
Forbidden Moon: The Alpha's Vampire Mate

"Forbidden Moon: The Alpha's Vampire Mate" is an enchanting and passionate paranormal romance that delves into the depths of forbidden love between an alpha werewolf and a captivating vampire. In the mysterious land of Elysia, moonlit forests and ancient feuds reignite as Alpha Gabriel finds himself inexplicably drawn to Selene, his sworn enemy. Their clandestine romance unfolds against the backdrop of an impending war between werewolves and vampires, challenging long-standing prejudices and traditions. As their love becomes a catalyst for change, they must navigate their roles as leaders, striving to bridge the divide between their warring factions and create a world where werewolves and vampires can coexist in harmony. With vivid imagery, emotive prose, and the power of love, this story weaves a captivating tale of sacrifice, unity, and the indomitable spirit of a love that defies all odds.

LegendMoore · ファンタジー
13 Chs


Gabriel stood at the edge of the camp, with an aura of strength and determination radiated from him. His piercing golden eyes scanned the perimeter of the moonlit forest that stretched out before them like a predator assessing its territory.

The moon's soft light brightened the defined features of his face, casting a silver glow on his dark hair.

There was tension in the night air, as the pack gathered their quiet voices tinged with apprehension. News of an approaching vampire clan had quickly spread like wildfire, putting everyone on edge. Anxious glances and whispered conversations carried a sense of fear that hung in the air like a haunting melody.

Gabriel's presence brought a reassurance, reminding them that amidst uncertainty and shadows, they have a strong leader, whose unwavering determination would guide them through the challenges ahead.

Raising his hands, Gabriel silenced the pack as their Alpha, commanding their attention. "I understand that many of you are afraid, " he spoke with authority." We must remain watchful and strong, not fearful

Whispers and murmurs rippled through the crowd, thoughts reaching Gabriel's ears. "How can we fight them?"... "We're outnumbered."... "Should we consider running?"

Gabriel's jaw tightened as he began to lose he his patience. He would not allow panic or fear to take hold of his pack. Not when lives depended on him.

"Enough!" Gabriel shouted, his eyes flashing as his words echoed through the still night air. "We are Moonstones! We don't back down or run away. Whatever challenges come our way, we will face them together." He paused, locking eyes with each member of the pack radiating determination. "As long as we stand united, no enemy can defeat us."

The pack nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting resolve. Gabriel felt a surge of pride in his chest. No matter how daunting the odds, his pack would never back down.

Under the gaze of the moon, in the depths of the night, the pack drew strength from Gabriel's unwavering leadership. They were ready to face whatever challenges the darkness might bring.

Turning towards the surrounding trees, Gabriel clenched his hands into fists. He vowed to protect his pack at all costs; he would rather die than allow harm to befall them. The vampires would pay dearly for their audacity to threaten his family.

As the pack dispersed to prepare their weapons and arm themselves to fortify their campsite, Gabriel remained alone on guard duty. A cool breeze rustled through his fur on this calm night. Carried with it the scent of vampires.

His narrowed eyes revealed a deep growl building within him.

Let them come.

Mark lingered behind as others dispersed into tasks; an expression etched across his furrowed brow.

Stepping up next to Gabriel, he spoke silently.

"Gabriel, are you sure we can trust Selene? you know she's still one of them, no matter what she claims"

Gabriel became defensive, his hackles rising. "Are you doubting my judgment?"

Mark raised a hand. "I just want to ensure our safety. Selene may appear different, but she's still a vampire. If it comes down to a fight..."

"It won't " Gabriel interrupted sharply. Seeing Mark's doubtful look, he softened his tone. "Selene desires peace between our kinds as much as I do. She won't betray us."

Mark. Glanced over his shoulder. The others were busy preparing themselves, their voices carrying in the night air.

"They won't see it that way " Mark warned. "If they knew you were secretly meeting with Selene and wanting an alliance..."

Gabriel's expression darkened; his eyes flashed yellow. "I lead this pack; they will accept my decision."

Mark fell silent recognizing the final decision in Gabriel's tone. He still had doubts, but he knew that Gabriel had made up his mind.

"I hope you're right my friend" Mark finally said. "For the sake of all of us" Mark's words resonated like a prayer, carried by the wind instilling hope in their hearts as they braced themselves for the darkness ahead.

With a grip on Mark's shoulder Gabriel reassured him "have some faith." His gaze shifted towards the crescent moon, symbolizing the looming darkness. "Difficult times lie ahead.. but together the Moonstone Pack we will endure."

Mark managed a smile. Regardless of what destiny had in store for them he pledged his loyalty to his Alpha. Gabriel was right; united they could overcome any adversity that crossed their path.

Turning to address the rest of the pack, Gabriel raised his voice to capture their attention.

"Brothers and sisters gather around."

As his authoritative tone cut through the air, conversations faded into silence. The werewolves drew nearer with tension and apprehension written all over their faces. 

Gabriel's gaze swept over them, acknowledging their fear but also recognizing the courage that shone brightly in their eyes. These people were not just members of his pack; they were family, bound by blood and loyalty. He would protect them at all cost.

"I am aware that unsettling rumors have reached your ears " Gabriel continued solemnly. "There is talk of a clan, on the move seeking... Retribution."

A visible ripple spread through the crowd upon hearing those words. Gabriel made a signal for silence to get everyone's attention.

