
For the Fatherland

At the eve of Roberts Birthday, he suffered many misfortunes such as losing his job, his life, and his family to a friend who betrayed him. In Roberts agony, he committed one last act of revenge before completely dying to his wounds due to the fire, and exhaustion as the flames consumed his grand parents estate. When he expected to be judged in the afterlife or heaven if you will, he was reincarnated in Europe. Most specifically in Germany of 1920. Where history doesnt exactly match up to his own history. Robert will have to face challenges, hardships, triumphs, and failures to tackle the future and be the inevitable leader of germany in these trying times. =====Disclaimer===== I do not own any images nor any copyrighted characters in this novel. I also do not actively support any political nor extremist parties that will be mentioned in this novel.

VallerieTempest · その他
9 Chs

Chapter 3 - Progress is a Blessing

February 17th, 1920

Colognia, Germania

[Main Office of Fortuna Industries near the Capital]

[Robert's POV]

"I must say Mr. Bosch, I'm quite surprised on how much we achieved this pass few months." I said, marveling at the new machines that are fully operational with workers manning them like they know what they're doing.

"Don't give me credit Mr. Zettours, your work ethic, instruction, and business sense is what shocked me the most. I never thought of anything like it and I hope many companies follow your work ethic." Bosch said, still shocked at Zettours introducing a good minimum wage, along with reducing work hours to not burden the workforce.

Whats even more surprising to Bosch, is that the Ballpoint pens were a massive success with massive bulk orders that were announced later today. Some in the order tens of thousands of pens, which I'm grateful and happy for myself and for Mr. Zettour as well.

"We need to build new factories to accommodate the new demand, and to also produce new products in the future." I said, thinking of expanding to the Car business and eventually to military weapons. Our total earnings are just a drop in the bucket as the Inflation was starting to set in. Right now, for example, 10,000 marks is considered a bit good for an individual, but that could change in a heartbeat as the Weimara Republic is trying its best to mitigate the damage done on the economy.

It also didn't help that the Spanish flu spread throughout Europe and caused more deaths, even after the war hence hospitals are crowded as of the moment and adding to the reperations that Germania needed to pay, the Weimara Republic had no choice but to ask for loans from America and Britania.

I sighed for a brief moment as I pondered for a moment before having an idea popped up in my head.

"Mr. Bosch, I'm thinking of making our own brand of cigarattes and introduce it to the German population, and eventually to Europe as our high quality brand. Since you and I both know that cigarettes are popular now thanks to the great war." I said, thinking of ways to introduce said brand to the German market, and shipping it to America. Since America people at the time loved smoking a lot.

"It could work, since cigarettes that we have right now are not quite good at the British brand,, same with the French ones." Bosch said.

"I was thinking of adding like a menthol flavor for every whiff they take on our brand of smoke, and making it long and lasting as well. It shouldn't be weak, but not strong kick as well. Just enough for anaverage smoker to get by." I said, thinking of a logo already and planning to remodel one of the factories that Bosch has to manufacture cigarettes.

"How much would be a pack be?" Bosch questioning me on the price.

"2 RM a pack, and around $1 when we export it to America. We will emphasize in good quality and doesn't spoil easily. We will buy high quality goods to ensure that our cigarette will be the most preferred brand to smoke for smoke enjoyers." I said, effectively advertising the product itself in front of the workers and to Bosch, who seem interested in the idea and agreed to requisition his 4th factory to be a cigarette factory.

"Plus our Pens, especially the customer design ones are very popular and we will soon expand our company and build more factories to meet the demands of our customers." I said, as I stood up and grabbed my coat and a fedora and instructed Bosch as I prepared to leave the office and head to the Orphanage.

"Also Mr. Bosch, allocate some of our budget aside to build 2 more factories and we need them to be fully constructed within 2 years. Money is not an issue, time is." I said, before leaving the office and closing the door behind me.

"Of course Mr. Zettours, Of course... I wonder how far his ambition will go... And what is his end goal I wonder?" Bosch muttered to himself as he prepared a budget to build the factories that was instructed to him.

