
For the Record: The Nth Time

"It's been a year?" She doubted, "How?... Why?" She have many questions in her mind she desperately wants to find out but before she even realize half of them, she's starting all over again, "It's been a year?" again she doubted, "How?... Why?" She scratched her head out of confusion. She tried to grab everything she could but she can only keep few every morning. "It's been more than two decades... Since this thing happened to me..." He trembly said to himself out of frustration. "How could people be like this overnight?" He questioned with full annoyance, *I've been working hard and yet... And yet this still happens.* He thought as his blood become a raging ocean during storm while seemingly calm on the outside as he stares at her on a distance. *I'm trying to make you realize it over and over but it seems like you never paid attention.* To the one who wish he is being remembered... How long does he have to wait? To the one who wish she remembers... How long will it take her to recognize everything?... Everyone?...

AA_Battery01 · 都市
20 Chs

The Record 5

"I hope you will consider what I said this time." What the doctor just requested made the two women halt from being in the trance and looked at him.

"But doc!" Maia unaware, raised her voice. "Just give me one, no! Three chances! And if this thing happened again three more times, I will really quit on teaching in college and will focus on my treatment!" She bargained gesturing three with her fingers.

"Sigh..." The doctor looked down for a moment then looked at Kitty. Was that recorded?" Referring to what Maia's request.

"Yes, Doc." Kitty answered as she double checked the screen. "It is still on the roll."

"Okay. It's a deal then, and that video is our contract paper. That's for now, remember to do and drink what I have prescribed for you." The doctor concluded.

"Yes, doc! Thank you so-so much! We'll take hour leave then!" Maia then called Kitty, "Com'on, Pal! Let's go now!"

"Oh! Okay-" then the video ended with Kitty's okay.

"What in the universe did I just watched?" Perplexed Maia expressed and knitted her eyebrows as she looked at Kitty.

Kitty did not said anything but pointed out the next video entitled "After one month" with her right palm instead.

Obviously, by the way she looks at Maia, she wants her to watch it, so Maia played it. *Gulp.

The setting is not in the hospital anymore but it still looks like it though familiar for Maia, "School Clinic?" She wondered.

"Hm." Kitty's response.

In that video, Maia is sitting on one of the beds inside the school clinic facing the camera, looking anxious and pale, and parts of her hair are sticking to her face, especially in the forehead, because of sweat.

Then a woman's voice spoke again, and for the second time, it's Kitty's. "So, Maia. Can you tell me what happened today?"

Maia suddenly looked up, front of her right, as if the woman speaking is standing. "Ki-Kitty... I'm not sure about it too... We're just fine the other day..." Maia sobs.

*You mean the other month.* Kitty thought.

"But when I approached him, he looked at me like I'm a creep or sort of syndicate. I-I asked him why would he look at me like that but he would just spout that we have been long over?" She quivered and her eyes is reflecting the light of the clinic for being watery.

"But didn't you wrote that you guys already broke up in your journal?" Kitty questioned.

"Journal?... What journal?" Maia suddenly stopped sobbing.

"Sigh... I think you snapped again, Ma-" Before Kitty finished talking the video was paused.

"Kitty? Why are you showing me these things, now?" Maia posed a question.

"Not that it's the first time that I told you these things but guess you're getting it, here's another video, trust me, this is the last one." Kitty then exited the file application and opened the gallery this time playing the video they recorded last night with a title "Cab Issue-after two weeks".

Maia is uncomfortable opening it be she played anyway. There she watch the conversation they had last night when they went back after her brother called Kitty to pick her up from a cab, after that she went silent.

"Got any idea what's going on right now?" Kitty broke the silence. "I'm going straight to the point, you watched the first video right? You asked for three chances, and last night, your second chance was used."