
For Our Happier Path

[COMPLETED] "I don't just want a happy ending. Instead of having one after suffering so much, why couldn't we have a happy, happier path that leads to a happy ending for us?" --------- Chisaka Hisaki and Saeki Heisuke only met each other in the latter half of their lives. Deep scars wounded their hearts yet, they found comfort and healing in each other. After her husband's death, despite feeling grateful for the years they had spent together, regret still pulled at Hisaki's heart. She hoped for them to meet earlier. She hoped for them to have a happier path, from the beginning to the end. After another night of missing her husband's presence, Hisaki found that she wasn't in their tiny little home! She was back to the decades in the past! Her youth returned to her in a mysterious yet magical way. Alright! Since it had come to this, she could realize her unrealistic thoughts! First, she had to run away from the abusive man her grandfather forced her to marry for money. Second, she had to search for her old man. And the most important thing! She had to prevent her old man from being imprisoned! The younger Heisuke almost accidentally killed someone due to his thirst for revenge. Despite escaping death row, he still suffered a decade in prison. After her initial plan succeeded, she finally met him! The quiet young man was really him. Even though he didn't show it to anyone, she knew how soft and colorful his heart was; as soft as cotton candy, as colorful as the balls of yarns. Heisuke eyed the new girl in town with suspicions but, his heart felt strange. It went doki-doki. Could anyone tell him, why this girl's eyes twinkled like the stars whenever they saw each other? ------------------ Commissioned cover by yuuri_e (Instagram). Exclusively for this book. Discord: hansora#1507 Instagram: hansora_author

hansora · 都市
409 Chs

Dont... Don't Hit Me!

"Dear guests, we have arrived at our last destination, Kaagawa City Station..."

The pleasant-sounding voice announced their arrival at Kaagawa City train station. The passengers began to alight the train. The noise stirred Hisaki up. She groggily opened her eyes.

"...when did I fall asleep?"

Hisaki rubbed her eyes a few times, trying to chase the sleepiness away. She looked outside the window. A welcome signboard was displayed on one of the platforms.

While waiting for the other passengers to depart, Hisaki looked into her belongings. She also didn't forget to check her new phone.

There were no new messages or calls from Mari or Takuya. The last time they texted her was when she was still in the capital station four hours earlier.

Hisaki shouldered her backpack. Her sling bag was placed in front of her. In small steps, she made her way out of the train.


Hisaki was dumbfounded to see the scene outside the train.

There was no one here!

"What's... happening?"

Hisaki swore she saw groups of people walking here and there on the platform before she alighted the train. Now, not a single soul could be seen. She also couldn't hear the faint sound of people walking or dragging their suitcases.

Where did they vanish to?

Hisaki had a bad feeling. She quickened her pace as she headed to the terminal. The sound of her steps echoed loudly in the quiet station.

'Where did everyone go?'

Hisaki continued running until she bumped into a figure at an intersection. She almost fell down. Despite that, she was glad to finally find a person. She quickly rebalanced her feet and lifted up her gaze.


Hisaki froze in shock.

"Hey, where are you going, my dear future wife? Didn't you say you'd accompany me tonight?"

What this man was doing here?

Igarashi Keigo had a menacing smile on his lips. His handsome face appeared twisted with his eyes glinting sinisterly.

"You... don't think you could take me away!"

Hisaki quickly turned around. Her waist was yanked from behind. In the next second, her back collided against the man's chest.

"Well, well, since you're misbehaving, I should teach you a lesson, right?"

Hisaki's fear soared up. Tears welled up in her eyes. Panic made her stop thinking rationally.

"No... no, let me go! Please, please... let me go... Don't... don't hit me!"

Hisaki choked on her sobs. Frightening images of the past flashed one by one in her mind.

Whenever she talked back to him or refused to do anything he ordered, Igarashi Keigo would drag her inside their bedroom. He did all the unspeakable acts just to make her submit to his will.

No amount of her cries and pleadings would make him stop. As long as he was not satisfied, she could only suffer under his torture.

There were times Hisaki really wanted to slice her wrist and neck with a sharp blade to end her agony.

"Let me go... You demon! Let me go!"

She might have just died than succumbed to him!

"Beast! Let me go!"

A hand touched her shoulders without her realizing it.

"...okay? Could you hear me?"

Hisaki abruptly opened her eyes. She sucked in a sharp breath. The suffocating feeling was still wrapping around her throat.

A young woman who sat next to her looked at her worriedly. She waved a hand before Hisaki's eyes.

