking up a stealthy approach through the underbrush. In a flash he whirled, a menacing growl rumbling in his chest as he placed himself between Selene and the intruder.

Oliver emerged from the trees, eyes wide. "Alpha, forgive me. I didn't mean to..."

"Why do you follow us?" Gabriel demanded. Behind him, Selene tensed.

Oliver dropped his gaze. "I know you said to give her a chance. But after what the blood-drinkers did to my brother, I can't just stand by." His voice hardened. "You may trust her, Alpha. The rest of us can't afford to be so blind."

Gabriel's hackles rose at the insolence. "You forget yourself, pup."

"Do I?" Oliver met his gaze defiantly. "Or have you forgotten what it means to be one of us?"

With a snarl, Gabriel grabbed Oliver by the throat, slamming him against a tree. His eyes blazed. "I could tear out your throat for questioning me."

Oliver choked but didn't look away. Selene clutched Gabriel's arm.

"He's just a boy, Gabriel. Please."

Gabriel trembled with rage. Finally he released Oliver with a shove. "Get out of my sight."

Coughing, Oliver scrambled away. Gabriel turned to Selene, chest heaving. She touched his face gently.

"He only challenges you because he cares for the pack. As you do."

Gabriel shut his eyes. "I fear he's right. The longer this continues, the more divided we become."

Selene nestled against his broad chest. "Have faith, my love. Somehow, we will find a way."

Gabriel held her close beneath the moonlit trees. But in his heart, doubt and darkness stirred.

Gabriel stared up at the full moon, its silver light washing over his fur. The wounds from the battle still ached, but it was the pain in his heart that cut deepest.

He had never wanted to drive Selene away. But after the vicious fight against the rebels, it had become clear her presence would only invite more violence. For her own safety, she had to leave the pack lands.

Gabriel lifted his muzzle in a mournful howl, giving voice to his anguish. The sound echoed through the forest, ringing with heartbreak and regret.

In the aftermath of the confrontation, tensions still simmered just below the surface. Though Gabriel had asserted his dominance as Alpha, the pack remained divided. Some still whispered that he had betrayed them for a leech.

Gabriel knew the discontent would fester if left unchecked. He would need to be vigilant against further rebellion. Strong leadership was the only way to heal the rifts within the pack.

Yet questions gnawed at him in the lonely darkness. Had he acted too rashly, letting rage cloud his judgment? Was there another way he could have brought peace?

The choices weighed heavy on his soul. But the true agony was being separated from his beloved Selene. He wasn't sure if their bond could survive this forced distance.

As the moon dipped below the horizon, Gabriel vowed to find a solution. The pack needed unity. He and Selene deserved a chance to be together. Though the path forward was uncertain, he would stay true to himself.

Somehow, he had to bring balance. For the future of his pack, and the one who held his heart.