
Forbidden love, The saga

Forced into a marital alliance, Marc can't help but feel drawn to his mate, the best friend of his wife. But would if be reasonable to act on these desires knowing his father-in-law is the alpha of the strongest pack? Tobias is not to be trifled with and will go to any lengths for his daughter’s happiness

Thatnerdygirl · ファンタジー
35 Chs

Chapter 21: Veronica

I looked at my daughter standing to her bag. She is just like me. Took her five minutes to get her essentials in a small bag. Perhaps like me, she just tossed in a few clothes and a book. She was never materialistic. For now, I was relieved that she has agreed to leave.

When I read in the news that Marc was getting married to Erica, I wanted to meet him and warn him. I was sure he had his reasons. They hadn't spoken in years. He was only a boy when I met him last. No doubt, Tobias heared that I was in town and sent Mark to get me. Marc isn't a threat. He would never cross me. He owed me that much.

I feel bad to have dragged Lisa through all this. I knew sending her to the city was a bad idea but when she got into her dream college, I couldn't say no. She is passionate for her research. Like father, like daughter. Besdies, nobody had met her. Noone knew who she was. If I am being honest to myself, She doesn't know who she is. I have spent years hiding that part of our lives from her.

If she is friends with Erica then she has probably met Marc. I felt relief knowing that she atleast had one harmless person to be acquainted with amongst the monster. If that Erica is anythig like her father, she better keep away from my daughter. If she keeps working for SolTech, it wouldn't be long until Tobias would know who Maya is. We had to leave. Right then. There was no other way to save us. But would Marc be able to get her out of the city? Or has he already given into Tobias? Marc arrived after twenty minutes.