
Reiner - Love Confession

We slowly strode through the park as we watched the children play around leisurely. Celine was right about the weather being so perfect and nice outside. The wind blew softly against my face and the sun was the perfect level of warmth.

“Me? I think when I was very young…like before my mother married Lucien…I was a scared and timid little girl. I think for the longest time, I just didn’t want to be any more of a burden to my mother. Life was…difficult for us back then. I may have been young but even I could tell…” I replied honestly before trailing off.

Those days were harsh ones, but I was very close to my mother. After that, I thought life had gotten better but I wasn’t sure if it had. Then, she was suddenly gone and with her death, I lost many things…

“Sorry, you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to…” Reiner quickly apologized although it wasn’t his fault.