"Yes they come seeking vengeance. Their rooted hatred stems from generations of bloodshed creating a gap between our people that may appear impossible to fix."

He paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink in. The entire pack watched him closely, eagerly awaiting what he had to say

"However there exists another path before us. One of understanding, acceptance and ultimately peace." Gabriel's eyes locked with Selene's amidst the gathering. She met his gaze with unwavering determination.

"The way forward won't be easy; it demands that both sides abandon their prejudices. We cannot allow the mistakes made by our ancestors to dictate our destinies longer. The cycle of hatred must come to an end."

Murmurs spread among the pack, a mix of anxiety and hope evident. Gabriel spoke up more, raising his voice again.

"Let us approach the vampires with open hearts and open eyes. Show them that we are not the monsters they believed we are. If they still desire violence we will defend ourselves, but our first aim is diplomacy."

His words carried a sense of conviction and a promise for change.

Gabriel clenched his fist, determination burning within him. "Let us stay strong and stay united. We will endure this challenges as we have faced others. Together!"

The pack erupted into cheers rallying behind their Alpha's words. Gabriel felt a surge of pride in his chest. They would confront the darkness ahead with bravery, empathy and integrity. 

The true Moonstone Pack way.

The pack dispersed to make preparations, energized by Gabriel's speech. He watched them affectionately as they attended to weapons, fortified defenses and gathered provisions with purpose.

Selene approached Gabriel; her crimson eyes unreadable. "Do you genuinely believe peace is attainable, between our kinds?" she asked.

Gabriel studied her closely.

Despite being a vampire, there was something about her that gave him a glimmer of hope.

"I do "Gabriel finally spoke up. "The longstanding feud between us has dragged on for so long."

He gestured towards the camp. "Take a look at them, Selene. They aren't monsters, Neither are you and your kind. We're all just trying to survive in this world."

Selene followed his gaze as he studied the diligent hardworking werewolves. For the first time she did not see them as enemies but as kindred spirits.

"If we want peace, my clan needs to be convinced like yours " she remarked.

Gabriel nodded in agreement. "Then let's work together to convince them."

A slight smile graced Selene's lips. In that moment there was an understanding between vampire and werewolf. Perhaps their two kinds could coexist after all.

As this realization settled over her, Selene's heart raced with hope that she never thought possible before.

There were still uncertainties ahead of them, but now there was also hope.

The pack diligently prepared themselves for the vampire threat; underlying tension simmered beneath the surface.

Mark paced back and forth along the perimeter, unable to hide his uneasiness.

He had faith in Gabriel's leadership, but the idea of aligning with Selene still made him uneasy. After all, she was a vampire. How could they truly trust her kind?

He stumbled upon Chris, who was carefully lubricating the mechanisms of a crossbow. Chris has always had sympathy for vampires and has always believed that reconciliation was indeed possible.

"I don't understand how you can remain so calm and composed," Mark expressed, with a tinge of anxiety in his words. "These bloodsuckers could arrive at any time or day now."

Chris continued working on his task without looking up. "Getting all worked up won't do us any good. We must keep our heads level."

"Honestly, It's as if you've forgotten they are killers " Mark snapped back, frustration lacing his voice.

Upon hearing this, Chris placed the crossbow down. Turned to face Mark with an expression on his face. His voice was quiet. Unwavering as he responded 

"I haven't forgotten what they are capable of. However holding onto hatred and fear is precisely what led us into this war in the first place."

Mark fell silent, pondering over Chris's words as they settled upon him like a cloak weighing him down.

The undeniable truth in those words, served as a reminder of the consequences caused by their anger and mistrust.

He found himself torn between ingrained biases and the seed of doubts planted by Chris's words.

Chris had a valid point. Generations of animosity had trapped them in a cycle of violence. However overcoming these ingrained prejudices won't be an easy task.

Just as he was about to respond, a chilling howl echoed from the outskirts of the camp. It signaled the arrival of the vampires.

Mark and Chris exchanged a glance before springing into action. Throughout the camp, werewolves abandoned their tasks grabbing weapons and rushing to protect their territory. The air filled with growls and urgent commands as they quickly formed their ranks.

Gabriel's authoritative voice cut through the chaos, rallying his packmates. His words were strong yet calm, radiating confidence that reassured others. 

Mark felt his panic subsiding as he took his place beside his alpha drawing strength, from Gabriel's composed composure.

They turned their gaze towards the line of trees as it trembled, revealing figures gracefully emerging from the shadows. The vampires had arrived in numbers, their eyes glowing red in the light. Mark clenched his teeth, a snarl brewing, within him.

However just as tensions were about to escalate into violence, a commanding voice cut through the charged atmosphere like a beacon of reason piercing through a storm. 

"Peace, my brothers and sisters " The Seer spoke—a figure of wisdom and authority as he emerged from amidst the vampire ranks. Their presence commanded attention and respect, arms raised in a gesture of supplication. With their ageless eyes they regarded the werewolves with understanding. 

"We have not come here to fight but to talk. There has been enough bloodshed between our species."

The pack shifted in uncertainty, their aggression waning. Gabriel stepped forward cautiously. Open to talk? "Then let us talk " he nodded towards Chris who came to stand between the two factions—a symbol of unity bridging enemies.

His quiet bravery ignited a glimmer of hope that long standing hatred could be overcome and a new path could be forged.

Although there was still uncertainty lying ahead, but in that moment, with open hearts and minds the prospect of peace felt possible.