
childhood dreams

My name's xin yin, daughter of xing and lin yin. my family is one of the richest in the gaming industry, our family joined hands with ling xian family gaming company. I and joon xian grew up together we always fight and quarrel alot because we didn't like each other but as things went by I've started falling in love with him, the one love i think i can't have. I had to suppress my feelings for my senior sister xua yin i love her alot and we can't have the same man but fate played with me on memorable night when i and joon xian attended our friends birthday party, we had alot to drink that night and moreover it started raining heavily that joon suggested we spend a night at his place because his apartment was near and i agreed. On arrival we had one more glass of strong wine that i foolishly confessed my undying love to my sister's fiance, he hugged me from behind and started kissing my neck turned me and kissed me that i felt a huge weight have been lifted off my shoulders. he started kissing and nibbing my neck to my chest and my breasts,it felt like the moment shouldn't end and then "BOOM" what was i doing? xin yin, joon xian is your sister's fiance how could you do this?

As i got my senses i decided to pull him off me but joon was adamant that he discarded my clothes and i saw i was completely naked i begged him but he wouldn't agree then he made love to me i couldn't believe joon was my first kiss and he also took my virginity, my first love. It felt good and bad altogether that we lost track of time and slept in each other's arms,i awoke because of my phone alarm but joon was awoke too and reality hit us both. Joon looked at me like I was gonna contaminate him and he gave me the answer he did when i almost confessed my love to but didn't then came the reply" if i like someone it definitely wouldn't be in ever so stay off" tears rolled down my cheeks immediately i turned away from him and kept my distance after college i was told he was engaged to my sister