

AFTER TEN YEARS As the teachers predicted Lucifer became the first ranker of the school this year also . He alo found himself a fullfilling job with a handsome sallary , half of which he donate to the orphanage in which he grew up. Everything is going well in his life as Allen also dropped the school due to fall of his father's business. No one knows where Allen was .But - BANG!! "ALL OF YOU HANDS UP!" there he met the bully from his school whose name is Allen. Allen was disowned son of fallen businessman . And he died by his hands but that was not the end of his journey. His soul travelled through space and reached the another world where unknowingly he shocked the supreme goddess of that world and caught her interest for better or worst , no one knows....... Lucifer who was born as the prince, had his everything snatched away from him even his parents. He couldn't even awaken which made his school life hell. So let's see how Lucifer will survive in this new MAGICAL world . ----------------------- Read EPISODE 0 in volume 0 or Auxiliary volume

Harsh_Harsh_8100 · ファンタジー
40 Chs


He had already poisoned the food of Luna by her favourite maid as he was controlling her by using his one time use mind controlling artefact.

It extremely pained him to use that precious artefact on her but it was necessary to succeed in his plan as her maid had immense loyalty for Luna.

The poison would take some time take effect as he had used it in small amount so as to not alert the empress before.

Today is the day of her delivery, and now he was waiting for his good news which would be brought to him by his spy in the castle as he had to maintain good distance from the emperor so that he would come directly into his trap in his anger to avenge his wife and unborn child as sooner or later maid would get out his control and would tell about the real culprit which was him.

And as he planned-

" Your majesty, emp-er-or is com-ing here and he is-s very angry"

"HahaHAHAHA!! Yes my plan is in right direction"

Meanwhile Spy who was standing there , became dumbfounded hearing his words .

Spy thought ' I think his majesty had his mind shaken due to fear '

As he remembered the event -


Samuel was very nervous from some time as he heard his wife painful screams . Anyone can tell that empress was feeling unbearable pain and Samuel knew about his wife's pain tolerance which was very high. Luna was also ill from some days lately. Just as he was thinking about this he saw the maid of Luna who was running toward him. He can feel her anxiety and .. anger.

' Why is she angry??'

The maid who finally found emperor hastily approached him to tell him about the henious thing done by his own brother.

When she just go finished telling him what had happened, they both realised that cries of empress had stopped abruptly and there is deathy silence in the corrider.

Then she felt a violent wind passing beside her and heared the sound of door opening forcefully and realised that emperor was the one who was running toward the empress.

And then a heavy pressure descended on everyone in the castle due to the bloodlust coming from the room of pressure. Everyone clearly knew someone had crossed the bottom line of Emperor to make him this angry.

Just when everyone was thinking about this -

"I will kill you Stephen"