Outskirts of Colognia, Germania

[Orphanage bought and Aquired by Robert 2 months ago now renamed to (Angels of Fortuna)]

[Sister Christina (Newly Recruited spy under Robert's Command) POV]

I am Christina Meyer, a formal nurse, now this Orphanage that was bought by Mr. Zettours whom has given me instructions to teach the children to act as spies around the city of Colognia, basically acting acquiring information that was hard to get within the city and out.

As for me, he has also instructed me to teach the children everything they need to survive, and of course, to plant a seed to where they were saved by Mr. Zettours since he is the one paying for their food, education, needs, and their life.

As a nurse, I know this is wrong, but Mr. Zettour saved me multiple times for me to count and I accepted his order to make an 'Army' or what he calls it, to be loyal only to him in the future.

My thoughts were bothered by another sister knocking on the door as I answered.

"Come in" I said, and Sister Fran who was just her teens popped up on the door.

"Mr. Zettour is here Director." She said, feeling nervous.

"I see...Welcome him in Sister Fran. Thank you." I said, as I prepared myself to greet Mr. Zettour.

"Yes Director." She said, as she exited my office for a brief moment leaving the door open, and calling Mr. Zettour in.

Zettour himself appeared in my vision seconds later as Sister Fran closed the door behind him as I gestured to Mr. Zettour to sit down, to which he did.

"What brings you here Mr. Zettour?" I said, getting straight to the point, as he and I know we don't like to beat around the bush.

"How goes the education of the children?" He asked.

"So far, it's doing great, and the system you suggested, they absorbed it like a sponge. Once they grow older, they'll follow your orders and be loyal to you to the end." I said, not knowing what plans nor ambitions Mr. Zettour has for the children.

"And the other branches?" He said, referring to the other orphanages he bought under his name from the surrounding cities like Duesseldorf, Munich, Hamburg and Frankfurt.

"Aquisition is going well Mr. Zettour. No issues buying the orphanages and the establishments that you ordered." I said, as I took a sip of my coffee.

"Good. And how many children that are under our care as of today?" He inquired, wanting to calculate everything in his head on the exactly numbers he needed for his future plans.

"Around 6,730 Children from ages 5 to 17 and counting Mr. Zettour." I said, reciting the number by heart as I set the coffee down and grabbed the document on the desk and handed it to Mr. Zettour, whom had taken the said document and opened it, scanned through it and was happy with the numbers.

He handed the document back to me as I set it aside he spoke. "I'll give you more budget to buy off orphanages around the area, along with small restaurants and bars. You also have my authority to hire more people to expand our spy network within the cities that we have eyes on." He said.

"May I ask on what you'll do with the restaurants and bars that we will buy?" I asked, seemingly curious on why he's in a hurry to aquire more real estate.

"Because Director Christina, I plan to stockpile food as much as possible for the impending crisis hits Germania like a wave." He told the truth to me, which I knew just now how vulnerable Germania is to outside threats, even on the inside.

"How bad?" I said, horrified on what his answer might be.

"Riots, and killings will be on the streets, rationality will be replaced by anger, starvation, and on top of that, the treaty weighing down upon us like tons of steel." He grimly replied, painting a dark picture.

"Hence that's why I need your help Director. But all of my plans take time and time as you know it, is not on our side." He said, as he stood up and walked towards the door as he looked at me again.

"I have grand plans for Germania, Director. And I will not see Germania burn before my dreams and goals are realized." He said, before opening the door and leaving me stunned and shocked.

After what seems like hours, my shock wore off as I knew my orders were on a time limit, I quickly called Sister Laura that was in charge of our finances and quickly told her the new orders that were given to us by Mr. Zettour, and they must be executed as quickly as possible and as for me I quickly got to work as well, doing my utmost to 'Educate the children' and be useful to Mr. Zettour.. No to our future leader of Germania...im sure of it.

[A few days later, Inside the Main office of Robert.]

