
Chapter 2

But as their relationship blossomed, Ava began to notice strange things happening around her. Shadows seemed to lengthen and warp in Orion's presence, and Ava couldn't shake the feeling that there was something otherworldly about him. One fateful night, as Ava lay in bed, unable to sleep, she heard a soft whisper in the dark. For your sake, the voice murmured, sending shivers down Ava's spine. She knew then that Orion was hiding something from her, something dark and dangerous. Determined to uncover the truth, Ava confronted Orion, demanding answers. And that's when she learned the shocking truth: Orion was not human. He was a being from another realm, sent to Earth on a mission to protect Ava at all costs. As the reality of Orion's true nature sank in, Ava was torn. On one hand, she was terrified of the unknown and the dangers that came with it. But on the other hand, she found herself unable to resist the pull of their connection, of the love that had blossomed between them. In the end, Ava made a choice. She chose to embrace the fantastical world that Orion had introduced her to, to open her heart to the unknown and the extraordinary. And in doing so, she discovered a love so profound, so pure, that it transcended all boundaries of time and space. And so, Ava and Orion embarked on a journey unlike any other, navigating the precarious waters of love and duty, of magic and reality. Together, they faced unimaginable challenges and fought against dark forces that threatened to tear them apart. But through it all, Im Ava knew one thing for certain: she was willing to risk it all, to defy all odds, for the sake of the love that had changed her life in ways she could never have imagined. And in the end, it was that love that saved them both, binding their souls together for eternity. For Ava until six years later Orion died and Ava return to her life of busy,loner.

She later travelled to a town called Willow Creek and stayed there.