"Miss, are you alright? Did you have a nightmare? Ah, have some water, here."

Hisaki patted her face a few times, trying to clear her mind from that man's sinister image.

Did she really have a nightmare?

Hisaki shook her head. As she properly looked back at the woman, she murmured a thank you before drinking the water.

"Sorry... I must have frightened you," Hisaki's mood was still tense, "Did I talk a lot in my sleep?"

The young woman denied with a shake of her head, "You looked so uncomfortable. En, I did hear you're asking for help but, your words were not clear."

Hisaki didn't know what should she feel now. She didn't expect to have a nightmare like that.

If Igarashi Keigo really appeared in front of her, what should she do?

Did it mean she couldn't escape from her Fate in her previous life? Would she need to endure his abuse for years again before she could go to Heisuke?

Hisaki's face turned ghastly pale. Her entire body shivered when such a possibility flashed in her mind.

The young woman noticed the change in Hisaki's expression. She gently tapped her hand on Hisaki's back.

"Miss, if you need it, I can help you," said the young woman in earnest, "Are you heading to Kaagawa City Station? It's the last station for this route."

"En, yes... I'm heading there," replied Hisaki quietly. She put on a smile, "Thank you, but, I'm okay. It's just a nightmare."

The young woman didn't press on the issue. She returned the smile, "Good. We're getting closer. Ah, we're here."

Hisaki followed the young woman's line of gaze. Both of them looked out of the window.

The train speed slowed down gradually, allowing them to see the outside clearly. The intercome made a ding sound before an attendant made an announcement.

"Dear guests, we have arrived at Kaagawa City Station. Please make sure you have your belongings with you before leaving the train. Thank you for using our service. Have a good day."

Hisaki sighed in relief.

Finally, she arrived at this place. The view of the platform was different from the one she saw in her nightmare.

He won't be here.

She really hoped he was already arrested by the police at this time.

Hisaki and the young woman got out of the train at the same time. They followed the groups of people heading to the main terminal.

The young woman was half a head taller than Hisaki. Her long bangs framed her face while she kept her hair in a low ponytail. She only had a sling bag on her.

While walking on the platform, the young woman asked Hisaki, "I don't think you're a local. Your accent isn't like ours. Kaagawa City is big. Do you have a specific place to go?"

"I'm going to Konomiya Town," Hisaki was getting friendlier with the young woman, "It's really my first time here. Hehe, trying to start a new life."

"Oh? Really? I live there!" The young woman's eyes brightened, "What's your name? My name is Kubota Kurumi. Maybe we can be friends?"

"I'm Chisaka Hisaki," replied Hisaki with a smile, "If it's alright, I'm glad to be friends with you, Ms. Kubota."

"Haha, I can show you around the town. Have you booked a cab? If not, you can have a ride with me. My friend will come to pick me up."

"My friend's relative will come for me. We're supposed to meet outside the arrival gate."

Before Hisaki hopped into the train heading to Kaagawa City, she contacted Mrs. Ikeda. The woman told her that she would be waiting for her even before the estimated arrival time.

Hisaki and Ms. Kubota reached the entrance of the gate. The former looked around the place, trying to find a familiar face.

"Have you met them before? Why don't you try contacting them?"

Ms. Kubota's words startled Hisaki. She had forgotten that she was supposed to have yet to meet the Ikeda family members.

"Haha, you're right. I'll... Ah! Here they are!"

Hisaki spotted a woman holding a placard with her name written on it. She smiled widely the moment she realized it was Ikeda Mayuka who held it.

Hisaki reminded herself to not act too familiar with both Mrs. Ikeda and her daughter. If not, she might scare them away.

"Oh? Mayuka? She comes to get you?"

Ms. Kubota looked delighted. Hisaki blinked at her in confusion.

"Do you know her?"

"Of course! We live in the same neighborhood!"

Hisaki grew more confused.

In her previous life, Hisaki hadn't seen Ms. Kubota anywhere. Did this young woman move away when she first come to the town?

Happy weekend! Oh, I have a story recommendation. Falling for His Prisoner by PerkyPompous_Pixie. I usually don't read mafia/billionaire books (although I have CEO MLs) because, in most, the leads would quickly have sexual tension, something that I dislike. I'm also not comfortable with some domineering and controlling MLs in this genre but, FFHP is really good! The ML and FL are both interesting in their own ways. I really recommend you to check out the book. The author's writing is excellent too.

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