[11:28 PM]

[3rd Person POV]

A man in his late thirties was sweating a bit as he was standing in front of Mr. Zettour who he has approached him in acquiring warehouses for storage. Of course, he was ecstatic on finally someone finally buying the warehouses that weren't used after the war ended. But after he entered Mr. Zettours office, he knew he had to succeed here because if he didn't successfully sell his warehouses, he would have nothing to feed to his family since he almost went bankrupt when the war ended and through sheer luck, manage to survive by selling half of his assets to the bank. Right now, his storage company is on the verge of bankruptcy, and if he didn't find a client or a buyer of his company, he would be effectively penniless and his family be left to starve in the streets.

That's why he needs to succeed in negotiating a fair price to Mr. Zettour and not hopefully be robbed of an unfair deal.

"Mr. Felix is it?" Robert said, looking up from the document he had in his hand for a brief moment as Robert was still scanning through the company log books of Mr. Felix's storage company.

"Yes, what do you need to know Mr. Zettour?" He spoke nervously.

"Let me be frank with you Mr. Felix. Why are you so eager to sell me your company?" Robert said, wanting to know why, but he knew the reason why, he just wanted Felix to say it with his own words as validation.

"I... Cannot sustain the upkeep and the bank loans that I made before the war...and if I don't pay the remaining ballance, the bank would forcefully take my company away from me and my remaining assets as collateral. I would have nothing to feed my family. " He said, his shoulders sagging as he looked upset, knowing the truth stung and his pride bruised.

Mr. Bosch, who was also in the office could emphatize with the man, since the bank loan interests were brutal and knowing Felix's future, it was grim. But he was waiting for Robert's response on either if he will help the man or abandon him to his fate.

"Mr. Felix." Robert set down the document and stood up to approach Felix and wanted to be straight with the man. "Your company... As I hope you understand, if we do buy it, it will be absorbed by us, and you will lose your ownership status. Are you fine with that?" He said.

Mr. Felix blinked his tears away as he stared at Robert with shaking confidence. "Yes. I'm willing to lose it all to save my family."

Robert was surprised since a man like Felix was rare in this time period, and he respected it. Hence he will give Felix a chance to redeem himself by saying the words that shocked Bosch and Felix.

"Then, I'll rehire you as one of the managers of handling our warehouses. In addition, I'll give you new orders to stockpile food, preferably food that can be stored long term, canned goods, and I want you to introduce me to someone inside the shipping business. You have connections still am I right Mr. Felix? " Robert smiled as he patted Felix's shoulder as Felix replied enthusiastically.

"Yes! I mean, Yes, Sir. I'll introduce you to him in a later date. Thank you giving me this chance Sir Zettour I won't disappoint." He said, excited for his new position and drive to help Sir Zettours company to prosper.

"Good you're dismissed. Don't forget my orders." Robert said, waving his hand like nothing big happened.

Felix just smiled and left immediately to break news to his family first, and to continue Robert's orders.

"I'm surprised you're merciful Sir Zettour." Bosch said.

"Well, sometimes mercy is a blessing. Speaking of blessings, have you found a contractor willing to build us new factories? " He inquired from Bosch, whom replied.

"Yes. They said they can build it in under 2 years. He also said, with the extra pay that you give them, they will work 24/7even and with quality materials to ensure the factories won't collapse." Bosch said.

"Good. Because I have new orders for you." Robert said, looking at Bosch with a fresh look, mischievous even.

Puzzled, Bosch asked Robert on what orders that'll be.

"Head to a Automotive Company and ask around if any accept custom orders to build a truck from the ground up. Or even better, a failing automotive that we can buy ourselves." Robert grinned devilishly.

"Wh-what are you planning Sir Zettour?" Bosch said, gulping his fear down.

"The future of Germania my friend. The Future of its people." Robert said, as he turned around to look down at the window and stare at the people of Germania citizen who were suffering from hunger, and even lack of pride. A sense of nationality. All of it, Robert will revitalize and bring back Germanian pride. All he needs is time.

Hello! It's me again your quirky newbie author vallerie.

Sorry took a long while to make chapter 3 as for chapter 4 I need to brainstorm and research a bit to make my story believable or semi realistic so I won't be hammered with the words like unrealistic or impossible

I'm only making plausible scenarios after all.

Until next tim on chapter 4!

Any comments or suggestions I'm open down below!

Your quirky and friendly author, Vallerie

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